The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1311: Unlucky Girl Lydia

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The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, were a little surprised when they saw Wang Yan. The level of astonishment is definitely far greater than in such a place, seeing the confusion and cruelty.

In the eyes of their three brothers, Wang Yan in front of him, like a demon of a demon, sat in front of the eyes of the three of them.

In particular, he has a taller and more majestic body than ordinary purgatory demon races, and the dark red evil skin like hellfire, even if it is just there, the expression is angry and joyless, but the light comes from him. The powerful power exudes is still unparalleled and shocking!

"Brother, this ..."

Both Red Bone and Red Rock were under Wang Yan ’s seemingly calm gaze, and his heart was tight. Instinctively feeling great pressure, he had to turn his attention to their elder brother, Lord Lilie, the eldest son of the devil.

Lord Chilie, the eldest son of Chilian Demon King, is also the most perfect heir to Chilian Demon King's blood. It can be said that from the moment he was born, in the vast demon king's territory in this area, he is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Coupled with his pure blood and outstanding talents, he was carefully cultivated by the Red Demon King. His powerful strength is far more than the average **** lord.

The world of **** is a place where strength speaks. With such a high status and outstanding strength, he almost never encounters the **** lord who can be compared with him, and he has never seen the demon youth at the same stage with him.

However, Wang Yan in front of him, with an extraordinary and powerful manner, really surprised him.

Chi Lie dare to conclude that there is absolutely no such a young and promising person in the devil's collar ruled by his father, and there is no big family that can produce such an excellent heir.

He speculates from this that the Demon youth who seems to be born with a king's demeanor in front of him must come from other demon kings.

"It should be a devil prince heir who can compare with me." Chi Lie tried to keep his pride as the devil's eldest son, and whispered to his two younger brothers, "Chi confused the boss in the waste mouth, it must be him." "

Although he said that he could match his shoulders, in fact, after seeing Wang Yan, Chi Lie's heart was lost for the first time.

However, he has always been proud and has never met his opponent. He is not willing to admit this at all, so in his eyes, Wang Yan in front of him is at most a descendant of the devil who can compare with him.

After listening to Chi Gu and Chi Yan, there was a sudden surprise, and they thought so. Now the **** meeting is about to start. The imposing young Mozu youth must be the heirs of other devil princes traveling abroad. On the way back, they traveled to their demon king's collar, solidified their sister, and collected the waste from the road Be a little brother.

At the moment, looking at Chiku's waste, he was clearly hugging his thighs. Their younger sister seemed to be fascinated by the demon youth in front of her.

But this is also good. Their younger sister is not disciplined and has a arrogant personality. Being able to find a spouse on her own is also a worry for their family. Coupled with this Demon youth, it seems that the identity background is very noble, enough to be worthy of their sister.

Marriage relations among nobles in the **** world are generally characterized by high-level marriages. However, unlike the earth with many rules, a high noble can have many spouses, but in order to maintain excellent blood lineage, the main room must also be a noble.

Once the marriage relationship is reached, the two big nobles naturally form a close alliance.

Therefore, even if the cruelty is expensive as the master of the demon king, when it reaches a certain stage, it will still become the tool used by the demon king to marry.

Survival is so ruthless, but in front of me, I saw that the cruel master had found one himself, and it looked very good. The three brothers Chilie naturally had nothing to say.

Just when their three brothers put away their arrogance and planned to introduce Wang Yan again, the owner of this aristocratic club, Coles, chased over the passage.

"Three highnesses, three highnesses ... Here, this layer has been covered by your sister Miss Abuse." Coles burst into sweat on the forehead and hurriedly laughed, "I haven't finished speaking yet, three Your Highness left. It really killed me. "

The three brothers, Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan, have always been accustomed to do whatever they want. Who dares to hinder them in the domain of their father Chilian Demon King? So as soon as they heard the room they wanted was occupied, they rushed up angrily without waiting for the boss Coles to speak.

With a hard face, Coles had to chase after him. Fortunately, these four are their own brothers and sisters, and there is no major conflict. It is estimated that speaking good things, mediation can be done, and he was relieved.

"Three Highnesses, would I have to change you downstairs? The elegant room downstairs is not much worse than this one."

Coles fartly followed behind the three demon kings, seeming to be honest, but actually smiling trivially, "There is this female slave, and after the three highnesses move, I will immediately let the next person give her Make up and dress up, and then enjoy it with the three Highnesses. "

With that said, Coles pulled the chain in his hand, and a poor human girl was pulled by him from the floating platform behind him.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan shrank.

The charming and charming human girl is the granddaughter that Emmons entrusted him to find, Lydia!

"Did this unlucky little nizi, after he came to hell, be caught by the three sons of the Red Refining Demon King? And just handed over to the boss Coles to freshen up and prepare to enjoy here?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but murmur in his heart, no wonder the wild monsters he sent out to search, no traces have been searched till now, I thought that the area of ​​hell is too vast, it will not be found in a moment and a half, it turned out that these three guys Hands.

Wang Yan's eyes narrowed, and she looked carefully at Lydia.

At this moment, this outstanding female magician, with a haggard expression, looked really disgraced, and did not see the simple and elegant appearance of the past.

Her hands are locked in an iron chain, like a slave pet, held by these purgatory demon races. The hair is also a little messy, the tip of the nose and the cheeks are covered with dirt, and it must have been a lot of sins in the process of being caught.

However, her water-blue robe is still neat and complete. It seems that she was not on the way to come and was poisoned by the three demon princes. This really made Wang Yan relieved.

"My name is Chilie, the eldest son of Chilian Demon King, and the heir to the future Great Fire City."

Lord Chilie is also a person who knows which one is more important. Instead of ignoring boss Coles, he takes the attitude of the devil prince and takes a step forward to face Wang Yan ’s initiative, “I do n’t know how you call it, and where Beloved Son of Lord Demon? "

Seeing the other party taking the initiative to speak, Wang Yan slowly turned his eyes and looked at Lord Chilie with a pretentious look.

Lord Chilie was unreasonable in his heart. What was going on? Why is this guy watching so much pressure?


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