The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1312: That girl, I want it

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"How do I call it?"

Facing Lord Chire's initiative, Wang Yan chuckled lightly and replied casually, "Oh, my name is Mo Yan, as to where this Lord comes from? This does not require you to ask."

He had no affection for the three self-righteous devil princes. Now that Lydia has fallen into their hands, he naturally cannot stand by.

Chi Lie's eyes narrowed, and he scolded the Lord Mo Yan, what the **** was it? In front of the Lord Chilie, the son of his demon king, he was still so arrogant and arrogant. Was he proudly fainted to death after receiving the waste from Chiyu and getting the favor of his sister's abuse?

Chi Lie's two younger brothers, Chi Bone and Chi Yan, also gritted their teeth, and their eyes were slightly more fierce.

In this field of demon kings, only these three brothers have always been the part of their power. When did a foreigner dare to do power in front of them?

The key to their sister is still obsessed with it. The more the other party is showing off, the more their younger sister is upside down, which makes their faces a little unrestrained.

In addition, the waste is confusing, and he is still a little brother. Although Chidu never enters their eyes, after all, the name of their family hangs. Seeing the heirs of his family's sidelines, in front of them, it's very embarrassing to be a servant to an outsider.

The three brothers were angry and hate before, but it was also hindered by each other's identity. Afterwards, he made a good show of friendship and ended up with a cold butt.

The surrounding atmosphere fell into a sudden silence as the voice fell.

The club owner, Coles, sweated coldly, and said, just fine, how can it suddenly become so embarrassing now? Every one of them is a person he can't afford, and this little boss, what should he do now?

Finally, the sister of the devil's third son, the cruel master stepped forward and broke the silence.

"My demon flame master, does not want to say his own back, naturally there are reasons why he does not want to say it, what are you doing so many of you? The master of this county is free to love, the father does not care, when is your turn to interfere Alright? "

The brutal prince squinted and scorned the cross, "Also, have n’t you seen that this elegant room has been taken over by the prince? If you have to fight with the prince, the prince will go to his father Lord is the master! "

On the one hand, Cruel Sorrow sighed with his own Master Moyan, even her brother didn't take it into consideration. This spirit was really awesome. On the other hand, I was also annoyed by the three disgruntled brothers who didn't know where to grab the personal slave girl. Even if the key was to destroy her good things, I couldn't bear it.

"Yeah yeah, come first and come later, wouldn't the three highnesses move to the floor below? The elegant room below is not worse than here." The club owner Coles quickly stepped forward to ask for advice and patted the **** by the way. Give these three brothers a face, or give them a step down.

Chilian Demon King favors this cruel tyrant master, Chibiao moves out of Chilian Demon King, and her three older brothers will naturally not fight with her again.

"Well, being a brother, you will naturally not fight with your sister." Chi Lie glanced at the two brothers beside him, and then smiled pretendingly.

In a few moments, he turned his eyes to Wang Yan again and said sarcastically: "Before we took the risk, I hope Brother Moyan will not be surprised. We will invite you to visit the Palace of the Demon King someday, and then our three brothers will treat our brothers, everyone Let ’s talk together again. ”

Wang Yan's expression still had no waves, but he just casually nodded his chin and counted as recognition.

This pride gesture, which seemed to override everything, actually made the three brothers Chilie feel sullen again.

With patience and anger in his heart, Chi Lie had to vent his grievances to Chi Dao.

"Waste, don't forget your own identity!" He glared wildly and snorted coldly, greeted, "Humph, let's go."

After all, he turned and took over the iron chain in the hands of boss Coles, and wanted to leave.

Two of his brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, both glared red and confused, and then they would follow to the next floor.

Lord Chew was stunned by the three brothers, as if he had become a traitor who ate inside and out. Although there were complaints in his heart, he did not dare to attack.

But he accepted this point calmly in his heart, he planned to eat inside and outside, and one day, he will follow the boss, all these brothers and fathers who do not regard him as a person, step on all feet!

"Please over here, please over here." Boss Coles hastily bowed down to give away.

He was really relieved in his heart, and sighed that he was finally safe. Although the money of these princes and nobles was easy to make money, they were moody and really difficult to deal with.

"No, no, let go, let me go! Woo ... I, I don't want to be enjoyed ..." Lydia, who had just passed away, was pulled by the chain and immediately struggled helplessly.

Her mouth is mixed with humans and the less skilled language of hell, plus her messy clothing, her delicate and helpless appearance, the more she struggles, the more she looks more attractive, and finally stirs up the three brothers Chilie, Chigu, Chiyan Of desire to conquer.

The three brothers looked in their eyes, and their faces showed excitement and obscenity, and even the anger they had just received was all thrown into their minds at this moment.

It can be said that they brought this human slave girl back home for thousands of miles and did not want to touch her along the way, just to enjoy once at this moment.

After all, like this extremely rare female slave, their three brothers will naturally find a good place, open a body, and enjoy it slowly.

The cruel master of the cruelty was empty for a moment, and glanced at Lydia, who was held in the hand by Chilie, and secretly was indeed a human slave girl I saw.

According to her understanding, in recent decades, there have been fewer and fewer human adventurers who have come to the **** world to take risks, and even ordinary humans have become scarce goods. Human slaves with equal appearance and strength like this are even rarer. If it is placed on the auction house, I am afraid that it is a sought-after among many **** devil.

Cruel and sighed, I really don't know what her three brothers who didn't learn and did not know what **** luck, they could actually catch such a superb quality. When they have enough play, it is a lot of money to change hands, which is really lucky.

But now they are about to leave, and Brutality is too lazy to look at them again.

She couldn't help but irrelevant people around her, and they were all gone, so she could do something that everyone loves to do with her Master Moyan.

Oh, Lord Mo Yan ...

The more cruel she is, the more she will spring up. She is a demon with a succubus gene. Some aspects of her talent are inherent.

Just as she was like Wang Chunshui, she slowly turned around and looked at Wang Yan, but Wang Yan turned her eyes and looked at the human slave girl.

"and many more!"

Wang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose fiercely, "That slave girl, I want it!"


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