The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1301: Liuhuocheng

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"Okay, hurry up to me."

If nothing else, Wang Yan looked at the glamorous cruelty, ** Hengchen was beside him, and it was really a bit overwhelming, so he screamed coldly, and then pointed forward with one finger, asking, "That piece Where are the red mountains? "

"Well, slave, the slave family got up here." Upon hearing the order, the brutal master immediately aggrieved and stood up from the ground.

In the eyes of Wang Yan, his heart was speechless. Secretly, the shaking character of the Miss Sovereign was really serious. She spoke to her with command and harsh tone, but she was very happy, and it was strange.

Although this approach is a bit non-mainstream, Wang Yan was also a bit repulsive for a while, but after scolding him, he was still a bit dark. This may be the reason for lurking in people's hearts and longing for dominance. Of course, there are people like the cruel master who in turn expect to be dominated.

"That's not a mountain, it's my father's main city, Liuhuocheng!"

Speaking of the main city of her father Chilian Demon King, the abusive county master changed his previous pretentiousness, and his eyes could not help revealing awe.


Wang Yan's eyes were slightly lingering, and he looked down into the distance along the sight of the brutal master.

At the end of the horizon, the ambiguous, rolling red mountains, if it is really a city, the scale and majesty are definitely far beyond the imagination of modern people on Earth.

Coupled with this brutal master who is famous for his cruelty and willfulness, when he mentioned this city, his eyes were full of awe. It can be imagined that this main city led by Chilian Demon King, no matter the scale or status, is absolutely extraordinary.

"Yes, that's the Great Fire City." Facing Wang Yan's doubts, the tyrannical county leader hurriedly rushed aside and introduced, "In the past, this city was not called this name in the hands of the former devil. Later I His father performed well in the **** conference, and was appreciated by the Satanic deity, and then he broke through the shackles and advanced to the demigod demon king. "

"Obtained by Lord Demon Lord, the Satan Parliament immediately issued a decision. The previous generation Demon King was mediocre and incompetent, so he assigned this land to the new Devil King, which is owned by my father Lord."

"However, the previous demon king vowed not to surrender control, and he fought with my father, Master."

"Wait?" Speaking of Chibiao here, Wang Yan raised his question, "Since Lord Demon Lord is the only will, and the Satan Council is the highest referee, then why did the previous Demon King dare to disobey and be with your father Chilian What about the devil war? "

"It seems that my Lord of the Flames seldom participates in the competition, a little bit does not understand the traditional rules of our hell."

Brutal glanced at Wang Yan with some doubts, then smiled, and explained slowly, "Master Demon God is indeed the only will of our Purgatory and Demon Realm. The Satan Council is also the highest ruling, but according to the reasons given by them, The previous generation of the devil was deprived of the devil's territory because of mediocrity and inability. Therefore, according to the tradition of the **** world, if he is considered mediocre and incompetent, he only needs to defeat the competitors and prove himself to regain wealth and territory. Otherwise, it will become a loser and be trampled by other powerful people. "

"Besides, if several purgatory demon clan at the same time fancy a certain thing, then they can all go to grab it. Eventually the strongest will get the ownership of that thing." She finished looking at Wang Yan, He continued to add: "This approach is our tradition in the world of hell, which is a survival rule respected by Lord Demon Lord. Of course, in order to avoid confusion, many residential areas and the main city are prohibited from fighting privately. If you want an open duel, then You have to go to the wild, or the arena, a large number of people will watch it and witness it together. "

"It turns out so." Wang Yan nodded thoughtfully. "So your father Chilian Demon King, in order to gain territory and status, launched an open duel with the previous demon king?"

"Yes!" Chiru's eyes flickered and his voice was cruel and proud. "My father Chilian Demon King, just in front of that city, defeated and killed the previous demon king!"

"At that time, my father showed the **** fire wave that melted the whole wall and the mountain. The powerful force he showed, won the approval of the entire purgatory demon clan and the entire **** world in one fell swoop!"

"Therefore, the city was also renamed as Liuhuo City because of the walls and mountains of the firestone. The blurry red mountain in front of it was actually rebuilt with crimson lava stones to show his father ’s strength. New city wall! "

Speaking of her father, the words of the cruel lord of the cruelty kept on repeating like a cannonball.

The savage soldiers behind her were filled with awe as they heard the blood boiling. Even the confusing lord who wanted to pull his father off the horse brought some longing and fear in his expression.

This shows that the tradition of worshipping the strong in the world of **** is absolutely long-standing and deeply entrenched.

After listening to the story, Wang Yan couldn't help but touch his chin and thought to himself.

This traditional rule of respect for the strong and weak meat and strong food seems very unfair, but in fact it is the most fair and intuitive survival rule in nature.

Nature is nature, it has never been absolutely fair, and there is no absolute good or bad.

So no matter where, no matter what kind of species, in order to survive and multiply in the ruthless competition in nature, it is necessary to experience all kinds of difficulties and hardships, and the surviving and growing people are bound to be the most powerful part of that species. .

This is especially prominent in the world of hell.

You must know that Wang Yan had never thought about it before. As a god, the biological limit of the demigod demon also has to face such brutal competition and competition in order to occupy a place in the world of hell. No wonder there are so many powerful creatures in the world of hell.

This high-intensity competitive environment is far from the peaceful world of the world, and can be compared.

Of course, a peaceful living environment is more conducive to the development of civilization. As far as the current level of civilization is concerned, the earth far surpasses the cruel and savage world of hell.

In addition to the rules of survival in the world of hell, how much more powerful is the red refining demon king that Wang Yan cares about?

Hearing the rumours of the Red Cruel Sovereign Lord and Red Confused Lord, the Red Refining Demon King has climbed from the bottom to the top strong man of today's height step by step.

When he just reached the realm of the demon king, he was able to single-handedly kill the previous generation of demon king. This powerful strength reminded Wang Yan of the Satan doppelganger who had strayed into the trap on the earth.


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