The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1286: Forget it, you still eat me

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I saw Chiyan growled, stepped forward, his rough skin, and in a blink of an eye it became as firm as a rock.

In the end, it was the body that blocked Lydia's strenuous move and made a storm.

"Qiao! Dangdang!"

Countless speed wind blades cut on his body, making a series of symphony sounds like metal delivery, and finally only left a few white marks on his body, not even cut the skin.

This scene really surprised Lydia!

What a terrible defense this is, even her wind blade is helpless? Is this the terrible thing about the legendary purgatory?

"Jian Jie, even dare to hesitate to the great devil prince, really an ignorant human being." The red bone smiled and raised with one hand, the rock wall beside Lydia suddenly appeared Stout stone thorn.


"Yeah!" Lydia was caught off guard, hit by a stone thorn next to her, and the magic shield of the body exploded instantly.

The whole person was hit in the air and dizzy. The blood and qi in the body was boiling, and almost did not let her vomit bleeding.

The other party's immediate blow has such a powerful power, almost refreshing her previous outlook on life.

What surprises her most is that the opponent shot without any magical fluctuations, almost entirely relying on her own mind to control the power of the surrounding elements.

This made her a magician who was able to prevent the resistance by feeling the fluctuations of the magic around her. She couldn't adapt or even resist.

"Oh, it is an interesting human female to be able to resist the attack of the second child."

Suddenly, a blaze of fire flew to her before she landed.

The coming person was the Lord Chilie who had escaped from the fire. He stretched out his arms from the fire and grabbed Lydia's neck with one hand, lifting her high.

Lydia groaned inwardly and secretly finished! The desperate mood fell to the bottom instantly.

At this moment she was really crying and crying. When she discovered something was wrong, she wanted to leave quietly, but she never thought that at the critical moment when the wall was backing, she even bumped into a small broken stone.

Just such a subtle sound caused the attention of the three **** lords.

It must be said that the natural fighting race of the Infernal Demon Race, its own quality and alertness, is indeed extraordinary, far beyond other species.

Even if Lydia used magic to hide her body before coming here, she was still instantly spotted by the sons of the three Red Demon Kings in the first time.

She was deeply frustrated while horrified at the strength of the Infernal Demon Race. She finally understood why everyone said that **** is a terrible world. At this time, she was like an ant in the fingers of others, without any resistance.

This kind of despair that can only be fatal is the deepest horror.

"Brother, do you say she is a spy sent by other demon kings?" Chi Yan took a rude footstep and her voice was savage and rough.

"No, I don't see it." Chi Gu narrowed his sly eyes slightly, and picked up Delia's chin with a frightened face, just like looking at the pets on the side of the street, carefully looked at it, and then interjected , "Look, she's such a fool, maybe it's just a human magician who strayed into this area. Where is it like a spy?"

The world of hell, although not very often, but occasionally there will be one or two bold human fear magicians, or other intelligent races of planes, come here to adventure through space magic, or find what they call the true meaning of power. .

Therefore, **** creatures are not unfamiliar with human beings, a kind of intelligent race. Some inhabitants of **** also have one or two human languages, which are specially used to deceive and deceive human travelers who first entered hell.

Coupled with the space magic of human magicians, errors often occur, so this human female magician was accidentally transported to this mountain, accidentally hit and came to this cave by mistake, which is also a reasonable explanation.

"Huhaha, it looks a bit silly, but it looks really good."

By being said by Chi Gu, Chi Yan and Chi Gu thought about it after hearing it, and quite agreed. The wild three son Chiyan laughed even more. He commented on the two of them with Chigu and looked around to see what they looked like, just like accidentally picking up a rare pet on the street. It seems.

"Jin Jie, the third child is right, she is indeed a superb!"

After talking, the playful smile on Chi Zi ’s face grew thicker, and he even pulled Lydia ’s arm, as if picking up a little rabbit, and mentioned the big brother Chilie in front of him, with an irritating and cheap smile. , "Brother, look at her appearance and figure. None of the human slave girls I have seen can compare with her. Presumably in that plane of the earth, she is also the only female!"

"And her physical fitness is extremely high, it seems that she has experienced elemental baptism, and will not die so easily, enough for our brothers to play for a while." The second son Chi Gu, the more laughter the stronger, "Maybe we can raise her up , In the future **** meeting, we will take her to the **** capital, if she collides with other devil princes, she can definitely make a lot of faces for us. "

"Yes, breathe ..." Chiyan sniffed the air three times, and her face also showed an ugly smile. "She smells a scent ... hehehe, of course, she is the eldest brother. . "

"Oh, it is indeed a unique female ..." The eldest son Chi Lie looked up and looked at him. Lydia, who was captured in his hand, was like a frightened cat, terrified, but helpless.

In addition, she can't understand the language of hell, but seeing the three **** lords are commenting on her, instinctively feel a deep sense of crisis.

I thought to myself, these ugly **** lords, I am afraid they would like to eat her? She, she doesn't want to die!

Lydia didn't know what to do, so she curled up her body hard, but this trembling shock made her look undoubtedly more pitiful and particularly moving.

This is undoubtedly greatly exacerbated, the three sons of Chilian Demon King have some terrible greed in their hearts.

"But ... the matter is of great importance. Since we have been ordered by our father to explore ways to unravel the enchantment of the ruins, we can't do anything in general."

The eldest son Chilie, although he picked up the best female slave and the two brothers' A Mo patted the horse, was in a good mood, but he dare not carelessly, took out a pill from the storage belt, Tucked into Lydia's mouth.

Since the language is not available, let this human slave girl master the language of hell.

The pill in Chilie's hands was a little invention from the cunning creature Goblin long ago. These goblins invented a magic pill in order to deceive the lost human traveler. This pill can quickly convey the form of **** language to humans in the form of biological links. Another formula can also transform human language into information that **** creatures can understand.

Therefore, this magic pill, also known as Jieyu Pill in Hell, once released and improved by several powerful warlocks, now has multiple versions.

After eating Jieyu Pills, Delia felt that she had a high fever that lasted only a few minutes, but after the burn, the words of the three **** lords began to pass to her ears with a message she could understand .

Knowing the specific content, she almost died of suffocation.

This, these ugly purgatory demon clan, even wanted to make Miss Ben their slave girl! Where are you kidding me?

Rather than this, I might as well eat it!


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