The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1280: I want to breed with you!

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With the new confounded lord, the whole person was angry.

Walking all the way in the forefront of the team, with a high-spirited look, like a dude on earth, just opened a brand new limited edition sports car, and was impatient to show off the world.

However, along the way to the plane base station, in addition to the accompanying barbarian soldiers and red-skinned goblins, it is also some elemental monsters living in the wild. Those wild monsters saw such a big battle team and ran away long ago. In the eyes of the barbarian soldiers and Red Goblin, only Wang Yan is the master.

So at this end, Ke Ling's confusing lord, that is, a person, alone in front, silently hi.

Soon, two days later, Wang Yan led the team and finally returned to the plane base station.

The hairy crab was lying prone under the communication tower, and there was a large group of barbarian soldiers on alert.

At this time, when I saw Wang Yan and others, dragging the body dominated by Yanhu, they walked slowly, and the whole team was boiling. The hairy crabs danced with hands and feet, and a pair of large pliers clipped, as if they were celebrating Wang Yan and boasting.

After all, it is a crab who guards the base station of the plane with all his efforts, and the burden on the shoulder is very heavy.

After a simple handover, Wang Yan turned on the equipment and contacted Yun Zhi, the dean of the earth.

"Ziz, Zi ..."

"Is it Wang Yan? I am Yunzhi, please answer, Wang Yan, please answer." Just connected, there was a slightly nervous voice from Dean Yunzhi across the line, "How are you fighting against the demon demon? Now Is the situation safe? "

It turned out that a few days ago, Wang Yan dropped a sentence to challenge the indigenous demigods of Yanhu, and he has been silent. So far, the senior officials of the Earth and African Affairs Bureau are very worried. Yun Zhi is still in the base station day and night, waiting for Wang Yan ’s Communicate again.

"Zi, Zizi ..." After the communication channel stabilized, Wang Yan replied: "I am Wang Yan, everything here is normal and very safe."

"The Yan Lake has been completely controlled by me. As for the Yan Lake Master, it has become a pile of materials. I want to ask you to transfer it to my Master Yan Zun. In addition, I have a batch of precious materials to be sent back to the Bureau."

Wang Yan outlined the process and discovery, as well as the magical use of the special material Purgatory Steel.

In an instant, the entire Rune Research Institute boiled.

At the end of the communicator, waves of cheers came from almost instantaneously, such as "Son of Flame", "Great", "Great", "You are my eternal love bean", "I want to live for you" "Monkey" and other words, endlessly.

Too empty, the always cold Dean Yun Zhi, for the first time with a trembling voice, communication: "Son of flame, do you know what you are doing, can already be called no ancients and no future You! Your explorations and discoveries are simply unparalleled feats! The blessings you bring to our National African Bureau and the entire earth are really too big! "

"Me, I don't know how to describe my mood at the moment. When you come back, I must breed with you!"

"Wow!" Dean Yun Zhi's words came out, and there was once again a shocking commotion in the Rune Research Institute.

Opposite the communicator, Wang Yan was choked by her, and Yun Zhi's idea of ​​reproducing his offspring with him is really becoming more and more memorable, and now there is a growing trend.

But before he could speak, the opposite of the communicator, the sound of champagne celebration and the music of passionate music were heard.

Wang Yan was ashamed, and sighed that the gang of scientists were so high that they could jump on the tomb. He, an ordinary person, could hardly catch up.


An old and anxious voice suddenly interrupted this exuberant celebration.

"Son of Flame! The Son of Flame contacted? Hurry, let me talk to him!"

Before the voice fell, a series of water ripples suddenly appeared in the calm air at the entrance of the office, and soon a majestic old man wearing a magic robe hurried out of this fluctuation.

The coming person is the dean of the Starry Sky Academy and the president of the Contemporary Super League Association-Emmons.

It turned out that after the communicator was connected to Wang Yan, Dean Yun Zhi asked his assistant to contact Emmons who was working downstairs according to his promise.

Emmons was so anxious about his granddaughter Lydia that she immediately performed teleportation magic and stepped into the office in one step, saving even the time of taking the elevator.

At this time, the embarrassed Emmons rushed to the communicator and hurriedly called out: "Son of Flame, I am Emmons, please answer it! Please answer!"

"Oh, it was Senior Emmons. I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if your old body is good lately." Wang Yan heard an old acquaintance and simply greeted him.

"No! My old life is almost mad at you!" Emmons tone anxiously, Xingshi asked, "Do you know my granddaughter Lydia, because you ran into **** privately, until now There is no news at all! She, if she had a short and a long one, Ben, Dean ... "

Before Emmons had finished speaking, across the communicator, Wang Yan's impatient doubts came.

"Hey? Hey ... No signal, can't hear clearly ... Forget it, forget what to report, I will come back next month."

This is deliberately done by Wang Yan. Emmons started to blame the teacher. He must be unhappy, but the female magician Lydia, who was familiar with him, ran into the world of **** privately. This really made He was a little surprised.

The key to listening to Emmons is that Lydia sneaked into **** or was it because of him? This ... there is such a thing?

"Wait! Son of Flame, please wait!" Emmons was anxious as soon as Wang Yan wanted to close the communication, and repeatedly apologized. "I just blamed me for being too anxious. In short, you must help find Lydia, she It ’s my only granddaughter! And, it ’s still your class teacher at the Magic Department of the Super Academy. You, you ca n’t control it ... "

Emmons is like a drowning man who grabs the life-saving straw, knows his emotions, makes sense, and talks about the peace of the earth from his seniors. There are many reasons for the endless stream like a cannon, which makes Wang Yan impossible. Refused, there is no chance to intervene.

At this time, Dean Yun Zhi also chimed in, saying that Emmons has shared the Starry Sky Academy, precious idle technology, with the China National African Affairs Bureau. With the help of his elderly, the space technology of the National African Affairs Bureau will definitely be available in the future. A big breakthrough is bound to be at the forefront of the world!

Speaking of which, Emmons wanted to cry without tears, thinking that his granddaughter not only ran to teach in China, but now he gave his old man too. Your SAFE is too pitted, especially this son of flames It ’s clear that they get cheap and sell well!

"Wang Yan, Senior Emmons are our esteemed international friends. The Starry Sky College and the Super League Association are also important cooperation units of our National African Affairs Bureau. The Director General and His Excellency Yan Zun are paying close attention to this. what."

Of course, when saying these words, Dean Yun Zhi still emphasized a little bit. The meaning of the words is naturally the benefits that Emmons should give, and they have been given. Now we can help, we should help. After all, the friendship between the two parties is still very deep.


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