The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1287: Mobile food

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"No, I don't want to be a slave girl! You, you still eat me!"

"It's a fierce guy, I like it! Hahaha ..."

Lydia's struggling hoarseness, but hindered by the absolute strength gap, unable to resist. Watching the three sons of Chilian Demon King surrounded by himself, it seemed to be admiring a rare prey and having fun.

Next, the three devil princes began a series of coercive inquiries. The clever Lydia knew what they meant by a simple hearing, so she deliberately pretended to be a reckless human magician, and did not disclose his relationship with the starry god. .

The three devil princes are also too proud. They have no interest in the materials and materials on Delia's body. Even a body search is rare. The tears of the starry sky hidden in the storage ring are naturally concealed fortunately. In addition, Delia was horrified, and her acting skills were naturally natural.

In the end, Lydia luckily escaped, but inevitably became the slave girl of the devil prince. He was happily brought back by the sons of the three demon kings, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan.

After waiting for the mountain, he came to the foot of the other side of the mountain. Facing the mighty and ferocious Demon Guard, Lydia felt a deep shock again.

The demon guards stationed at the foot of the mountain, regardless of their individual quality or quantity, far exceeded her imagination!


"Boss, we have left the Yanhu area. In front is the territory of my father Chilian Demon King, who is led by Chilian Demon King!"

Far from the other side, Lord Chidu led his elite two thousand barbarian elite, with the boss Wang Yan, and three war pets, all the way through the Yanhu Lake, and headed towards the leader of Chilian Demon King.

On this way, Wang Yan passed through the scorched rock zone at the edge of Yanhu Lake. These scorched black lavas were squeezed and accumulated after magma movement, and finally cooled and weathered to form a lava area.

This area occupies an active and wide area. The ground is hilly, extremely rugged, and grass is not growing. There are only some mosses and fungi that grow on the surface of some cooled coke rocks. The lava lizards that occasionally appear around feed on these mosses and fungi. Flocks of **** dogs live on lava lizards alone and any prey that can be captured.

Fortunately, the mount used by Wang Yan and others is the **** dog born in this area. So it's easy to travel and fast. Otherwise, it will be replaced by a human vehicle, or cattle and horses on the earth. They may not even be able to walk, and they will be scorched by sharp coke rocks, or they will be burnt to death by the hot heat.

After waiting for this area, Wang Yan's vision suddenly became bright.

Into the eyes is an endless red ground, the ground is thirsty and hard red sand, the wind is blowing, the sky is full of flying red sand, and when he looked away, Wang Yan thought he had reached the surface of Mars.

The temperature here is significantly lower than that of the lava lake that is rolling, but it is still hot and hot. Fortunately, there was no cloud of fire rising from the lake, and the sky above the head could be clearly seen.

"It's a very different galaxy ..." Wang Yan muttered silently.

He looked up at the sky and found that above the dull sky, in addition to a few red clouds fluttering, there were one large and one small two suns.

Wang Yan feels that this should be an unfamiliar galaxy made of Gemini stars. Let's call these two Gemini stars the Sun first. And these two planets exuded two different glosses, one red and one blue, so they hung on the sky so that he, the earthman, felt a different kind of strangeness and beauty.

"Woo, wow!"

The Goblin in the team suddenly got excited. They used a more primitive and obscure Goblin native language to shout into the distance.

It turned out that a series of tumbling creeps came under the sand in front of it, as if something was migrating under the sand.

"What are those things?" Wang Yan called a Goblin and asked curiously.

With his current strength, ordinary **** creatures have not formed any threat to him, but the strange phenomenon of moving under the sand still aroused his interest.

"That's food, food! A large group of mobile delicacies!" The stopped Goblin immediately portrayed to Wang Yan the strange creature in front.

According to Goblin's description, under the sand in front, there is a small beast called the gravel.

This small beast has a sandy body and is about the size of a Goblin, but has short legs and a fat head, and it is awkward to move on the ground.

If you are lucky enough to grab one and cook it, it is definitely the best delicacy in this area. Therefore, not only Goblin, but also the barbarian soldiers and the Hellhound mounts, salivating at this kind of beast with excellent meat taste.

"Great Lord Lord, please ask you to allow us to go hunting, we will give the best grit rat to adults." Goblin saw Wang Yan also interested, and quickly begged Wang Yan's hunting for permission.

This kind of low-level race can usually catch a gravel, and the entire tribe must celebrate for a long time, not to mention encountering such a large group of gravel.

"It turns out so, go." Wang Yan nodded, and a group of Goblins in the team immediately took a short bow, blew an arrow, and happily ran to the sand ahead.

At this moment, a gravel rat burrowed out of the ground. Because of the distance, it did not find the danger was approaching, but instead began to pounce on a cluster of thorn bushes, and it rose quickly. Most of the other gravel rats are also like this.

Wang Yan looked at them like a little pig with gray short hairs. I thought maybe the taste was really good, so I simply stopped the whole team to rest, and sent several teams to hunt, which was also counted as my own. The team reserves some food.

"Boss, do you also want to play two? The gravel rat is indeed a very good meat eater, which is usually difficult to meet."

After several hunting squads had set off, the Lord of Confusion took out two black bows from the storage belt and handed them to Wang Yanba to conclude, "Boss, make good use of it. If I am not used to it, I have a crossbow."

After a period of contact, Wang Yan has generally understood that the Lord of Confusion is indeed a desolate son abandoned by his pro-dad, and poverty is not very obvious. There are not many good things on hand. These bows and crossbows are made of purgatory steel. They are better than they are durable. They are the standard standard among barbarian soldiers.

"Just use this." Wang Yan also got a little playful, reached out and took the steel bow, urged the mount, and then took the younger brother and the pet of war to the prey.

He has seen the Infernal Steel Crossbow here, and it is almost the same as the sniper rifle. In addition, the Infernal Steel has the charging property. If used properly, the penetration of a crossbow arrow is even higher than his original rune. .

The Purgatory Steel Bow also has the charging property, and its penetrating power is slightly worse, but the victory is faster, easy to operate, and wide in practicality. Wang Yan has not played much before, and this time I just want to practice my hands.

However, they and their team had just reached the target range and heard the dense foot-hooves around them.

Wang Yan and others looked up and saw that a large number of strange barbarian soldiers had completely surrounded them.


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