The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1337: Fierce trick

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"Can, hate!"

Lord Chilie collapsed to the ground, looking embarrassed, his teeth gritted in his heart, and his eyes were splitting.

This time, his face was a big loss, and at this moment he even wished to find a ground seam.

He originally thought proudly, with his own strength, enough to fight this magic flame. Even when the **** fire was first broken, he just thought he was too careless.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally ran into the south wall because of his arrogance, and then he really realized that his hellfire wave was of no use to the demon lord, and he was indeed not an opponent.

Although this made him feel ashamed, he still couldn't refuse to admit that the Lord of Demon Flame was far above him both in response and strength.

Especially the powerful and rough warhammer, every time he waved it over, it seemed to contain great power, and he was even reluctant to resist. If he fights hard, his ending will be undoubted, and he will definitely lose.

"Chi Lie, for the sake of your father Chi Lian Demon King, I will let you go this time and admit defeat. The human slave girl belongs to me!"

Wang Yan stopped, he won so easily, his posture was still proud.

But as his opponent, Lord Chilie, and even his brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, they lost so much that they couldn't even issue a refusal.

They really can't refute, this is the absolute strength gap. At this time, the three of them, even if they were devil princes, faced the oppressive oppression of each other, only to swallow this sullen part.

The Chilian Demon King, who was above him, sat silently in the rostrum, his face gloomy and watery.

The large number of onlookers around, and the demon guards around the guard, were disappointed by their prince Chi Lie shaking his head, disappointed, and even the enthusiasm at the beginning of the game faded away a lot.

On the contrary, they began to pay more respect to the magic flame of Wang Yan's incarnation. Even those who originally supported Chi Lie began to turn their backs, and cast their eyes on Wang Yan with admiration and admiration.

Because in their eyes, you are the eldest son of the Red Demon King, and the Chi Lie Lord above 10,000 people under the status of one person, regardless of strength or prestige, should be unattainable.

Unexpectedly, within a few rounds, the demon lord was suppressed in all directions. Such a huge contrast made them quite surprised and disappointed by the lively onlookers.

On the contrary, from the beginning to the end, the powerful and domineering Lord of the Flame Flame kept rising in their hearts. Such a reaction at the scene also made the Chilian Demon King very angry.

The more the people support the magic flame, the more he can't deal with the magic flame, at least under the eyes of everyone, he can't move the magic flame.

In fact, what annoys him most is that this matter can be easily solved, but his son Chi Lie is too arrogant and too arrogant. As a result, he is not only disgusting, but even his high devil is so embarrassed. .

If it was not a pro son who was present, he would have been unable to sit still. This old face of his, really could not bear so many eyes to secretly look at it.

"Hahaha, wonderful, really wonderful! The lord knows he has followed the right person!"

In the rest area adjacent to the ring, the lord of Chidu shouted with excitement, "Which one is Chilie, for the sake of you being my brother, I will advise you to confess, hurry up and admit defeat, you are not my boss's opponent! "

At this time, he was confusing, as if he were standing on the ring and gazing at the world, just like himself.

The succubus with all kinds of charms and the obsession with expressions, as if the cruel master of the sad child with a spring in his eyes, also settled down at this moment and showed his fascination with Wang Yan.

However, the various reactions and words around him seemed to Chi Lie a sharp spike, through his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, through his body skin, and finally drilled straight into his internal organs. Heartfelt.

He has grown so big, has never suffered such a big loss, and has never suffered such a shame and humiliation. This magic flame that brought him pain and shame must be dead today!

"Acknowledge defeat? Give that human slave girl to you? Haha, you dream!"

Chi Lie smiled angrily. He stood up slowly from the ground, and the wound on his body began to heal again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The lord does not lose, it is you who ultimately loses!"

The fierce **** flames burned around the fierce flames again. Seeing his fierce appearance, the audience around him inevitably shook his head again. How many times did he deal with Lord Lord Mo Yan?

If you can't win, you can't win.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry." Wang Yan looked sharply, holding the warhammer, and when he planned to end this boring battle, Chilie rushed to him again.

Chi Lie did not hide in the sea of ​​fire this time, but his body flicked, transformed into a dozen flame incarnations, and attacked Wang Yan from all directions.

This incarnation of the element of Hellfire can attack and fight like a real person, and can also produce a terrifying self-destructive killing enemy.

If this trick was exhibited by his father, the Scarlet Demon King, the power was indeed a bit scary, and Wang Yan was only able to avoid it.

However, after Chi Lie and Wang Yan have fought hard several times now, their physical strength has been greatly reduced, plus his strength is not as good as Wang Yan. Therefore, in the face of more than ten flame incarnations, Wang Yan did not hesitate to hit the ground with a hammer. It was because of the shock wave caused by the childish warhammer, and he just burst all the flame incarnations.

After shaking the mountains and the flames, the twelve Demon Kings guarded again to suppress the after rhyme, Wang Yan stood unharmed, and at his feet, it was a fragment that spread out dozens of meters away. Big pit!

This arena is used to lay the rock bricks of the ring platform. It is the volcanic giant rock used by Liuhuo City to build the city wall. Inside this rock, after a long time of lava backlog, it is rich in a lot of metal minerals, each of which weighs several tons and is extremely strong.

Ordinary legendary lords can hardly break them if they do n’t take it seriously, but Wang Yan struck all the strongest center parts of the entire ring with one blow!

How terrifying this power is, this time it really shocked the hearts of all the audience.

The audience at the scene was shocked and searched quickly. They soon found Lord Chilie standing opposite Wang Yan.

Although Lord Chilie was defeated, the look of excitement was overwhelming with excitement. His eyes only stared at Wang Yan, as if Wang Yan was a beast that fell into the trap, and he could not escape with his wings.

The audience at the scene was surprised for a while, and Wang Yan was also a bit puzzled. Curious about this, Chi Lie might not have taken the wrong medicine? After being beaten by him, why are you still so excited?

At this moment, a "click" sound, like a cracked glass, came into Wang Yan's ear.

Wang Yan glanced down, and there was no time when a dark green spooky sphere appeared at his feet.

At this time, a crack appeared slowly on this strange sphere. At the same time, an incomparably dark green gas erupted suddenly!


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