The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1256: Are you not afraid of going overboard?

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Dean Yun Zhi exclaimed, and almost didn't excite Emmons' tears.

He also wanted to know how the Son of Flame was in hell, so he abducted his granddaughter. The key to this topic is really hurting the old man's heart.

Even the little fat Bob who served the dean was shocked.

His idol, the son of flame, actually has this kind of operation? Can he abduct Mr. Lydia in hell?

"Although this is the case, but ..." Dean Yun Zhi was a bit difficult.

According to regulations, even Emmons can't touch the child of flames at this time, but this thing is a bit sudden, especially that Wang Yan, how did he take his baby granddaughter to hell?

Is this skill too big?

Just then, a young female voice came from behind Emmons.

"Chief Yun Zhi, we really need to contact the son of flames."

It turned out that the slim woman who came from outside the door was Wang Yan's current boss, Linghu Yaojue, the head of Huahai City Branch.

Linghu Yaojue took the steps of Humei. Although her breath was full, the natural charm of the fox tribe made her show a pre-natural feminine charm in the cold temperament.

"Mr. Emmons, please sit down first, and Yun and I will stop talking about it." Linghu Yaojue motioned to Emmons to sit first, and the little fat Bob quickly stepped forward to help.

Emmons, the dean of the Starry Sky Academy, and the president of the Super League, also sold Linghu Yaojue's face, pressed down anxiously, and sat down at the desk.

Linghu Yaojue simply stood between the two, and briefly explained the whole story, including Emmons anxious, or notified the general director Han Hongbo according to the procedure, Han Hongbo therefore ordered Hu Yaojue to receive treatment, etc. .

After all, Emmons, the president of the earth superpower community, is more or less a great person with great esteem. His Star Academy is also a joint running unit of the China Superpower Academy. His granddaughter is indeed a big event.

"This ... things might be a little difficult to handle." Yun Zhi finished listening, holding his forehead, and looked awkward.

"What's difficult?" Emmons said anxiously. "Don't you have established a plane communication base station? You only need to help me contact Wang Yan and let me tell him a few words."

In order to show that he was really just looking for his granddaughter, Emmons also added: "My conversation with him will never involve a little bit of the confidentiality of your plane action. I just want to please the Son of Flame to help him find Lidi. Ya, as long as he can ensure Lydia ’s safety, it ’s enough. ”

Speaking of which, Emmons sighed for a while again, quite a sense of helplessness of being an elder.

"Mr. Emmons, I understand what you mean, it's just ... this matter is really a bit difficult now ..." Yun Zhi's face was a little complicated, and he said again, "The Son of Flame is currently not within the scope of the base station."

"Son of Flame is not here?" Emmons asked in surprise. "He is not within the base station, where did he go?"

Yun Zhidai frowned slightly, and said helplessly: "He got in touch with a demigod monster and is taking someone to make an appointment with the demigod."

"Why, what?"

Emmons' eyes were almost staring, "You, what are you talking about? The child of flames led someone to fight a demon demon?"

Linghu Yaojue, who was standing on the side, was also dumbfounded, and looked at Yunzhi's eyes full of disbelief.

Wang Yan was so clever on weekdays, and now sneaking into hell, how dare he slammed into a semi-god-level monster on someone else's site?

"Hiss ... The son of flame is indeed my idol, that's demigod ..." Little fat Bob, a cold sweat on his forehead, demigod in the earth world, that is the existence of myth and legend. Today ’s son of flames, it ’s too scary to say that it ’s beating!

At this moment, the little fat man could not talk more. He patted his chest carefully, and the world these big men were in contact with was far beyond his imagination. He was fortunate enough to listen.

"Yes, according to the time estimate, I am afraid that there is a fight now. This matter is a long story. At present, I have only reported to Director General Han." Yun Zhi raised her finger and rubbed her forehead. For the task of plane exploration, her pressure began to rise linearly.

"This, this guy ..." Linghu Yaojue was speechless for a while, why is this Wang Yan so brave? Isn't he afraid of going overboard?

But when I thought about it, I still advised Emmons, "With Wang Yan's current strength and equipment, he may not be able to make two moves with the demigod monster. Besides, with his personality, he will never fight a battle that is not sure. Even if he is not the opponent of the monster, there is no problem in retreating. "

The fat boy Bob nodded again and again, the son of the flame wave is a little bit, but the powerful strength, he Bob has seen it with his own eyes.

"If you use that boy's personality, you won't easily lose money." Emmons's face softened slightly. Now he doesn't worry about the safety of the child of flames. Even if he meets that boy, even the ancient dragon will probably be pushed down Wisp of beard.

In short, the child of flame is safe, so the chance of finding his baby granddaughter is greatly increased. Just before this? Can his granddaughter Lydia survive safely until then?

Thinking of this, Emmons hung up again, worried and asked: "President Yun Zhi, can you tell the general situation of the **** world? Such as the strength level of the **** creatures, etc., I am really worried about my granddaughter Lidi Asia. "

"I can understand your mood, but the world of **** is indeed a very terrible place. Maybe everyone except the son of flames will die in the past."

Dean Yun Zhi was sitting precariously and replied seriously, "According to the information I have collected at present, the level of **** creatures is a lot higher than ours!"

"In one of our Chinese sayings, the guru is as many as dogs, and legends are everywhere. Demon kings of demigod level are more numerous, and it is currently difficult to count. And the environment there is very harsh, but the elemental concentration is far beyond our earth It ’s more than several times. This may be the main reason for the evolution of such high-intensity organisms. ”

"At present, Wang Yan's area is in the hostile forces of our earth, the demon **** Satan's purgatory."

Dean Yun Zhi said that Emmons's heart was getting colder. Even if only a small area was discovered at present, it was extremely dangerous. How could his granddaughter have the courage to chase after the Son of Flame to that kind of place? Isn't this death?

What if the silly girl had three long and two short, leaving him as an old man?

"Emmons, don't worry about it now. I believe that when we contact the son of flame, he will be a person and will find a way to find your granddaughter and ensure her safety."

Linghu Yaojue kindly persuaded him, then glanced at Dean Yunzhi, and said, "Besides, we decided to give you a confidential priority first, as determined above."


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