The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1257: Battle with the demigod

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"What's the secret?" Emmons looked at Linghu Yaojue and Yunzhi curiously.

"This is how things are."

Under the instruction of Linghu Yaojue, Dean Yunzhi informed Emmons of Wang Yan's discovery of the relics of the starry sky god, the secret of the almost bloodless evolution of blood.

After all, this is also regarded as a relic of the ancestors of the Starry Sky Academy. In the future, it also needs to be jointly studied with Emmons, the great magician.

Emmons couldn't help but feel a bit of joy in hearing this news. It seems that the news that Lydia got was true. At that time, the old man of the starry sky **** did break the void, went to the plane of hell, and left a lot there. Relics.

In addition, the National African Affairs Bureau is willing to share this secret, and at the same time invites Emmons to jointly develop research, and the ownership of the relics belongs to the Starry Sky Academy. The China National African Affairs Bureau only requires technical sharing.

He was very touched by this point, and he immediately promised to lead all outstanding magicians and work with the China National Bureau of African Affairs to contribute to all mankind.

It's just that her granddaughter Lydia, who still has no news at the moment, makes him careless, frowning, and has no thoughts.

"Mr. Emmons, please relax, and all we can do now is wait." As the overseas reception of the State Administration of African Affairs, Linghu Yaojue kindly comforted.

Emmons nodded and sighed long.

Now that he has lost the tears of the starry sky, he cannot start the teleportation circle. The installation of the Rune Research Institute of the National African Bureau is also cooling down. Other organizations are not devoted to the study of space traversal, even if those few large organizations are involved, But none of them can reach this level of plane transmission. So he ca n’t even go to **** now, he can only wait for what he can do.

"No, Mr. Emmons, we cannot waste precious time in waiting. I heard that your college has the space transmission technology at the top of the world. If you can share your core technology with I, I believe that with my rune technology, I can help you find your granddaughter faster. "

Yun Zhi calmly pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of her nose calmly, and in her beautiful and intellectual eyes, a sly color flashed clearly.

Emmons sitting in front of him suddenly froze.

This is the starting price? This is clearly the starting price! What happened to this colleague of the Son of Flame? Is it because Chengdu has been infected by him and has become such a pit?

That is the core secret of their Star Academy, which has accumulated over thousands of years. How can it be given?

However, Dean Yun Zhi sitting in front of him, his expression did not fluctuate at all, as if the request she had just said was normal.

"Okay ... Okay!" Emmons gritted his teeth. After a sigh, he promised, "I am willing to share our ancient space secrets with the China National African Bureau, but you must help me contact the flame Son, please ask him to protect my granddaughter! "

"One word is settled, we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of your granddaughter." Yun Zhizui raised his mouth and immediately stood up and shook hands respectfully with Emmons.

Emmons maintains the demeanor of the dean and the president of the Super League on the surface, and his heart is actually already miserable.

They all blame the abominable child of flame. Since he met this bastard, his life has been gloomy, and he has almost lost all the inheritance left by the ancestors of the college.

If the relics of the starry sky **** cannot be brought back as compensation, then he really has no face in the future to face the ancestors of the college.


"Oh! Ouch!"

As far as the plane of hell, the sky above Chilian Huze, hovering around the three-legged golden black, suddenly issued a sharp shout, "Boss! I see them, they are coming!"

On the ground, Wang Yan rode looking behind the lava war wolf. At the end of the line of sight, the border between the Yanhu Lake and the sky was already red. It was like a fire was burning. .

"Come on well." Wang Yan snorted with one arm, "Ready to fight!"

Only listening to a series of uniform sounds, Wang Yan pulled up a large army in a short time, immediately guarded behind him, ready to go.

He led the team in the middle of Chilian Huze, where he stayed for two days.

In these two days, he and a group of young men concentrated on providing resources for the ancient Flame Demon and making a large number of lava monsters. As of now, the number of lava monsters made by the ancient Flame Devil and the wild monsters subdued by all parties have been added together.

As the main fighting force, the B-level elemental monsters have reached more than 200, and the C-level D-level low-level element monsters have a total of five or six hundred, in addition to the A-level guru-level elements reshaped by the ancient Yanmo. Strange, there are as many as five!

Such an army of fire elemental monsters directly under the command of the ancient Flame Demon, in this lake of lava, absolutely possesses the terrible combat power of the dominant side.

Coupled with the same sorrowful lords who are also not weak in the legendary level, they also command a hundred-man wolf cavalry and an elite barbarian guard of two hundred people, so that the two teams are merged together to attack a small town!

Not only that, Wang Yan also has a three-legged golden Wu who was once known as the sun god, and a superb succubus, plus Wang Yan himself, such a thousand-person army jointly led by five top legendary strongmen Not to mention the last demigod and its vassal wild monsters, even if he is the father of Chi Chi, his father, Chi Lian, Wang Yan has the confidence to fight.

Of course, the regular army of purgatory commanded by the Red Refining Demon King is far from the master of the Yan Lake, and its vassal wild monsters can compare. Wang Yan really wanted to face the Red Demon King with such a few hands, then he could only change the victory target to the whole body and retreat.

As for the Yanhu ruler, why are they just now attacking with his men? That is because the area of ​​Chilian Lake is extremely wide.

The plane of **** is a huge world. When Wang Yan first arrived, it is still impossible to estimate how many times **** is the earth. However, the area of ​​this red lake is preliminary estimated to be at least as large as one or two provinces of China.

Huze is not entirely magma. More areas are composed of semi-solidified lava and rugged mountain and gully.

An old monster, such as the master of the Yanhu Lake, who has become a fine old man, will not easily leave his own nest, plus it has already passed the surrounding fire elements, and found that Wang Yan's group is crowded and will not act rashly.

It's like Wang Yan won't fly to his nest easily. He will die in vain. No one will attack the enemy with no confidence without confidence.

In addition, as early as the ancient Yan Mo roared to it, an important message has been delivered, that is: you deflated, wait for me in the old nest, our boss will take someone to beat you!

As a result, the two sides began to convene men and women to advance in the Yanhu Lake.

Until this moment, the entire Chilian Huze atmosphere was instantly lit.


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