The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1231: Fish on cutting board

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At this time, he saw that the fire wave of **** besieged Wang Yan. The confusing lord could no longer restrain the violent mood, and issued a series of rampant laughs: "Stupid human boy, the lord looks at where you are going."

In its eyes, the enemies falling into the fire wave of its **** are already fish on the chopping board, whether it is dead or alive, depending on its will. Now that he has succeeded, the Lord of Confusion naturally feels that there is no need to pretend to paralyze Wang Yan, and the name will naturally become a stupid human kid.

After the instant translation of Meier, Wang Yan couldn't help but chuckled and said that, in a certain sense, this guy, Lord Chew, was really silly and cute. Once the "calculation succeeded", he immediately turned his face upright.

However, since it wants to play, let's have fun with it.

Wang Yan, in the fire of hell, pretended to be in a state of panic: "Lord Lord Master, you, you, what do you want to do?" Evolved to the level of Wang Yan, memory and understanding It has already surpassed the level of ordinary people, and has mastered the language of the Purgatory Demon Race quickly. I believe that it won't be long before he can talk to Lord Chihu without a translator.

At first sight, the confusing lord became even more rampant: "Hahaha, stupid boy, what do you want the lord to do? If you are acquainted, kneel down and surrender to me, hand over the treasure to the superb succubus. Come out. Maybe the lord will be in a good mood and let you go. "

"Succubus?" Wang Yan said solemnly, touching her chin. "I'll ask her for her opinion." Then, she looked at Meier and said, "Charm, you heard what Lord Lord said just now." ?"

"Master." Meier smiled in a charming manner. "You are better than Chidou. That's a thousand times, how can people be willing to leave you?" In order to prevent Chidu from understanding, Meier specifically spoke in both languages. Again.

the host?

Lord Chew was stunned for a moment, and his face became particularly gloomy. At first, he thought that the relationship between Meier and Wang Yan was just a teammate he met. That human kid, at most, has a life-saving grace to Meier.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate succubus had already recognized the Lord.

Succubus is also a very special race, once called the owner, unless the original owner died or was sent away by the original owner. The main thing is that this succubus is very likely to be impure.

A good priceless treasure was defiled by the human kid. And he kept saying that he was a waste, that the human boy was thousands of times stronger than himself, and he was really angry with the deceived lord.

"Good!" The confusing Lord laughed angrily, "Boy, I wanted to save you a life. However, it seems that you are looking for your own way, let the Lord die." With a death word As soon as he came out, the flames burst into flames, and the tide of **** fire poured into Wang Yan like a mountain.

Wang Yan ’s tall body among humans is extremely small in this **** fire wave, just like a small sampan in the stormy waves, which may be smashed by giant waves at any time.

"Poor human beings." Some of the creatures who sympathized with Wang Yan sighed in their hearts, "In the tide of **** fire that confuses the lord, I'm afraid I can't hold it for a quarter of an hour.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Yan was going to die, there was an amazing scene in Yanwuchang.

The overwhelming wave of **** fires, all of which is frozen on the spot, as if time is still, even most **** fires are still in a state of claws and claws.

"This, this, what's going on?"

All **** creatures were stunned by this unusual scene.

"What?" Lord Chew is also dumbfounded. Its **** fire tide is a talent spell imprinted in the bloodline. Once it is cast to command Ruo arm, it is invincible. All hellfires stopped at once, unheard and unheard.

It is driven in the dark, but it is usually a very obedient wave of **** fire, but there is no feedback at all. All of a sudden, it had some scalp exploding, and it felt dumb.

"Hehe ~"

Wang Yan carried the warhammer, and volley suspended above the fire wave of hell. He was full of pity and disdain for the expression of the confusing Lord. His body gradually gathered a momentum, a momentum of the king who could not tell the truth.

The stagnation of the **** fire rioted like living creatures. Soon, they seemed to unify their emotions, and the flames lowered their heads extremely humanely, and worshipped Wang Yan in the same direction.

Countless hellfires are like thousands of subjects, all prostrate at the foot of Wang Yan, and pay the highest respect to their king. And Wang Yan walked through it, like a supreme king who reviewed his subjects and the army.

"How can it be!"

Scared Lord almost scared his eyeballs to fall, and those Hellfires began to show up with its talent spells. How is it possible not to listen to it now, but to focus on that human being?

Seeing Wang Yan's more and more prosperous king, the confusing lord dripped cold sweat, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

Just before Chidu hadn't responded, those hellfires moved suddenly, but this time their goal was not Wang Yan, but Chifu Lord. Numerous hellfires formed a torrential tide, rushing to the Red Confused Lord and swallowed it.

The flame desperately burned its body, even its soul.

"Aoao ~"

The confusing lord who was caught in the fire wave of **** roared painfully. As a purgatory demon clan, his natural fire resistance is extremely high, but the highest fire resistance talent is also unable to resist the refining and burning of the thousands of **** fire .

It fought desperately, and shot the **** flames again and again, but there were too many **** flames, and a batch was broken up, and a new batch came up. The deluded lord in extreme pain thought of the two-headed giant who had been alive to death.

At first, the two-headed giant struggled so hard, roaring to resist, but finally collapsed helplessly.

The deluded lord is terrified in his heart, do he want to follow in the footsteps of the two-headed giant? No, it is even more sad than the two-headed giant, because these hellfires burning it are all summoned by itself.

Among its subjects and troops, it was also stunned by the scene before them, and made a tumultuous voice.

"Red puzzled!"

Wang Yan jumped high, passing through the dense flames of hell, and the fire hammer slammed down towards the Lord of Confusion. It slammed and smashed it under the ground. The power of the violent warhammer even smashed the red rocky ground into a huge crater, cracking and spreading in all directions.


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