The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1220: Trip to hell

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Huge energy was infused into the teleportation array, the nodes were lit up one by one, and a beam of light burst out. All of a sudden, all the beams of light converged into a huge beam of light, which burst out like a laser beam.


The space node was heavily hit, trembling violently, twisting, and rumbling thunder.

Earth civilization is far from what modern humans look like, so a civilization with a simple structure. In the billions of years after the birth of the earth, I do not know how many alien civilizations have landed on the earth. Perhaps it is a hurried visit, or it may be to spread some cultural knowledge.

And modern humans are by no means the first intelligent population on earth. According to various signs and evidence, the rise of civilization on earth is at least the fifth time so far. The previous four civilizations have risen, and they have completely disappeared.

Human beings are by no means the most powerful of these five civilizations.

Take the beautiful corpse Miao Yi that Wang Yan met, for example, she is the descendant of the first civilized three-eyed tribe. Unfortunately, she only survived in the form of a zombie.

Alien, native, and ancient heritages left on earth are numerous.

Using the law of heaven and earth to arrange the array method is not too rare for the current people on earth. As far as the Chinese nation is concerned, there are still many people who specialize in studying the rune formation system. The original large array is to be driven, using the energy of the world.

But Huaxia's Rune Science and Technology Research Institute, as if it had been hung up, actually developed and used nuclear energy to recharge the world. Although this technology is far from mature, it can already be used reluctantly.

At the node of the violently twisting space, a black dot of the size of a needle eye suddenly appeared. The black dot was rotating like a vortex, growing larger and larger, and almost five or six meters in diameter in the blink of an eye.

Even Wang Yan and other strengths felt that the black vortex exuded a tingling breath.

How great is the universe of heaven and earth, even if it is a legendary strong who has mastered some laws of heaven and earth, it seems to be small and weak. Wang Yan believes that if he dares to break into that black vortex, he will be crushed into powder in less than a second.


In the teleportation method, another beam of light blasted on the black vortex, and the powerful energy made it stop. The space vortex with a diameter of several meters is actually only enough for one person to walk through.

Wang Yan didn't hesitate, he was full of energy, exuding bursts of golden light, like a raging King Kong under the kingdom of Buddha, rising from the sky, and rushing through the vortex of the stopped space.

As soon as he passed by, the vortex of the space that was being blown up was turbulent and quickly returned to its original state.

In the air, calm again.

At the same time, all this was captured by countless high-end detectors and passed back to the institute. A large number of scientists studied these precious data overnight. The abyssal war is on the verge, and under the oppression of mankind, it has exploded its infinite potential.

On the surface, everything looks similar, but in fact, major organizations around the world have gone all out to operate, and various powerful weapons that were originally prohibited are constantly being developed and manufactured.

For space shuttle technology, it is the top priority of human research and development. According to the highest instructions of the Earth Disaster Resistant Command, the best defense is to attack. There is a high possibility that human beings will lead the advanced attack on the abyss and prevent the plane of the earth from being crushed.

All this has nothing to do with Wang Yan for the time being.

In just a moment, he has broken through the nodes of four-dimensional space and three-dimensional space. It is also in this short moment that he has arrived in another world.

The heat wave with a thick sulphur smell came out of the air, and the smoked Wang Yan's nose was also hot.

Ordinary people who are not awakened, I am afraid that they will not be able to persist for a few seconds, and they will be smoked into sulfur dried meat by that heat wave. Fortunately, Wang Yan has long been a legendary figure, with a very strong body, and even cultivated the golden body of the unmoving Ming Wang Liuli.

Even in terms of physique, there are very few who can break his wrist with him in the same order.

Just in an instant, Wang Yan adapted to it, looking at a scene very different from the earth. There are boiling magma lakes everywhere, and red and red magma, like tide waves, tumbling endlessly.

Not far away, there are several volcanoes spraying thick black smoke, standing tall, especially those thick black smoke, like a giant dragon, rushing into the air for tens of miles, magnificent.

Wang Yan has also seen on the earth, and even dominated volcanic eruptions.

But compared to the volcanoes on the earth, it is like the ratio of firecrackers and cannons. Wang Yan has every reason to believe that even if the largest Olympus volcano in the solar system was placed in this world in its heyday, it was just a small volcano.

Looking at the earth, only the small subspace where the ancient flame demon lives under Wang Yan's head is slightly similar to this space.

"Hiss ~" Wang Yan took a deep breath. In addition to the thick sulfur smell, the flame element was extremely energy-rich. Just a deep breath, he could feel his vitality grow stronger.

Don't underestimate the strength of this half-strength qi machine, in fact, to the level of Wang Yan, every bit of progress is hard-won.

It can also be seen from this that the abundance of free energy in this space far exceeds the space of the earth. The creatures living in this environment, even if they do not understand cultivation, will be many times stronger than the creatures on earth.

In those molten rivers or molten lakes, there seem to be many living creatures. Wang Yan's spiritual power has enveloped a radius of more than a dozen miles, and even found that there are several breaths that have reached the level A.

You have to know that on the earth, the strength has reached A level, and it is already considered to be the leader of the dominant party. And here, the existence of Class A seems to be everywhere.

Those A-level existences also perceive Wang Yan's spiritual insight. They quickly shrunk their heads, drew their bodies into the depths of the magma in horror, and dared not challenge Wang Yan.

It seems that the fact that the fist and the big arm are thick is common to any corner of the universe.

Wang Yan did not take care of the hidden A-level existence, but looked back, but saw that the four-dimensional space node had disappeared without a trace, and the turbulent space had already healed itself.

The barriers between such spaces are extremely strong. It is not easy to create a temporary passage. Under today's technology, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to establish a long-term stable passage.

However, the National African Affairs Bureau has a long-term response to this.

Wang Yan opened the storage bracelet, took out a large metal instrument full of coexistence of science fiction and fantasy, and began to fiddle with it.

"Zhizi, Zizizizi ~"

"I am Wang Yan, please answer it when you receive it, please answer it." Wang Yan said to the instrument.

What can be heard is still a burst of noise.

Wang Yan was not discouraged, and continued to debug the machine carefully according to the manual. After two or three days, a faint sound came from the machine, Zizi, I am Yunzizi, Wang Yan, Zizi ~

Although the sound is very weak, and there are serious interference noises, Wang Yan is very happy.


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