The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1268: Land is king

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"No, does this old monster want to die with us?"

Wang Yan's eyes tightened, and his heart scolded. The Yanhu Master was simply releasing a nuclear explosion. What if it was affected?

Fortunately, the ancient Yan Mo had bought him a little time, not to mention the short time, but it gave him a chance to reverse the situation.

At the moment when this explosion just appeared and had not yet spread out, Wang Yan responded quickly and immediately gave a close look.

Claiming to be able to construct Dongying's strongest enchantment, it immediately unfolded a bowl-shaped translucent enchantment, enveloping the Yan Lake Lord and the explosion.

Then I heard a loud roar, the whole earth and even the surrounding air shuddered violently.

However, it was precisely because of this indestructible barrier that the violent explosion impact began to transform into a mushroom cloud and surged towards the sky.

The sky's fire clouds rolled, and the ground gusted with wind.

Under the impact, Wang Yan, his men and others all stumbled back and stood unsteady.

When the smoke cloud subsided, this fierce battle came to an end.

In the center of the explosion, the Yan Lake dominated. The entire chin was burst, the claws were broken, the relatively fragile plastron, and several large openings were cracked. The colorful intestines and internal organs flowed out, and a lot of yellow and thick Liquid, like blood, flows everywhere.

It just lay in the huge pit that was blown out. It did n’t move at all. It seemed that its life was dying. It did n’t even have the strength to escape. Almost all depended on the strong vitality of the semi-god level. This was the last breath. .

Wang Yan will naturally not give it any more breathing opportunities, and immediately passed it on to give it a final blow.

At this point, the dominating Yanhu Lake finally fell, and this vast lava lake was completely classified as Wang Yan's territory.

"It's worthy of being a demigod-level monster, indeed a tough bone."

Putting away the fighting state, Wang Yan let out a breath, and then he felt soft all over, as if collapsed.

After all, the demigod is a demigod, even if it is a monster, its power and heritage are far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

This time he was a happy fight, but also made him roughly understand where his limits are. Today, he is no longer an ordinary legendary superpower, and his combat power has risen linearly. However, compared with the real demigod powerhouse, he has some less details and depth. This time, if there is not so many helpers, the Yanhu master will be killed by the wheel battle, otherwise this old monster with a harder shell than steel, he may not be able to win by himself.

Speaking of the hard shell dominated by Yanhu, many lava monsters and barbarian soldiers have used hinges to drag the body dominated by Yanhu from the deep pit.

In this battle, the barbarian wolf cavalry brought to death by dozens of barbarian warlords and the barbarian soldiers also suffered nearly a hundred casualties. However, it can be said that it is very cost-effective to be able to defeat the Yanhu master with this casualty.

The lava monster created by the ancient Flame Devil has more deaths and injuries, but low-level monsters such as the Lava Monster can be recreated by the ancient Flame Demon. The death and injury are not distressed, but only need to consume a certain amount of resources to make up for it.

As for those elementary monsters who were originally subject to the **** of the Yanhu Lake, the dead fled, and the rest did not escape. They were already scared and prostrate to the ground, begging for surrender.

After all, the body dominated by Yanhu lies there. Who dares to feel rebellious? As for those who escaped, Wang Yan is not in a hurry. After all, there are no creatures in this area that can fight him. After the second cleaning, the escaped monsters have the only choice of death except surrender.

Following the dissection of "Dingli bang", a group of barbarian soldiers used the claws blown out by Yanhu Master to exhaust the effort, and then cut the plastron of Yanhu Master along the crack of the carapace.

No way, the shell dominated by Yanhu is too hard.

"Master, this is your crystal nucleus."

When the succubus rolled a whip, it rolled a football-sized and **** crystal nucleus into his hand, and then turned to kneel, his hands put the crystal nucleus in front of Wang Yan.

The Yan Lake dominates the demon-level old monster in the end, the crystal core that condenses its power essence, crystal clear, red crimson crystal wall, the rich energy, like the cloud, slowly surging around the surge, even if it has not been in contact with it , You can clearly feel the internal tyranny and overbearing power.

Even the free elements of hellfire in the surrounding air slowly swim around the crystal nucleus with the rhythm of the crystal nucleus, and soon a circle of fire mist was formed around the crystal nucleus.

This is just micro-energy dissipated outside. If the energy contained inside is really released, it will definitely be more exaggerated than a nuclear bomb!

"good stuff."

Wang Yan took the half-god crystal nucleus into his hands, and there was a deep ecstasy in his heart.

This is a good thing that is hard to change. It may be a bit less than the crystal core of the Devil God possession he had previously, but it is also full of surging power.

Such nucleus-level crystal nuclei, not to mention not found on the earth, even in the big world of hell, are unique treasures. If you can make good use of the power contained in it, it will definitely be of great use.

"Oh, what about Lao Bei?"

Wang Yan thought that the ancient Flame Demon had been blown up in an explosion before. It looked miserable, but with its tenacious vitality, there should be no danger to life.

Looking around, Wang Yan soon discovered the traces of the ancient flame demon.

Like a hill, it fell on the semi-solidified lava ground, and its limbs were destroyed. The body was covered with wide cracks, and a large piece of blood-like magma was flowing out of these shocking wounds.

But it is difficult to recover until now. It seems that Yanhu dominates the last blow, causing him considerable injuries.

"Little Lord……"

Seeing Wang Yan flying over, the ancient Yanmo whispered hard and wanted to get up, but it was still very difficult to move.

"No need to get up, it seems that with legendary strength and the domineering demigod level of Yanhu, it is already your limit."

Wang Yan signaled that the Flame Demon didn't need to pay much courtesy. The loyal servant in front of him impressed him a lot. If it weren't for making so many lava monsters and dominating the hard anti-inflammatory lake in front, they would definitely not be able to win so easily.

In particular, the Yanhu lord finally fights hard. If the ancient Yanmo is not destroyed in time, it is very likely that their pedestrian will be hit hard, and the Yanhu lord may escape.

Therefore, this time, if it is a credit, the ancient Yan Mo Lao Bei is undoubtedly the biggest.

"Lao Bei this time thanks to you. If I give you this semi-god crystal nucleus, can you restore it to the strength of the past?" Wang Yan said, lifting the blood nucleus in his hand to the ancient inflammation In front of the devil.

"Less, less master ..."

The ancient Yanmo was flattered, and the face cast by lava was full of emotion.

It stared at Wang Yan for a long time, and then nodded firmly, and answered: "Can!"


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