The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1211: goddess! It's time to meet the conditions

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Everyone is a smart person. Hearing the screams of the Bright Lady, she understands that something is wrong. Hurrying up one by one, I quickly checked the storage bracelet. Then they were stunned one by one.

Because the storage bracelet has a total of 60 cubic meters, which is the best among the best.

Not only that, the storage bracelet is also piled with 30 cubic meters of resources. Most of them are some rare materials, minerals, fur, crystal nucleus, weaponry and so on.

In particular, the amount of materials inside the crystal nucleus and monsters is simply terrifying, and many of them are still bloody. It seems that Ampezong Xiu, after becoming a demigod, has swept through a large wave of secrets.

Those who do not agree to be his gods, or the weak monsters and monsters, have all been hit by his poisonous hands.

The women looked at each other, shaky.

There is no doubt that the storage bracelet left by An Pei Zongxiu contains far more value than others add up. And it is not over doubled, but six or seven times ...

There is only one question in everyone's mind, is Ampezong Xiu crazy? How many monsters and demons he robbed, even human sect.

After the women's football team froze for more than a minute, they all looked at Wang Yan.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Wang Yan looked "stunned" and said innocently, "Dear sisters, sisters and aunts, how can you look so bad?"

"Xiao Yan, how can you bully people like this?" Linghu Yaojue twisted his ears angrily. "Aren't you always adding my aunt? Then my elders, I will teach you today. You less Give me an innocent look, obviously you already know how many treasures are in the storage bracelet of An Pei Zongxiu, but you still have to play a play, which makes people think that it is empty. "

"Hiss ~" Wang Yan said in distress, "Can this be blamed on me? I said that Zong Xiu's storage bracelet was given to Shiva, but you have to use the villain's heart to measure the belly of a gentleman."

"Heart of a villain?"

Undoubtedly, the remarks of the Pharaoh angered the public, and there were six girls on the scene, so that he immediately got a good understanding of what the tigress is not to provoke?

"Ouch, ouch. I was wrong, I just played around."

"Hey, female supergirl, you're going to fight back. What is it to feel it?"

"Lulu, Lulu, I'll turn your face like this."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I sincerely realized my mistake."


At this time, the drunken Lei Bang seemed to wake up the country. But as soon as he saw such a violent scene, he quickly continued to "sleep" in the past at the fastest speed, making a joke. Now, if he goes to help, he will follow the thunder.

After five or six minutes, Wang Yan lay on the ground in a large font, and one of them was brutally ravaged ~

The six females, without the addition of the seven females of Babe, are full of red light, a sense of satisfaction after eating and drinking.

"Lao Wang, to be honest, I want to beat you for a long time." Gao Mingyue said.

"Yes, yes, I actually wanted to beat him long ago, just because he can't beat him alone."

"Second brother, I didn't mean it."

"Xiao Yan, you are kind."

The coolest thing is the goddess Shiva, who has suffered a lot from Wang Yan, but this guy is very powerful. He couldn't beat him, how long he had held his anger, he hadn't shown it yet. This time, she finally vented all her anger that had accumulated for a long time. She felt like she was eating ginseng fruit, and she felt so trembling that her soul was throbbing.

"Actually, I really only want to make jokes." Wang Yan's bruised face and smirk continued. "Before I asked Her Royal Highness to help the refiner, I was repeatedly humiliated. I just wanted a little revenge. These things must be scored. It's definitely not black gold and black equipment. How can you treat me like this? Heaven, earth, why did Wang Yan suffer like this? "

The Shiva goddess in this box was upset and said angrily: "Wang Yan what are you talking about? What do you mean to be repeatedly humiliated by me? Since you stepped on my Indian kingdom, have you been humiliating the goddess?"

"Giggle ~" Linghu Yaojue smiled happily, "Actually everyone knows that you are really just kidding, not trying to swallow loot alone."

"That still hit me?" Wang Yan looked sad.

"That's because you usually do too much, and there are too many people who want to beat you." Gao Mingyue clapped his hands, and he was also satisfied, "There is usually no chance to beat you, and now everyone is unanimously working together to exhale."

"Okay, okay, everyone is angry, and the joke is off." Wang Yan stood up with a carp, "This tower of destruction can't be kept, or it will enter the stage of space collapse after a long time. Take a walk. , Everybody went out to share the loot. "

Wang Yan is not joking about this, everyone can tell.

As a result, each acted quickly. Those who would still stay on the remaining floors of the Tower of Destruction were rescued or arrested one after another. As for Wang Yan, he forcibly took away the eight artifacts of the artifact, and then quickly walked out of the Tower of Destruction.


Amidst the thunderous thunder, the space where the Tower of Destruction was constantly collapsing, crushing it into fragments, then disappeared without a trace. Goddess Shiva stood on the square, with a sad look in her eyes, and the tower of destruction that had been passed down for thousands of years was gone.

Fortunately, the eye of destruction of Lord Shiva is still there, otherwise, Lord Shiva really regrets her life.

Subsequently, Wang Yan divided the loot, and even August and the Queen of the Spider also divided a small amount of money. In his words, it was the appearance of the hatred, and how much was calculated.

"Lao Wang, enough brothers, woo ~~ I lived in my thirties, and you are the true brother." The golden lion sword Auguste gave Wang Yan a hug, "I will definitely Try to break through to the legend, and then we will have a good fight. "

"Go, don't come with me." Wang Yan pushed him away in disgust, "I'm not GAY."

"Hello, it's illegal to discriminate against GAY." Auguste's cheeky face.

"If you don't break the law in our country, use your Mi Di's set to restrain me."

"Giggle ~" Queen of Spiders smiled and came together, "Son of Flame, I'm a beauty. To thank you, I can do anything." Said, winking.

Wang Yan felt cold and avoided a few steps. Rao is that he is already legendary, and he is not willing to provoke the Queen of Spiders.

It is now.

The goddess Shiva bowed deeply to Wang Yan: "Wang Yan, thank you. If it weren't for you this time, our Shiva **** would be in trouble."

"Thank you, don't thank me." Wang Yan chuckled, "Yes, did your highness goddess forget, did you owe me an arbitrary request?"

The goddess Shiva was taken aback for a moment, but immediately said seriously: "Don't ask what you want, son of flames, or I can help you to the refiner immediately."

"Forge or something, just get rid of it." Wang Yan leaned on his chin and thought for a while, then said, "So, I'm not embarrassed. Just like last time, learn three times in front of everyone Dog barking. "

Three dog barks!

Suddenly, Shiva's face was red and white, and she stared at Wang Yan in disbelief.

If we want to expel one of the most shameful events in the life of Lord Shiva, there is no doubt that he learned three dog barks in public. But Wang Yan, but asked her to repeat it again.


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