The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1219: Hell, here I come

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"Oh, uh ~"

Wang Yan flicked a few rays of light at the succubus.

Succubus jade swept the hand, took a look, and found that it turned out to be three bottles of S + grade inner pill essence. She immediately knelt down in front of Wang Yan excitedly, "Thank you master for the reward, Meier will find a closed door and break through."

S + level inner pill essence can almost be regarded as the most top inner pill essence in the world today, even if it is effective for S level strong man. And the succubus is only one line away from the breakthrough. These three bottles of S + grade inner dan essence are enough for her to break her shackles and become a legend.

Of course, the essence of S + grade inner pill is also Wang Yan's generosity to others, all of which are loot obtained from An Pei Zongxiu.

Today, Wang Yan ’s combat effectiveness is already extraordinary. The help of the half-step S-level subordinates has been minimal. Only when he reaches the legendary subordinates can he help him, thus smashing resources and enhancing the power of the succubus. It is very necessary.

After solving the succubus, Wang Yan focused on the three-legged Jinwu. Although that guy has only a ray of residual soul, after all, its deity is a deity, and it grows very fast.

At this time, it has also reached the half-step S level, and the body has gradually become virtual, and has the image of a three-legged Jinwu. The red-white flame haunted and vomited, emitting a blazing glow. And in that blazing light, there is also a trace of Buddhist spirituality.

"呱呱 ~" The spirits of the three-legged Jinwu are arrogant, "The God of God has also reached the half-step S level, one step further from the restoration of the true strength of the God of God. Wang Yan, do n’t quickly provide treasure resources to help the God of God break through legend."

"Noisy ~" Wang Yan slapped it a dozen meters away with a slap, and glanced at the three-legged Jinwu angrily. "Dare you dare to talk to me again, I will send you back to the Sun Temple, let Miao Yi tightens your bones. "

"No." Upon hearing Miao Yi's name, the arrogant three-legged Jinwu immediately turned into a small quail and embraced Wang Yan's thigh with his wings, "Boss, I am wrong, don't ever Send me back to the Sun Temple. It ’s a big deal, what will you say later, boss? "

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan held out a palm, and a vast sea of ​​breath spewed out of his palm, and instantly turned into a raging flame, covering the three-legged golden black.

The three-legged Jinwu is known as the sun god. In fact, it is a galaxy beast with flame rank reaching the solar level. It reaches the adult three-legged Jinwu. The flame emanating from the whole body makes it look like a little sun.

Even, they can live in the sun and absorb the essence of the sun to improve themselves.

As a result, the three-legged Jinwu is usually regarded as the son of the sun.

In the ancient Chinese mythology, when the three-legged golden black traveled the sky, it was mistaken for the sun. This is exactly the reason for the myth story of Hou Yi shooting the sun. But in essence, the three-legged Jinwu is just a creature, not the sun.

The best nutrient for the growth of the three-legged Jinwu is undoubtedly the essence of the sun.

And Wang Yan's flame quality has reached the point above the sun and below the extreme sun. Although the number is too small compared to the sun, it can meet the growth of the three-legged Jinwu at this stage, and it is not a big problem.

"Ah ~" The three-legged Jinwu screamed excitedly, greedily swallowing Wang Yan's true fire, and at the same time its body also gradually expanded from dark red to light golden transition.

I don't know how long it took, the true energy in Wang Yan's body gradually ran out, and the flames in his palm seemed to be weakening.


An ancient and vast atmosphere filled the three-legged golden black body like a rising sun in the sky, dazzling and burning skin.

Even Wang Yan and other powerful men can feel the endless heat wave emanating from it, faintly burning.

"Ah ~"

The three-legged Jinwu cleared with a cry, the sound of which sounded like Hong Zhong, shocked the hearts of the people.

"This guy ~" Wang Yan felt the powerful and terrifying breath on his body, and he immediately understood that this second-handed crow may not be bragging. It used to be a god-level existence.

If not, would it break through the legendary level at this time, wouldn't it lead to Heaven Tribulation?

Not long ago in India, Wang Yan had fought with several legendary Dongying monsters. Compared with the two, Wang Yan still feels that the three-legged Jinwu is better than more than one in essence. Even if it has just recovered its legendary strength, it will definitely not be inferior to any Dongying monster in singles fighting alone.

"呱呱 ~" After being promoted, the three-legged Jinwu began to fly around the sky, and the proud spiritual fluctuations dissipated in all directions. Seed genes spread to the entire universe. "

"This idiot!"

With a drop of cold sweat, Wang Yan felt a little embarrassing.

Finally, there is the hairy crab clawless intestine. Wang Yan did not know that the clawless intestine is the most powerful hairy crab in history, but its comprehensive strength is already very strong. Since following Wang Yan, it has a lot of adventures and benefits.

And once it has eaten an evolutionary crystal, it has produced mutations. From the perspective of qualification and adult length, it is definitely not inferior to any top blood monster.

Wang Yan is looking forward to the evolutionary journey of a hairy crab, and will one day be among the stars.

In the same way, Wang Yan gave it a lot of resources without hesitation, hoping that it can enter the legend as soon as possible.


The next few days.

Under the auspices of Linghu Yaojue, the opening of the copy of **** is rapidly advancing.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, there is an uninhabited deep mountain and old forest.

Buzz ~

Dozens of helicopters lined up in the air.

Well-trained professional soldiers have opened up an open space in the deep mountain old area. Here, they are going to build a strong fortress. The only purpose is to **** the **** operation.

Several white-bearded elders are commanding the construction of a giant space teleportation array, and countless valuable materials are not piled up like money.

In this place, it is the point where the **** plane and the earth plane are connected in the four-dimensional space. There are hundreds of such points on the four-dimensional level in the world, but not every one of them is suitable for establishing a plane transmission channel.

The space nodes here are relatively stable, and they are in a no-man's land, which can be mobilized to protect them.

The plane of **** is too dangerous. What if a bunch of **** creatures attack the earth through space nodes? Therefore, the stationing of the army and superpowers is inevitable. At the most critical juncture, even large nuclear bombs can be used.

This construction is another month.

This copy of **** advances to the base and has been built in sevens and eights. The main thing is that this space teleportation array is ready.

at this time.

Wang Yan was standing in the teleportation array wearing the sub-artifact armor that he named "Vulcan Armor". The immobile king Liulijin's body turned to the extreme, his qi was released, and his defense was fully on.

Although this space teleportation array has been tested three times, Wang Yan still dare not care.

It is a very dangerous thing to pierce the plane node, and it is very dangerous to go through the plane. Only the legendary strongman can face some space storms.

"Director, I'm ready." Wang Yan took a deep breath.

"The plane of hell, the space teleportation started!" Linghu Yaojue cast Wang Yan a careful look and issued an order.

Wang Yan's heart is slightly nervous, and full of excitement, hell, I'm here!


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