The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1278: Come come, you go together

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"Jia Jie, silly big guy, eat the gods!"

The three-legged Jinwu naturally joined the boss Wang Yan. At this time, it absorbed a lot of fire resources, the body is full of energy and pure, the strength is a level higher than the previous strong, so the shot is like a small sun-like explosive bomb .

However, this extremely hot, explosive bomb containing terrible energy was just spit out by the three-legged golden black-and-white, and as a result the picture turned, and the ancient Yanmo reached out and grabbed it in his palm.

Then there was a "pop" muffled sound, and the flame burst was like a balloon, which was exploded by the whole pinch.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." the ancient Yan Mo laughed loudly. Its giant palm was not only okay, but the fire element that exploded was absorbed by it as nutrients. Such a powerful physical defense and elemental control, really bullied the three-legged Jinwu.

"You, you, hum, wait for the original **** to return to his true body, and see that the original **** doesn't beat you up to be called a dad!" The strength of the three-legged Jinwu can't reach the demigod temporarily, but the mouth is powerful, and immediately called back.

"Huhehe, green-hat bird, before you return to your true body, the deity can collapse you with a fart." The ancient Yanmo continued to mock and counterattack. It has been in contact with Wang Yan and others for a long time. If you do n’t, you can choke someone.

"Ah, I'm mad at the original god, and the original **** fights with you!" The three-legged gold black fire is furious, the strength is not enough, the fire system can't attack, and simply rushed down to use its own mobility to play melee with the ancient Yanmo.

The evolutionary direction of the three-legged Jinwu is different from that of the ancient Flame Demon. It is more focused on its own strength and explosiveness. If one day, it will be restored to the level of Demigod and even the True God. Strong.

Perhaps it is not as good as the ancient flame demon in defense and control of elemental life, but the three-legged Jinwu, which is good at fire fighting, is undoubtedly superior in terms of attack ability and destructive power.

"Giggle, Master, let Meier help you."

Looking at a person, a bird, and a fierce fierce battle, the succubus also not far away played, jumped from the frame, and joined Wang Yan.

At this time, she exhibited a fighting state, her hair reddish, and her redness changed rapidly. Under a pair of magic wings, fire clouds rolled over. The long whip with barbs was danced by her in her hand, and the whip shadow was curled up with fire.

Under the blazing flames, the succubus, which is already charming, is even more mysterious.

There is no doubt that the fruit of the purgatory red lotus, plus the quenched body with the personal help of Wang Yan, made her almost reborn.

Although she has not yet reached the level of advancement, the increased flame affinity has made her slightly weaker combat power rise to a large level. At this moment, she not only possesses the talent of charm, but also has the power of flame, and the abundant flame element makes her not too strong endurance, which has increased a lot.

Such a succubus with beauty and strength can be said to be placed in the entire hell, it is a unique existence.



The battle between one master and three servants was fierce and dazzling.

Although they all have a balance between them and did not come up with a full-fledged death fight, the strength of their master and three servants is not comparable to the legendary and semi-god-level monsters. Therefore, the scenes shown are described as shocking. It's not an exaggeration.

Moreover, the ancient Flame Demon who has restored the state of the demigod is indeed strong enough, and the background is deep enough, so that he is one enemy and three without defeat, and even has the ability to prevail.

This made Wang Yan have to sigh the power of the demi-god level, especially the ancient Yan Demon standing in the middle of the Yan Lake, which is even more terrible than the Yan Lake Master.

The ancient Fire Demon's innate affinity for fire element made it seem to have endless power, as if it never felt exhausted, and the power was always inexhaustible. This alone made Wang Yan and the two war pets cope enough. Now they can still fight against it, but for a long time, Wang Yan and the two pets will definitely be defeated due to exhaustion of physical strength and lack of strength.

"Come again, come again!"

In the midair, Wang Yan touched the sweat on his face, and his inner warfare emerged. Lifting the warhammer, he began a hard fight with the ancient Yanmo.

There can be a powerful demigod sparring, but no one who wants to have the noble treatment. And this is also a good opportunity to quickly accumulate experience and improve himself, he can not miss it.


As Wang Yan rose up, the battle couldn't help but fiercer.

The barbarian soldiers and Goblin who hid far away all around saw that it was a blood-burning and excited group. Where have they seen this level of fighting? I was so addicted right now that I cheered and shouted, and it rang all day long.

In front of them, the sorrowful lord rubbed a cold sweat on his forehead fiercely. The secret boss and his pet are really more terrible than one. He is a little peace-loving lord. In this terrible battle, he does not Involved.

The confusing lord, with a weak heart, narrowed his neck and tried to sneak away.

At this moment, a roar, the towering ancient flame demon, slapped in front of him with a slap.

"Hahaha, come, come together!"

The ancient Yanmo laughed loudly and brutally. It can't remember how long it hasn't been such a happy battle. Now it's hard to restore its original strength. For a long time, the depression in the back of his heart has been exhaled in one breath.

At this moment, it was full of pride, no matter whether the lord was unwilling, he waved a giant palm and called to him.


The sorrowful lord sucked in a sigh of relief, and his heart snapped.

The giant palm of the ancient Flame Demon almost covered the sky and Cui Gula died. This slap swept over, not to mention the face, it was a mountain in front of it, which was estimated to be slapped by its slap.

He confuses Lord Lord just as a little peace-loving Lord, if this is really photographed, then it still has to be?

The key is this ancient flame demon, have you agreed with him to fight? Without saying anything, he slammed and called, it was just murder!

The confusing lord wanted to cry without tears, carrying a battle axe, hardening his scalp, and hardly taking the wave of the ancient Yanmo.

The next moment, he was like a meteor, swish, disappeared in the sky.

Fortunately, the resilience of the Purgatory Demon Race is amazing. The thick and confusing lord of the skin, took a few breathing kung fu, shook his head that was confused, and flew with the boss Wang Yan to participate in this delightful In battle.

As he joined, Wang Yan ’s fighting power began to be a little bit equal to that of the ancient Yanmo, a powerful demigod, but he wanted to decide the victory and defeat. With these top fighting powers, they did not fight each other for life and death, right? There may be results.

However, by virtue of this series of competitions, they have a tacit understanding of their cooperation with each other, and they have deepened their understanding of the realm. Especially Wang Yan, he has a lot of cards that he did not take out, but the pure fighting ability has undoubtedly been greatly strengthened.

In this way, after fighting for a long time, a group of two people three pets, and then panted to the ground.

Although they are tired right now, but after some exercise, the kind of muscles and bones stretched, as if the comfort after being reborn, making them very useful.

At this moment, the same breathless ancient flame demon, picked up a mass of pure lava deep in Yan Lake, squeezed his hands, a magical scene happened.


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