The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1336: Don't hit the south wall and don't look back

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Not only Lydia, but the red bones, red rocks, the opposite confusion, the red abuse, and now all the onlookers have their eyes widened.

Without exception, none of them can see exactly where the fierce fire hiding in the fire wave of **** is. It is even more difficult to understand how Mo Yan was discovered, and to accurately control the movement of Chi Lie.

On the contrary, there was almost only one succubus in the audience, which still looked indifferent, as I expected.

Quite simply, the element of Hellfire that is pervading in the air can be trended by Lord Chilie, and it can naturally be used by her master Wang Yan, even becoming Wang Yan's eyeliner and spy.

The seemingly fierce hellfire wave, controlled by the Chire Lord, was like a rainbow. In fact, those who lost a huge group of hellfire elements became Wang Yan's traitor servants, constantly providing Wang Yan with Chilie Every move.

If this innate ability to control fire is called a plug-in, then her master, Wang Yan, has indeed opened a link in this respect.

After all, Wang Yan is on the earth, but he is a legendary figure called the Son of Flame.

"That magic flame is not simple ..."

The other person in the audience who did not show shock and inexplicability was the red demon king sitting on the podium.

At this moment he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The magic power of the underworld is extraordinary. Even his demigod-level demon king can't estimate how many means this magic flame has and how deep the background is.

Such a mysterious and powerful young Devil is indeed a little unfathomable, no wonder his three sons are not opponents, even his beloved daughter is fascinated by this magic flame.

This made the Chilian Demon King very angry. For the first time now, he felt suppressed by others, but he had a strength in his own empty space, but he could not show it for half a point.

This demon flame is not an ordinary **** lord, and he is a demigod demon king. Under such a wide range of eyes, it is impossible to intervene directly in this duel, and it is even more impossible to block the face of the entire city. Shot. Otherwise, once spread, he will definitely cause great trouble for himself.

Although he has a high weight and dominates one side, he is also afraid that he will provoke other demon kings, or a stronger attack. Otherwise, his venomous plan will not only fail. If the secrets that reveal the remains of the starry sky **** are also leaked out at the time, the end of his red refining demon king is probably coming.

"There is still a chance. If you use that weapon, my child Chilie has a chance to make a comeback." Chilian Demon King sat on the rostrum, his heart was still, and his expression was even a win.

Although it is a bit premature to use that weapon with Mo Yan now, and it is a pity to expose it too early, but it is still worthwhile to solve this demon flame that dares to show off his power in his territory.


"How do I find out where you are? Of course, the element of hellfire told me."

On the ring, Wang Yan chuckled, and walked towards him step by step like a stroll in the court.

Although Wang Yan's pace is slow and his expression is careless, his stern momentum exudes, and the invisible pressure brought by it instantly makes the entire ring become depressed.

Chilie fell to the ground, embarrassed, and looked at Wang Yan's eyes, trembling slightly because of the inner anger: "How, how is it possible? How could the element of hellfire controlled by the lord be used by you? ! "

Chi Lie's eyes suddenly tightened: "I understand, you, you are playing me!"

Until now, there is only one explanation for Chi Lie, that is, the opposite Mo Yan got cheap and sold well, deliberately teasing him! Otherwise, how could the hellfire element he controlled be used by the other party in reverse? How can such a thing happen in this world?

"Believe it or not." Wang Yan shrugged helplessly, irresolutely, which undoubtedly once again hit Chi Lie's already sensitive self-esteem.

"Coincidence, just a coincidence! Mo Yan, you are less smug!"

Chi Lie was very annoyed, raised his hand to find a small pottery bottle, and raised his head to pour the liquid inside.

This is a magic potion refined by professional warlocks, similar to the essence provided by the super power organization of the earth, and has a very strong recovery ability.

Soon, inspired by the potion, the blood of the powerful Purgatory Demon Clan began to help Chi Lie, quickly recovering from his wounds. After a while, he was like no one else, the change of spirit was vigorous and fierce.

However, recovering from an injury requires a lot of energy. Even if there is a potion supplement, a purgatory demon cannot recover from the injury many times in a short time. Otherwise, the effect of injury recovery will become worse and slower and slower, until it finally becomes difficult to recover within a period of time. If it is then hit hard again, it will not be far from death.

"This time, I will not miss again!"

Chilie couldn't swallow it in one breath, he didn't believe in this evil, he had been practicing hard for many years, **** fire wave will be easily cracked by that magic flame.

Thinking of this, Chi Lie jumped up and turned into a wave of **** fire again. The continuous **** fire became more and more fierce, and soon merged with the flames burning around.

This time the **** fire caused by him was more fierce and the burning range was wider, and soon spread on a circular ring platform.

"Mo Yan, this time I will never treat you lightly!"

Chi Lie's voice seemed to be omnipresent in the vast flames of hell, surrounded by layers, and fierce came.

The last time he ate a big loss, this time he never dared to carelessly, did not act rashly, but surrounded the entire circular ring with the **** fire tide, and then kept tightening the encircling circle, forming a continuous strengthening encirclement to Wang Yan The trend depends on pushing Wang Yan into a dead end and finally tortured to death.

"Chi Lie, why are you chattering like a woman?"

Wang Yan stood on the spot, his eyes inadvertently kept turning left and right, and a rough spiritual hammer of spirituality flicked up and down with the shaking of his wrist.

"By the way, there is another sentence, you must have never heard of it." Wang Yan's eyes suddenly lighted up, "Fire-players must burn themselves!"

Before the words fell, Wang Yan shot suddenly.

With a snap, the fierce warhammer was quickly thrown out by him.


With a sound of metal symphony, Lord Chilie's figure flew out of the flames in response to the sound.

Lord Chilie fell to the ground, and the surrounding audience exclaimed again.

Under the eyes of the public, Lord Chilie's face was hot, and he did not believe in evil. He gritted his teeth and launched an attack on Wang Yan again.

The result was "Dang Dang Dang", so repeatedly, Wang Yan struck with a flying hammer, and Lord Chilie finally finally lay down like a dead dog again.

The audience around couldn't help but sigh. The two brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, looked at the tragic appearance of the red on the ring and were speechless for an awkward time.

Even the Chilian Demon King on the rostrum had hot cheeks, and cursed Chilie for this stupid thing. It was not enough to be ashamed once, but again and again!

Don't use that trick at this time, but when should we wait?


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