The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1333: Today is to pretend

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"Why didn't you say this early?"

Chilian Demon stared at Chilie and his two brothers angrily, "Huh, do it clean." After all, glanced at the human slave girl Lydia hanging in the cage, and snorted away.

Maybe this female slave has nothing to do with the remains of the starry sky god, but as long as there is a trace of connection, this female slave cannot fall into the hands of others.

Lord Chilie respectfully watched along the way, until his father Chilian Demon King boarded the podium, and then returned his eyes.

"Big Brother!" Chigu and Chiyan approached, "Don't spare him!" He said, and glanced hard at Wang Yan across the face, Xiao Xiao's intention in his eyes was beyond words.

"You don't worry, he won't be slamming for a long time." Chi Lie spit out a few words coldly, and turned to walk toward the central ring surrounded by magma.

He snorted in his heart, not only this magic flame, but even if his opponent was his father in the future, he would not be merciless. Especially after knowing the secrets left by the star **** Marcus Harvey, he even more disregarded the feelings of father and son.

For him, it was finally a secret that he could change his life against the sky. In the face of this opportunity that might make him dominate the world, what is the father and son fraid?


As Lord Chilie walked towards the ring step by step, on the other side, Wang Yan was also preparing to step on the stage.

"My demon flame master, please don't be merciful because he is the elder brother of the slave family."

The brutal master of the cruelty came to Wang Yan with tenderness, and began to talk about being charming and affectionate, but he became more murderous, "The slave's body and mind are all yours, the brother who is not long-eyed. Beat it! "

Wang Yan listened to the corner of his mouth slightly, and secretly thought that you are indeed a brother and sister, and the lives of the people in Hell are indeed very harmonious.

Confused that guy, wanting to kill his whole family, for some reason is justified. She is a spoiled and cruel child who has dealt with her elder brother without blinking her eyelids. This makes Wang Yan, an alien, really uncomfortable.

However, this is also something to be found. Under the high competition pressure, the world of **** is much weaker than the earth world. Apart from the heirs of the heirs, the rest of the children are more like a mutually beneficial relationship, which may break at any time.

This is actually very common in the earth world, among some birds and animals. In the final analysis, it is all for better survival.

"Boss, my brother followed his father for the longest time, and he was also the appointed successor of my father Chilian Demon King. After seeing your power, he dared to challenge you. It seems that it is definitely not as simple as it seems, boss. Be careful. "The Lord of Confusion also leaned in, and kindly advised.

"Xiao Chi made sense, and asked the host to be more careful." The succubus also respectfully served around Wang Yan, and his pretty face was a bit more worried than usual.

The other party is expensive as the son of the devil, and has the courage to challenge his master, I must have prepared a lot of tricks.

"I have my own measure." Wang Yan raised his finger after hearing it, indicating that he knew it and didn't need to worry. Then he walked towards the ring.

He also glanced halfway through, and Delia, who was placed in a cage and suspended above the magma pool, could not help raising the corner of his mouth slightly.

The girl magician, now in a state of embarrassment, crouched pitifully in a cage made of purgatory steel, her face covered with anxiety and tension. It seems that this series of encounters has shocked her a lot.

Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly, this little nizi is really a bit bold and dare, dare to break into **** alone to take risks. I do n’t know if it ’s the old predecessor of Starry Sky God, who is in the sky. At this critical moment, this little nizi was lucky to be seen by him in time.

And now for her, I have to get into the family of Chilian Demon King, this fee is not cheap, and I must definitely knock her grandpa Emmons back.

However, Lidia, the little nizi, didn't seem to find out that he was Wang Yan himself, so he decided to hide for a little longer. Since she suffers a loss, let her eat bigger, otherwise young people like her will not remember.

As the two stepped onto the ring, the two passages leading to the ring began to recover slowly, and the gate of the rest area inside the gladiator yard was also suddenly closed.

Under the red demon king, twelve demon kings guarded around the inner field respectively. A large number of **** teams surrounded the entire third and third floors of the arena, and there was no water.

The domineering spirit from the devil is undoubtedly manifested at this moment. The surrounding atmosphere, also in this moment, turned into a shame.

The huge capacity of the arena, crowded into the audience in a short time, squeezed full. And those who came slowly and did not squeeze in, can only be blocked by the guards of the demon guard, sighing.

Due to the sudden outbreak of disputes, no one in this arena organized a bet, or deliberately provoked gimmicks or something. Even if someone wants to take advantage of the crew to make a big profit, but see the posture around, there is no courage.

After all, the high-powered Red Refining Demon King, sitting there in person, who dares to make an order in front of him?

Soon, the Red Demon King sitting on the rostrum dropped a piece of white silk from the rostrum.

According to the tradition here, the moment when the white silk fell to the ground was the moment when the duel began, and the process of falling the white silk was left to the final preparation time on both sides.

"Oh, Mo Yan, you will regret it soon and provoke the lord today."

Lord Chilie sneered with a sneer, fierce murderousness, and continued to surge. He held a fire-burning sword, standing proudly, and wearing a red armor, set his strong body against the extraordinary power.

White silk was slowly falling from his diagonal side. His fame, because of his father and because of himself, has already resounded through the entire city of Liuhuo. At this time, with his imposing exposure, all the audience at the scene was boiling.

They screamed in excitement or cheered. To know the eldest son of Chilian Demon King, the name of Lord Chilie, who do not know, who do not know the local residents of these great cities of fire?

And Chilie is the most outstanding representative among the legendary lords of the new generation. In the eyes of these live audiences, if Chi Lie showed his true ability, he might not be the opponent of the Lord of Flames.

"Really? Then?" Wang Yan looked relaxed, and smiled indifferently.

He stood there in such a way that he did not show the mountains and exposed the water, and looked at Chi Lie in front of him boringly. That look did not seem to face a death fight, but instead seemed to participate in an outdoor outing, and it was still a very boring outing.

This ecstasy of interest, the appearance of Yixing languidness, can be said to be extremely arrogant.

Watching the masses all around, I could not speak for half a day. Anyone with this posture is either extremely strong, or is dying.

Right now, this foreign Lord of Demon Flames, how deep is his identity and strength, and these onlookers, they really can't see at all.


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