The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1267: Follow me and turn it

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The Lord of the Flame Lake howled more than ever, struggling to retreat.

Where will the Ancient Flame Demon let it go? Immediately got up to catch up, throwing his fist and smashing it on his head.

At this moment, the huge wound through his shoulder was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and just a few breathing efforts had almost recovered as before, and he could not see that it had been hit hard before.

This is one of its powerful features.

Perhaps its strength is currently not comparable to that of Yanhu, but its resilience in lava is far from comparable to other creatures.

Fire Lake dominates this kind of fire monster. Naturally, it can also use the rich fire elements in the lava to restore the injury, but compared with the anti-sky efficiency of the ancient Fire Demon, it is far worse.

"Lao Bei, you are really a super tank."

Wang Yan, who leaped to the mid-air, praised it with emotion, and then the Warhammer raised, greeted, "Follow me, turn it!"

Below, the ancient fiendish demon that was already fierce, and after hearing the greetings, he was even more heroic and the offensive became more and more fierce.

The Yanhu ruler had been smashed into one eye, and it hurt his heart and lungs when he hurt, and he couldn't get back to God in half. Then the head was in the blast hammer of the ancient Flame Demon again and again, the Venus smashed straight, the five internal organs rolled.

It had already held a wicked fire in its heart, but when it wanted to charge back, one enemy after another had been killed.

"Haha, stupid bug, feel the anger from the god!"

The three-legged Jinwu descended from the sky, and after blasting several fire bombs, it rushed to the front of the Yanhu master and slammed its other eyeball in one bite. go with.

On the other side, Jiao Didi's succubus also took advantage of the chaos, first a brief and lasting charm, followed by a whip, whipping on the face dominated by Yanhu.

Yes, their main target is its head.

Yanhu dominates this old monster, with a hard shell all over, and only the head and the abdomen that are difficult to reach are its weak points.


Just as Yan Lake dominates the three pets under Wang Yan ’s command, and when he is about to go crazy, hundreds of rough crossbows, carrying strong hinges and hunting nets made of purgatory steel, are wrapped in their tail swords and steps. foot.

It turned out to be the Lord of Confusion, and was leading the barbarian soldiers and cavalry under his command. He fired it with a heavy crossbow, which was used to deal with the large-scale prey of the purgatory steel hinge and hunting net.

Purgatory Steel is indeed very strong, but at ordinary times it can't even touch the edge of the Yanhu master. Even if it is barely entangled, just a few, or a dozen hinges, can't trap the powerful Yanhu master.

But now hundreds of hinges were launched together with the hunting net. The Yanhu Master was dragged by three war pets and could not dodge. It was just tied firmly and firmly.

In addition, the Red Deception Lord led hundreds of barbarian soldiers and cavalry, plus a large number of lava monsters, a total of nearly thousands of people pulled together.

In an instant, the huge Yanhu dominated, and was dragged to the ground, even the tail sword could not be displayed.

"Master Yanhu, your good day is over."

With a slight hum, Wang Yan's eyes ignited with war intent, and when he raised the childish warhammer, he blasted toward the Yan Lake Master below.


More intense fighting broke out.

At this time, the Yanhu dominates like an elephant trapped by ants. It loses its ability to move, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.


The Yan Lake Master was struggling to roar in the sky of attack, and the entire solidified lava ground was stepped into a thick lava mud.

Wang Yan and many of his men also became more and more courageous in battle, and all of them were boiling blood, and even the Lord of Confusion led others to join the battle.

These men and women are outstanding elites who have gone through hundreds of battles. In addition to Wang Yan and other main offenses, they followed the confusing lord and specially selected Yanhu to control the waist and abdomen joints and other soft rib attacks.

Gradually, after a series of strong offensives, as strong as Yan Lake's ruler, he also began to spit blood out of the grinded mouth, gradually refusing to support.

So far its head has been messed up, six compound eyes, three blind. Six feet under him also broke off both feet from the joints. The relatively soft abdomen was covered with a lot of cuts, and even its proud sword, the steel hinge and the hunting net of the purgatory were entangled. Afterwards, the barbarian soldiers used nails to fix it on the surrounding hills. .


There was another wailing.

Under the violent hammer of Wang Yan, Yan Lake dominated, and his body crooked, just like a big mountain, and fell down to the side.

"The Yanhu Master can't do it anymore, little ones, follow me!"

The deceived lord Battle Axe, excitedly carrying the wolf cavalry, killed the exposed abdomen of the Yan Lake master.

Beheading Yanhu Master is a feat that even his old man Chilian Demon King cannot do. If this monster is killed by him, then he can definitely raise his eyebrows and exhale, go back to the demon king to meet his father Chilian Demon King, and he can walk sideways all the way.

"Ah! The head of this bug is its own! Ay!"

Seeing the red puzzle leading the team to grab people's head, the three-legged Jinwu immediately turned over and slammed, screaming towards the master of Yanhu.

"Giggle, the crystal nucleus will be picked up by the charmer to the master." The succubus was also reluctant to show weakness, and one shone to catch up.

"Ben, Lord Ben ..." Lord Yanhu struggled to raise his neck, gritted his teeth, and shouted in a decisive manner, "Never, forgive, can't spare you!"


Suddenly, the master of the Yanhu burst into a roar, ignoring the enemies about to be killed, a condensed solid red light cluster gathered in his mouth, and when he turned his head, he sprayed towards the floating half-air Wang Yan.

It doesn't care about anything now, the only thing it wants to do is let this culprit die!

When Wang Yan was locked, he was tight all of a sudden, and his blood seemed to coagulate instantly.

This is a demigod-level monster, a desperate blow, the huge power contained in it can be imagined. Even a demigod-level demon dared not make a hard connection. Although he now has a sub-god-level battle armor and a sub-artifact eight mirrors, if he is hit in the front, I am afraid that he will have to peel off the skin!

It's too late to say, it's fast.

At the moment when the Yanhu Master had just locked Wang Yan, the ancient Yanmo immediately flew onto his body, his hands dragged the Yanhu Master's head, and pressed it to the ground.

Just listen, a "bang" loud noise.

The master of the Yanhu Lake slammed on the ground, and the terrifying power burst instantly, and a strong light immediately dazzled, and the time seemed to be still at this moment!


The ground and lava within a 100-meter range under the **** of the Yanhu Lake were all swept away immediately. The arms and feet of the ancient Flame Demon disappeared directly, and the entire huge body flew backwards under a huge impact.

Throughout the original place, there was only one thick and viscous violent energy, which spread from the bottom to the surrounding.

The three-legged Jinwu, the succubus, and the sorrowful lord all sucked down, even the barbarian soldiers and lava monsters in the distance were frightened and dull, and their brains were blank.

If they were affected by this terror power, wouldn't they be dead?


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