The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1269: Rebirth, Ancient Flame Demon

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"Okay, upgrade for me, Ancient Flame Devil!"

Wang Yan's heart was hot, and when he raised his hand, he threw the demigod core containing huge power into the ancient flame demon under the state of serious injury.

The ancient flame devil Bella Roca was seriously polluted by extraterrestrial demon as early as ancient times, and then fell into a long sleep. After waking up, he was already wrong, and in the state of unconsciousness, he was also hit by a group of human magicians seal.

Its inner suffocation and loneliness have already reached a point that outsiders cannot understand.

Later, it was hard to look forward to the successor of the former master Vulcan, which is now the young master Wang Yan. Wang Yan used his real fire inherited from the **** of fire to remove the pollution it originated from the ancient times. After being polluted and tortured for thousands of years, it finally ushered in liberation.

It could not describe the joy at that time, but when it was determined to assist Wang Yan, the young master, it found that its power was declining so much that even enemies that could easily be shot dead in the past are now difficult to defeat.

This made him want to serve Wang Yan more and more suffocated.

Therefore, when Wang Yan decided to give the demigod core to it, he agreed.

The reason is very simple, it wants to restore the power of the past, it wants to be the strongest striker and thick shield of the young master!

Soon, as the demigod crystal nucleus was thrown up to the ancient flame demon, it had a huge mouth, and a force of suction swallowed that crystal nucleus into its belly.

The bizarre transformation began.

The ancient Yanmo closed his eyes and fell silent like a huge rock. But the lava underground seemed to be attracted by a certain force, and began to flock to it frantically, continuously wrapping around its body.

After a while, a large amount of lava formed a huge cocoon with the ancient flame demon.

The lava giant cocoon is like a huge stone egg, slowly sinking into Yan Lake, and finally left a huge vortex that slowly rotates in place.

Since the ancient Yanmo was itself a semi-god-level high-level life entity, this kind of restoration of its original strength did not attract thunder and punishment as it did when it was promoted, but the fire cloud above the sky, like the Yanhu below Some kind of power is quoted, and a vast and magnificent cloud vortex has gradually formed. The scene is more shocking than Yanhu!

Originally still cheering for the victory, the barbarian soldiers and lava monsters who were busily collecting loot were all shocked by this scene.

Humans and other creatures are as small as ants in front of this majestic vision.

Wang Yan understood that this was because the flame demon attracted all the fire elements between heaven and earth.

With such a large equivalent of fire elements, plus a demi-core, how much horror is the energy added together? Even Wang Yan, who had seen the world, couldn't help being secretly shocked and secretly excited at the same time.

Flame Devil Bella Roca, but a fiercely demigod-class ancient creature who once followed Vulcan Zhurong. If his horror strength can be reproduced, will Wang Yan not be able to walk sideways in **** unless he encounters the Devil God?

Shuang, thinking of this he felt a bit dark.

Being able to have such a mighty man who will never betray him is definitely a gratifying thing, and with such a powerful help, in the future to rescue Ange, the chance of success will also increase a lot.

As for why not use it yourself, or let the three-legged Jinwu use this demigod core?

Because if you want to break through to the demigod, you not only need a sufficient supply of resources, but also need to accumulate your own application and perception of the law.

Although Wang Yan's combat power is now close to the demigod, the background is still a bit worse. This is a cumulative experience, and speculation and capture of the operation of heaven and earth. It is not anxious for a short time.

So even if Wang Yan absorbs this demigod core, it may only increase his strength again in the end, but he can not get promoted, and the precious demigod core is consumed in vain.

Although the three-legged Jinwu was a **** before, he actually fell once. Because it is an elemental soul, the soul will not die, so it will not die there.

Although it can recuperate to the previous strength by replenishing energy like the ancient Flame Demon, it is much more difficult to recover a wounded soul than the Ancient Flame Demon.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a wise choice to give the Ancient Flame Demon a priority.

"Ah, stupid big man is for your lifeless sake, this **** doesn't make any money with you this time. Ahem, hum!"

The three-legged Jinwu naturally understands Wang Yan ’s intentions, and he also wants to restore the glory of the past, but this time it is really impossible to earn money with the Yanmon, so he has to breathe out, turning around and rushing towards a bunch of small self-driving, "scattered, scattered Oh, ah! What are you looking at? You have n’t worked for the god! "

After he finished speaking, he also fluttered his wings on the battlefield, collecting scattered loot.

In the eyes of the succubus, there is only the owner Wang Yan, and she will not bother to whom Wang Yan will give the spoils. On the other side, the Lord of Confusion has no more opinions, jokingly, to keep up with the ancient Yanmo debating the demigod core, is his brain broken?

Now he and the barbarian soldiers under his mind have no idea whether they can get the spoils.

If such a thing is put in the past, it is absolutely impossible. In the past, if there was such a large-scale battle, each other would definitely fight against each other in order to occupy one crystal nucleus or a monster.

Not only did they not fight for monopoly now, but instead they paid their respects and worked diligently to collect all the loot that Wang Yan could collect.

After all, Wang Yan, the boss, has a very high status in their minds. Now even the old monsters dominated by Yanhu can be defeated. They are regarded as the dead hearts of the service, and they have no heart at all.

"You did a good job."

Looking at the orderly progress in front of him, Wang Yan couldn't help but pat the shoulder of the confusing lord and praised him.

Sure enough, it's comfortable to have a younger brother. In the past, he had to touch the corpses one by one. After a fight, he had to touch the corpse for a long time. Now it really saves a lot of things.

"Yes, it should be. Boss, you will take a break, it will be fine soon."

The deceived lord who was instructing the younger brother to clean the battlefield was praised, and he quickly nodded his head to slap his horse, "These are just small heads, the real gains, still in the old nest dominated by Yanhu!"

"In that way, you already know where the old nest dominated by Yanhu is?" Wang Yan's eyes lit up, a half-god monster's old nest, and the treasures hidden in it can be imagined.

"Know that, those red goblins who have surrendered can take us there."

The sorrowful Lord quickly flattered and flattered. After a big wave of his hand, he shouted, and a group of red-skinned monsters tied in a row by hinges were dragged over by two wolf cavalry with long swords.


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