The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1279: Boss, I'm going home to meet my dad

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"The lava **** dog is still the lava **** dog that has reached the level of the master!"

Among the barbarian soldiers watching around, Qi Qi came out with envy and exclaimation, especially the barbarian cavalry, who was even more envious, and all eyes were almost staring.

Even the legendary Purgatory Demon Lord Chidu Lord looked at his eyes tight.

Because of the lava **** dog created by the ancient Yanmo this time, he has reached the point of **** king!

This lava **** dog king is as strong as a horse, with strong limbs, waist muscles full of beautiful lines, and a strong explosive power.

Especially its whole body is made of fiery red lava. The fierce and fierce look, plus a raging flame like a mane, is really powerful and incomparable.

And be aware that although the creatures of the **** world are complex and diverse, they can really stand in the realm of the guru, and even the creatures at the top of the legendary food chain are also very few.

In the case of Hellhound, this is a gregarious beast that exists like a pack of wolves on earth. They are generally at level B, and have fierce habits, strict discipline, and very revenge. Once attacked, they are a disaster for most of the single **** creatures. Therefore, some half-step S-class, and even S-class creatures, when they see a large group of **** dogs, will detour, whether they can provoke or not.

The reason why **** dogs can have such a strong predation ability is that there is usually a far-evolving dog king in the herd. This **** dog king who has reached the A level is like the brain of the herd. Under its command, dozens, even hundreds of **** dogs will exert extremely terrifying power.

The purgatory demon clan is fancy to this point, so it will train domestic groups of **** dogs. They call the tamed **** dog a **** war wolf, but the domesticated **** dog, because of the loss of oppression from nature, can hardly produce a dog king level of existence.

Therefore, there can be a Hellhound King as a mount, not to mention the envy of the barbarian cavalry, even this sullen lord of the confusion is greedy.

Excellent mounts have always been rare, not to mention the appearance of this shape, and the powerful lava **** dog king.

"To the young master."

The ancient Flame Devil said roughly, his hands loose with each other, and the lava **** dog king came to life completely.

In the last battle with Yan Lake, Wang Yan ’s mount was completely destroyed. Therefore, after the ancient Yan Lake restored its demigod strength, the first thing was to create a high-level lava system for Wang Yan specifically.

The flame demon of the demigod level has been restored, and the ability to create life in the lava system has been greatly improved. It is no longer a pure copy clone, but some additional personal changes can be added.

Of course, reaching the A-level, or even higher-level life forms above the A-level, still needs the relevant core to create. This is a demigod-level flame demon, and the evolutionary shackles that cannot be broken, even some gods, cannot be directly changed. The evolution of these creatures.


The lava **** dog king screamed and jumped from the flame demon palm.

It was a strong and majestic posture, stepping on a raging fire under his feet, and stepped in front of Wang Yan in a few steps. Then he changed his previous ferocious appearance, and his head fell down like a domestic dog, lying low and barking, as if he was flattering Wang Yan.

"Looks good, you have a heart, Lao Bei."

Wang Yan patted the head of the lava **** dog king with satisfaction, "You will be called rhubarb in the future."

The rhubarb who got the name immediately sobbed to please, as if excited by the name.

"Also, can this be?" The barbarian soldiers around were all amazed, all dumbfounded.

In their minds, the Hell Dog King, who is famous for being fierce, could not be so coquettish, wrong, even the ordinary Hell Dog could not be so docile. The world of Hell is a world that only talks about power, not reason.

Obviously, the ancient flame demon from the earth added some characteristics of the earth canine to the genes of this **** dog king, and this characteristic of these **** residents naturally does not understand.

"Then, that ... Bey, can you also be a brother?"

The confusing lord was very greedy, hippie smiled and leaned beside the ancient flame demon, and shook his hand, "I will provide you with the core, and I will pay you two cores of the same level after doing well, how?"

He is now just a little lord in a deserted area. Little lords like him often find the best mount they can find, but they are just ordinary **** dog kings. But ordinary Hellhound King, how can such a lava dog King precious pull wind? And lava **** dog, the strength is obviously better than ordinary **** dog, which undoubtedly greatly increased its value.

If he could get such a unique, out-of-print mount now, he would definitely have a face in front of his father Chilian Demon King and several brothers!

The thought of recovering his face made him feel comfortable.

However, the ancient Flame Devil just glanced at him, and he snorted coldly in his nose, ignoring his interest.

Don't even think about it, the ancient Flame Devil will make mounts for this little **** lord? What a joke?

"Boss, you must help me ..."

Chidu is also a personal essence. Knowing that the ancient Yanmo didn't bird him, he turned and fell to Wang Yan's feet. He was not too embarrassed, and immediately accused his dad Chi Lian of the demon king of not being human.

Such as how to bully his mother, how to abandon the younger him, how to be biased and so on, etc. He followed the boss this time to go back and raise his eyebrows, he has followed the boss now, if he loses it this time Isn't it just losing the boss's face?

What he said was called Xiao Zhiqing's affection, reasoning and tears.

But Wang Yan did n’t have the patience to listen to his crying. Before he finished, he waved and interrupted: “Okay, do you just want to ride a good mount and go back to show off? Your boss is on your part , To meet your requirements. "

"Lao Bei, just make one for him. Xiao Chi, who provides you with materials and compensation anyway, isn't it?"

Since there was Wang Yan's opening, the ancient Yanmo naturally had no opinion.

However, when he looked at the Lord of Red Confusion, he still stretched out his thick palm reluctantly, and said with a rough voice: "Be one, five cores!"

The confessed lord choked with a real voice, and scolded in his heart, and then the asking price had doubled in such a short time. It was indeed the boss's capable officer. This ability to sit on the ground, he was convinced.

Because I really wanted a out-of-print mount, the confusing lord was distressed, and finally he gritted his teeth and promised: "Success!"


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