The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1300: The lord is ...

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Wang Yan and others set off again, it was already ten days ago.

In the meantime, they walked on this endless red ground for a week before they saw some lush plants.

However, Wang Yan found that the plants here are very different from the lush, lush old trees on the earth, or the fresh grass. At least the vegetation in the domain of Chilian Demon King is so different.

The vegetation here is obviously more tolerant to drought, cold, and high temperatures.

Shrub-like vegetation that grows on reddish land is usually reddish-brown, withered and rough, and looks like dehydrated dead wood vines. For some tall woody plants, the bottom stems are very rough and hard, but the top crown will grow brown leaves.

When the sun is shining during the day, these leaves are open, and Wang Yan speculates that these plants should be absorbing abundant heat. When the temperature drops suddenly at night, the leaves will close again, and even the branches will curl up to resist the sudden temperature difference.

In addition, these plants are covered with defensive spikes. Listen to the way behind the ass, such as the introduction of the brutal master of dog skin plaster. Most of the plants here carry toxins, and some will actively prey on live animals.

To this end, Wang Yan also specifically looked for some observations, and then found a strange plant called Carnivorous Vine on the road.

This plant is very powerful. When it was still a young vine, it would cling to a large tree and extend its roots into the bark of the big tree to live on the nutrients of the big tree.

In the end, the longer and bigger the carnivorous vine will wrap the whole tree and break it down. It does n’t take long for a large hollow tree-like plant to be left in place, which is the carnivorous vine at maturity.

Carnivorous vines are even more powerful during maturity, and their food sources will change from plants to animals. Its appearance is like a big tree harmless to humans and animals, but any living things that stop on it will be preyed by it. It will be strangled by its extremely strong vines, and finally decomposed and digested.

Moreover, this carnivorous vine will also secrete a paralytic neurotoxin, which is extremely fast and very toxic. It will work on legendary powerhouses. It is often paralyzed by those who are entangled before they have time to react. lethal.

To this end, Wang Yan personally tried it.

He gently touched his hands on the branches of the carnivorous vine. At first, there was no response, but just when everyone was not expecting, the carnivorous vine "wowed" and suddenly burst out. He wrapped his entire arm.

Wang Yan immediately felt a numbness in his arm and a vertigo. The vines wrapped around his arms began to spread to his body quickly.

However, although the carnivorous vine is very aggressive, it is not fatal to the legendary powerhouse standing at the tip of the food chain.

With the pure yang fire in Wang Yanyun ’s gas, the toxins of the carnivorous vines were immediately cleared, and at the same time, the hot flames and the burnt carnivorous creaks, it was like a life, just a few breath Kung Fu shrank into a ball, and no longer dared to extend his paw to Wang Yan.


Wang Yan was quite interested in the ecology of the world of hell. After leaving a "fun" sentence, he led the team again and set off.

Species of Hell World are weird and peculiar. Only after you understand a lot, can you know yourself and know each other in order to be invincible.

At the end of the investigation, I walked for about three more days. Until now, I only reached the edge of a mountain.

"My demon flame master, me, we are about to arrive in the main city of my father's father. Before that ... Do we have to teach the slave master the rules? Slave, slave master ... I really want to be taught by Master Mo Yan."

Wang Yan had just stopped and looked over, the brutal master who was like a dog skin plaster, once again stuck to his leg.

"Well ... My demon flame master, the slave family is ready, hurry up, come on ... teach the slave family rules?" The cruel torso twisted, and his mouth made a vague sound, like a love. The coquettish cat, vigorously drilled to Wang Yan.

"Uh, cough ..." The confusing lord aside, his face embarrassed.

Although he has a thick skin, he can't stand his sister. When his face is so arrogant? Originally, he thought he was the most embarrassing person in the family. Unexpectedly, his sister was even more embarrassing!

Alas, it's really shameful.

Compared with the lord of the Red Confusion, Wang Yan's succubus was "giggling" aside, laughing happily.

She is a succubus, born to be a sub-race born from the strong. What kind of training, teaching and other means are more enjoyable. For this reason, Wang Yan secretly instilled a lot of theoretical knowledge along the way, which made Wang Yan stressed and had a headache.

On the other side, the three-legged Jinwu, who was once green-hatted, and the hairy crab who had not yet opened the harem harem, sighed again in the sky, as if in secret: the boss is the boss, look at this means of picking up girls, just casually make a second shot Niu put it upside down, and finally stuck it!

The hairy crab is really mad, the bird is mad, this is the gap!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Boge, who hung far behind, couldn't help crying.

He and the other three demon generals, or eyes open, sighed with sorrow, or forty-five degrees, looking at the sky, tears in his face. Everyone felt sad and heartbroken.

What kind of joke did fate make with them? What kind of magic did the demon youth who claimed to be Lord of the Flames actually cast on them, looking at the grown-up lady who was grown up, like this, just like a succubus slave.

It really made these four old courtiers sad.

In particular, the Lord of the Flame Flame, far away, their cruel lady, stunned them away a few hundred meters. The four of them carried the army, and now they can only hang far behind them, but their young lady, instead of a dog skin plaster, sticks to the demon lord and can't get away.

They looked at the scene in front of them, a painful heart, really tired and tired.

"Master Demon Flame, if you don't come to teach others, you will have no time." The cruel county master still did not give up, trying to follow Wang Yan's mount and continue to seduce Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was finally annoyed and waved her down: "Noisy!"


"Woo ..." Chibiao Jiadi dropped to the ground, sobbing softly and obsessedly. "Woo, my demon flame master is so powerful, so manly, the people who teach me are so painful, so painful ... Ooo ... "

In the distance, four demon generals, together with a large number of barbarians, were all on the spot. The younger Polk commander was about to cry again.

He thinks he is also very young, strong, and manly? Why should the lord of his own family be obsessed with the lord of the magic flame who does not know where?

"His ..." Wang Yan looked at the wicked brutal master at his feet, his mouth twitching for a while.

Is this a bit exaggerated? I smoked you. Are you happy or painful?

Wang Yan was dumbfounded, thinking that he would have to keep a distance from the M-shaking master in the future, otherwise he would not be able to give the master a crook.

Is that a big problem?


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