The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1332: The past

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"Father really expected things like God, this time when the child passed by, he did find a trace."

Lord Chilie's eyes were gloomy, and he looked around quietly, then whispered to his father Chilian Demon King, "This time, the child went with his brother to break the ban. Although there was no success, the ban seemed to have changed from the past . "

"Huh? What changes?" Chilian Demon King asked casually.

Bloodline will bring talent and strength, but it will also become an imprisonment. This imprisonment is the limit of biological evolution. But as long as he can become the devil **** Satan, the supreme **** demon above the billions of living creatures is not something that any creature can do.

Not only the devil **** Satan, the three devil gods of hell, but also any supreme life in the universe who has become a god, has its own adventures and special experiences.

Each of them is a miracle of the evolution of life, and it is an extremely rare alien in the everlasting law of the universe. It is no exaggeration to describe them as cancer cells of the universe.

So how to surpass the limits of biological evolution and become such a cancer cell with no alternative to the laws of the universe?

When the Red Demon King was still a little lord, he met such a great human magician, his name was Marcus Harvey, and people called him the star **** of the sky!

This is a great wise man. After exhausting his life energy, he is studying the vast starry sky universe and the true meaning of life.

Chi Lian, who was still the lord at that time, naturally wanted to blackmail and plunder the old magician from the earth, but the result was naturally easily picked up.

When Chi Lian marveled at the incomparable power of the old magician, he turned his head and pleaded for the help of the other party.

Probably the star **** of the sky did need an assistant, so this unseen red lord of the refining became the follower of the star **** of the sky.

It was a century in a flash. During this century, Chi Lian followed the starry sky god. He saw many magical experiments and discoveries. Under his guidance, he himself discovered the secret of controlling the power of elements, and his strength soared.

Later, until one day, the God of the Starry Sky finally found the ultimate secret of life in this ancient land of hell!

At least it is the ultimate secret that they can reach!

Chilian Demon King still remembers the scene at that time. They stood in front of a mountain stretched for nearly ten thousand miles and covered with uneven rocks.

The rugged mountains like this have too many in the world of hell. At that time, they were still the Chilian of the Lord of Hell.

But the God of Starry Sky was very excited and said: "This is not a mountain, this is the remains of a giant galaxy! I want to find the true meaning of life, here it is!"

The Red Refining Demon King was stunned at that time. According to legend, the galaxy behemoth would eat the stars and even fall into the ancient world of hell! And after tens of millions of years, and even hundreds of millions of years of weathering, its body has already weathered into the mountains and earth!

Starry Sky God speculated at the time that most of the life in the **** world might have come from the body of this galaxy monster!

Such a discovery, let alone the starry sky god, even the Chilian Demon King is going crazy.

But he knew that he was not an opponent of the starry sky god, and without the starry sky god, he could not find this secret about the ultimate life.

Therefore, according to his inner excitement, it took him more than ten years to find the core location of the galaxy monster with the starry sky god.

The core of the ancient beast has long been extinguished, but the remaining consciousness is still there. It is like a star fire, burning in the cave of the ancient beast's core collapsing.

"This is the fire of life! It is the most primitive force in the universe!"

The ultimate secret of the starry sky **** is this little fire of life.

Chilian Demon King was extremely powerful at the time. He wanted to take this group of innate powers to the extreme, and it is very likely that he will get a way to break through the divine personality!

At that time, the starry sky **** was too eager to study because he was eager to study.

At the moment when he tried to decipher the intrinsic power of the universe, the poisonous Chilian Demon King stabbed him fiercely in the back of him.

Even though he is as strong as the Star God of the Sky, he is still a flesh and blood, but he is still released from a dying attack after a fatal blow, which will hit the Red Demon King hard.

At the same time, he did not hesitate to burn off the final vitality, sealing himself and all the surrounding space.

This is exactly the space boundary on the earth where even ancient flame demons could seal and suppress repression. Using the huge power of stars, once formed, it is convenient for the sky and the stars to become one. Even the warlord of the Vulcan Zhurong, the ancient Yanmo can not break free, showing that its power is worthy of the first humanity on earth at that time.

The unsuccessful attack on Chilian Demon King is full of resentment, but he has no alternative. He didn't dare to tell anyone this secret, or even the devil might be moved by it.

Therefore, in the following days, through the capture of some connotations, he worked hard all the way through the **** conference to break through the legend and advance to the demi-god.

Later, through various means, he obtained the ruling power of this piece of Demon King, just to one day be able to discover this ultimate secret again.

Now that his son has grown up, **** conference is open again. As long as he can obtain this secret master of the origin of life, then the family he founded by Chilian will become a hegemon in this world!

Over time, he can even have the power to resist the three demon gods, and by that time, the entire pattern of **** will be rewritten for this.

Therefore, when he heard about his son, he had found clues about the seal, and he couldn't help being excited.

"Back to my father, the baby did find a different change than before." Lord Chilie rolled his eyes and replied, "After trying to open the seal this time, the child found that there was an inexplicable shock in the seal. , Some kind of resonance like that. "

"But ... the human slave girl broke in before waiting for the child to study it carefully." Chi Lie said with some embarrassment, "I was going to report to my father later, but I didn't expect that this thing happened ..."

After Chilie finished, the brothers Chigu and Chiyan also echoed for a while.

After listening to the Chilian Demon King, his brows could not help but frown, and he was anxiously annoyed: "You mean, that resonance is related to that human slave girl?"

"It shouldn't be, we have confirmed that it was an ordinary adventurer who strayed into the mountains." Chi Lie quickly explained, "but no matter whether it matters or not, the female slave fell into the hands of Mo Yan, which is always bad."

Chi Lie did find that the seal was somewhat different. This may be because the seal repulsed him when he tried to open the seal, not necessarily related to the human slave girl.

The reason why he said this is nothing more than wanting his father to support him and get rid of the magic flame, so that he can relieve his hatred!


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