The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1212: Why did you want to pay it back?

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Not only was Lord Shiva dumbfounded, even Wang Yan ’s friends were dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me?

Everyone was dumbfounded and could not believe the condition proposed by Wang Yan.

This is Shiva, how dare he look like this? No, no, he was so daring. After all, he had already worked once in China before. With one condition, Goddess Shiva had to learn three dog barks.

But he once again used his precious opportunity to let the goddess Shiva learn three more dog barks.

The atmosphere at the scene was silent.

"Cough ~" After a long time, the golden lion sword Auguste broke the silence. "Lao Wang, actually just before, I still don't convince you. I believe that with my talent and hard work, sooner or later Keep up with you. But now, I have to say that you are too good. I will serve you August, and I will always serve you. "

At the moment it was already in the square, all the rebellious Dongying people had been arrested, and the young people were still carnival. But unexpectedly, such a big news broke out.

"Lao Wang, are you interesting? What kind of hatred does the goddess have against you?" Gao Mingyue pulled Wang Yan's arm, crying and laughing, "You use this condition to let your goddess help you refine more Oh wow. Even if you have other ways, let the goddess owe you a good relationship, and sooner or later you can use it. "

"Mingyue, you made a good point." Wang Yan nodded and said, "But I love watching Goddess Her Royal Highness learn to bark."

Gao Mingyue beats the show, okay, Comrade Laowang, you won. You bull, are you headstrong?

"Hey hey ~"

The most exciting is the students of Wang Yan, who are a new generation of young people in China. For older generations like Yan Zun, they are not interested at all. On the contrary, it is the admiration and admiration of President Wang Yan.

This is not just based on the super strength of President Wang, but his style of behavior, which is really pleasant and fits the appetite of young people.

"I'll just say, this time President Wang came to India, it wasn't for the purpose of refining sub-artifacts or something." Zhao Chengtian, a young red-haired middle school student, shouted with both eyes bright, "His old man is pure After doing nothing, I went to India and continued to beat Shiva. "

"Principal Wang is so handsome." The little girl An An also cheered with her fists waving, "Just let the old woman know and know that no one should provoke our principal Wang."

old woman?

The Shiva goddess who heard all of this was dizzy and crumbling. Today, she is only more than 30 years old. Throughout the ancient and modern super energy circles, she can become a legendary man in her 30s.

Even Yan Zun, the first person on earth today, was promoted to legend only at the age of forty.

Suddenly becoming an old woman, it was really not suitable. However, she was still unable to refute. The little girl An An was only twelve or thirteen years old and should be the youngest superpower in the audience.

Shiva, the goddess of rebirth, will not go to a little girl. As a result, she had to send a full of anger to Wang Yan, saying one by one: "Son of flames, you are really full and have nothing to do, do you come far away to entertain me?"

Wang Yan looked at her with grievance and said, "His Royal Highness, I am also for your sake."

For my good?

Shiva Goddess fainted, you asked me to learn three dog barks in public, for my own good? This is really unbearable.

"You don't want to learn how to bark." Wang Yan pondered with his chin up. "Actually, I still have many ways ..."

In the next moment, goose bumps of the goddess Shiva came out, and her tail vertebrae were chilling. She seemed to think of it. The ghost of the son of the flame is unparalleled in the world. I don't know how long his brain circuit is, but if something messy happens, no one can match him.

Learning dog barking is indeed embarrassing, but what if he does something more embarrassing? In fact, even her Shiva goddess can come up with many more tragic things than learning to bark in a short time.

She blushed and glared: "Well, you won, the son of flames." If you let yourself imagine, Shiva and Goddess will have to worry about standing here without courage.

"Wang Wangwang ~"

Three times the dog barked, and the Shiva goddess felt ashamed of her shame, and wished she could find a hole in the ground.

"Ah ~" Zhang Wei, a wretched man, sighed, "Headmaster Wang of our family is really a wizard. Run for thousands of miles and only ask you to hear three barking dogs."

The whole scene also boiled, the son of the flames was too great, and actually made the Shiva goddess learn three barks. Except for those young people who were descendants of the gods, such as mourning examination, the rest were full of excitement.

In this place, Shiva Goddess can't really stay any longer. She said to Wang Yan with full anger, "Son of Flame, are you satisfied now? Hurry up and give me the Eye of Destruction, I will go back to life."

Eye of destruction? With a blank expression on his face, Wang Yan held the Eye of Destruction twice and said, "What is the realm of the Eye of Destruction and I am dissatisfied? Why should I return you to the Eye of Destruction that I robbed by myself?"


There was a surge of blood and blood in the goddess Shiva, and he nearly bleeds, "What is it that was snatched by my own ability? The eye of destruction is a **** of our Shiva religion, and of course you have to pay me back."

"Let's take a good look at it." Wang Yan thought about it. "The original attribution of the Eye of Destruction is, of course, Shiva's religion, and everyone has no objection about this point. But then, the Eye of Destruction was adopted by An Pei Zongxiu. I robbed it, and you didn't have the ability to take it back at that time, it was Ampezongxiu's stuff. My eye of destruction, but I robbed it from Ampezongxiu, what does it have to do with your Shiva religion? "

"It's like when the Eight-Power Allied Forces robbed us of many precious treasures from our Huaxia Kingdom. Will your Shiva goddesses rob them of some cultural relics and return them to our Huaxia Kingdom?"

Uh ... It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. The goddess Shiva was stunned by Wang Yan, and he felt like he made some sense. No, she changed her mind, and it was clearly ridiculous. She said angrily: "This eye of destruction is a treasure given to us by Lord Shiva. In the final analysis, it is the god-religious artifact of Shiva. Son of Flame, you are less here to bend the goddess."

"I want to get to the bottom with me, right?" Wang Yan sneered sneered, "Your Highness is the Aryan race? You Aryan race, have you lived in this land of India since ancient times? After all, this large place in India belongs to the original aboriginal place. You also occupied the place and did not return it, and then used the caste system to suppress the local aborigines to pigs and dogs? Or would you like Shiva Okay, return the Indian land to the indigenous people? "

"You ..." Goddess Shiva was trembling with rage, "Wang Yan, this is not the same thing at all."

"Okay, in short, what I robbed of An Pei Zongxiu from my hands is Wang Yan's." Wang Yan calmly said, "Actually, you know that the fist in this world is the truth, you must have the ability Or you can grab it back. "


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