The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1230: Dare to play with fire in front of the owner

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Facing the formidable attack of Lord Chew, Wang Yan stretched out his hand casually. After the storage space fluctuated for a while, an ugly warhammer suddenly appeared in his hand. This warhammer also burned with hot flames. Between the flames and distortions, a fiery monster was formed. Its teeth and claws were fierce and terrifying.

Obviously, this warhammer is Wang Yan ’s firehammer, which has long been cultivated as a natal flying hammer, coupled with the betrayal of the holy weapon fire child sword, and settled in the firehammer. Today's Firehammer has far exceeded the ordinary holy artifact level, and is firmly advancing to the next artifact level.

Compared with the giant tomahawk, which is barely a holy weapon class, it is far more powerful than the confusing lord.

Although the giant battle axe is not badly sold, it is still far away from the birth of the organ spirit.

With the emergence of the fire hammer, the giant battle axe with the arrogance of the confusing lord was instantly suppressed. The face of the deluded lord has changed, and he swears in his heart that this cunning and abominable human being has been hidden so deep that there is still a flame warhammer with a spirit.

Get rid of this mankind, then everything belongs to yourself.

For a time, the heart of the confusing Lord became hotter, and the flames surrounding him became more and more prosperous.


The fire hammer and the giant battle axe collided fiercely, and the flame energy flew through the sky like a gorgeous firework. However, the energy seems to be the same as the fireworks, but the horror energy they contain is terrible to the extreme, and the slightly weaker creatures are involved in it, which is bound to end in annihilation.

One person, one demon, mostly legendary strong.

Because of their racial talents, the Lord of Confusion has extremely powerful powers. And Wang Yan has the pure bloodline of the ancient fire **** Zhurong, which is more powerful than the ordinary Purgatory Demon Clan. Among humans, Wang Yan's power has almost reached the top state.

In just one or two minutes, one hammer and one axe had hit each other hard and dozens of times. At the beginning, the Lord of Confidence could barely cope with it, but with Wang Yan's torrential offensive, Lord Lord of Confidence gradually lowered and couldn't stop it.

It feels that its strong arms are paralyzed, hardly belonging to itself. The internal organs are still suffering from severe tremors. This made the confusing lord fight, and he was scolding in his heart. How could this abominable human power be so powerful? Inevitably, under his seemingly "weak" appearance, lives a very powerful galaxy beast?

No, no, go on like this, let alone take this man, I am afraid he will lose in his hands. Once this happens, the prestige accumulated over the years will be completely lost.

The world of **** is a world that pays most attention to the law of the jungle. Once it confuses the lord to give others a weak image, betrayal and attack will endlessly. It has even been able to perceive that those seemingly loyal subordinates have begun to breed a little ambition in their hearts.

"Roar ~"

The Lord of Red Confusion roared again, his already very strong body, once again swelled and pulled up a large section, the red wings were raised high, full of energy, and the rich smell of sulfur permeated.

Between the shadows and the shadows, this confusing lord has a hint of Satan avatar.

The red **** fire wrapped around him, every flame was entangled, like a poisonous snake with fork tongue.

"I'm coming!"

Beyond the barbarian, a monster with a dog-headed body, with bright eyes, exclaimed in Purgatory Demon language, "This is Lord Lord ’s talent spell Hellfire, I had the honour of seeing Lord Lord far away ten years ago. After a wave of **** fire, it trapped a legendary two-headed giant in the wave of fire and died alive! "

The half-human and half-snake-shaped monster beside him also screamed, "How is it possible? The two-headed giant is notoriously powerful, and his power is not much more than the dragon. Even if the lord is talented, he can't live alive. Die a legendary two-headed giant. "

"Are you new here?" The kobold monster sneered. "Only you newcomers don't know the nobility of Lord Lord. Do you think it is just an ordinary purgatory demon? No, you Wrong. Lord Lord, it is the son of Chilian Demon King. And the ancestor of Chilian Demon King, but Lord Devil God. In other words, our Lord Lord has part of the blood of Demon God, and also activates powerful talent spells! "

The onlookers around them all exclaimed, and cast a burning and admiring look on the Red Confused Lord. It turns out that Lord Lord's origin is so big, and he still has a powerful blood of the demon god.

Almost everyone, including the barbarian soldiers, was demoralized again because of the low morale of the previously confusing lord. The legendary human, who looks like he is not bad, is even stronger than the Scarlet Lord, but after all, the Scarred Lord inherits the talent spell Hellfire from Lord Demon God!

Between the speeches, the confusing leader took the initiative.

Between the red wings agitating, flame patterns bloomed on the wings, and the flame patterns seemed uncomplicated, and the line structure was extremely simple. However, it gives people a very strong coercion, as if divine.

"Oh?" Wang Yan was a little surprised, and said to himself unexpectedly, "It turned out to be a congenital Dao pattern? It seems that this confusing lord still has some roots."

The so-called congenital pattern is the manifestation of the laws of the universe's heaven and earth, and it represents the most basic law of operation of the universe's heaven and earth. Legendary powerhouses can understand and master to a certain extent, and call the law of heaven and earth to fight, but this does not mean that they can have innate patterns.

Formations, symbols, Taoism, magic and other means in the human world are the academics developed by studying congenital Dao patterns.

Ordinary people can only understand, learn, imitate and use the congenital patterns.

If you want to be able to realise the innate Taoist pattern, it must be a **** level.


It is like a real **** flame, wrapped in a strong smell of sulfur, and swept to Wang Yan like a tide. Suddenly, enough to fight on the big ring of legendary strongmen, he fell into a sea of ​​hell.

Every **** fire is like a snake, as if it has life, it is frightening from the heart.

"It's over!" The kobold monster shouted. "This human is so stupid that he didn't even hide. He's finished. This is completely over."

The shouts of kobold monsters also resonated with the rest of the monsters, and they began to scream with blood, cheering for the great confusing lords in their hearts.

Throughout the Yanwu Square, all kinds of weird cries were resounded, and the fierce agitation made the already extremely hot air become more manic.

Only a few creatures have a trace of sympathy for that poor human being. How could this poor human being encounter a cruel and terrifying lord?

Among the bystanders, only Mei'er remained calm as usual, with a mocking smile on his lips. Stupid demon, even want to kill his master with a fire? Giggling, the master is called the Son of Flame.


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