The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1343: Son of flame? never heard of that

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The winner wins the bet, and after all the grudges are cancelled, the two forces can no longer dispute this matter. This is the traditional rule of the **** world and a way to avoid the expansion of disputes.

Therefore, once the arbiter of this duel, the Red Demon King's scene announced that the duel was a happy ending.

There was a random explosion at the scene. The strong worship here, the audience present just witnessed the emergence of a strong, so there were many female residents who confessed to cheer, congratulations and congratulations.

Wang Yan is not too arrogant. After all, he is now in the territory of the Infernal Demon King. Now, regardless of his strength or power, the Infernal Demon King is very amazing. It is not the object that he can now defeat.

Since Lydia, who was regarded as a slave girl, has become his personal belongings, he has no reason to stay here.

"There is arbitration and testimony from Lord Lord of the Devil."

Wang Yan was not arrogant and impatient. He calmly shouted at the Chilian Demon King, and then put away the warhammer, loosened the foot that stepped on the Lord Chilie, and a pair of magic wings behind him lifted slightly, and then hanged toward the magma pool Lydia flew away.

Seeing this, the Chilian Demon King was filled with helplessness and suffocation. Under the hood, this magic flame, in the face of him, the demigod demon king, can be so leisurely, plus the strength and blood are so excellent, it seems that the background is indeed very deep.

The sulking of self-seeking now seems to be swallowed hard.

If possible, he does not want to provoke some large families with deep backgrounds. Of course, if this demon flame would hinder him, in the field of the demon king he ruled, he had countless ways to make him completely disappear in this world.

There is also a human slave who has a little contact with the starry sky **** relics in Chilie ’s mouth. Although he understands how many of them are Chilie ’s intentions to exaggerate the facts in order to retaliate the magic flame, but it is of great importance. Can't sit back and ignore.

But tonight, let this magic flame go all night.

The Red Demon King watched Wang Yan leave and narrowed his eyes for a long time. Then he waved his hand again, and immediately grasped the enlightenment, and quickly opened all the organs of this arena.

Soon, with the roar of a mechanical rotation, the magma around the ring began to recede, and the entrances to the various passages in the glade were opened.

The two brothers of Red Bone and Red Rock, together with a large number of Demon Guards, immediately rushed to the ring in a hurry and surrounded Chi Lie.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" Chi Gu and Chi Yan lifted Chi Lie to the left and right, Chi Yan cursed angrily, "That **** Mo Yan, I don't know what tricks to use, even his father gave Poisonous Jiao strains are useless! "

"Yes! He must have a body protector hidden in his body. This time he was lucky!" The red bone was also very succumbed. This time, except for the eldest brother Chilie, it was the worst that he was beaten by the magic flame. Yan was still unharmed, the hate in his heart.

"Shut up for me! Isn't it enough to lose your face today?" Chi Lie's eyes glared. As a result, he was angered and caused injuries. After a "poo", he vomited a lot of blood.

Wang Yan, who suffered a violent blow, was indeed not badly injured. Even if he had the bloodline of the Infernal Demon Race, it would take a long time to recover.

"Today and tonight, it's my care ... This thing, no, it won't be so ..." Chi Lie was ashamed and irritated, and he was frustrated, so he took out a restorative potion, poured it in, suffocated ,"let's go!"

"Yes yes, let's go, let's go."

The two brothers of Red Bone and Red Rock, together with the guards of the devil around them, promised again and again that everyone erected Chi Lie with seven hands and feet and walked towards the exit passage.

Chilian Demon King stood in the stands, watching this scene with a gloomy face, a pair of bright and hidden eyes, and the exchange of light and dark, making it impossible to know what this demigod devil is thinking about, or what kind of conspiracy is brewing. plan.


Compared with the gloomy side of Lord Chilie, Wang Yan's side is obviously more cheerful.

The cheering of the people watching the surroundings is like a tide, endless layer after layer. Wang Yan ’s younger brother was confused, the mistress was brutal, and the pet succubus also jumped out of the rest area at the first moment, surrounded by Wang Yan.

Especially the confusion, the bragging force, keeps going all the time, and he can't leave. Attracted by the cruelty and fear of falling out of favor, he was also attentive afterwards. The succubus obediently followed behind to wait for the master, but when he saw the two brothers and sisters in such a funny way, they couldn't help but laugh out of silence.


Wang Yan opened the cell door of the Purgatory Steel Cage and lifted Lydia out of it, just like a pitiful little cat, and mentioned it on the ground.

Lydia curled up and sat paralyzed on the ground. Under Wang Yan and others watching, she secretly raised her eyes and peeked around. As a result, "Wow" burst into tears.

She felt that she was too miserable, suffering all kinds of hardships along the way, and ultimately could not avoid falling into the hands of a terrible purgatory demon.

At this moment, when she saw four terrible demons around her, it was as if they were watching a small animal in their human beings. Along the tears, a steady stream came out.

"Woo ... Where are you, Son of Flame? You are not coming to save me, it is too late!" Lydia felt that if the Son of Flame she worshipped had not come to save her, then waiting for her tragic ending, There is only one.

If that's really the case, then ... then she would rather be jade broken than live in the world in humiliation.

However, her cries caused the confusing lord to laugh.

"Hahaha, what a son of flames? I haven't heard of this lord."

The confusing lord looked at Lydia, who was wronged, and couldn't help but laugh, "How can the guy who doesn't know where he can compare with my boss? The lord advises you, or obey my boss obediently. Okay, otherwise, even if your flame child comes, you have to be beaten down by my boss like my brother! Hahaha ... "

"That is, what is the Son of Fire, how could it be comparable to my Lord Mo Yan?"

The brutal master also disdained her face, and then changed her attitude, and she smirked to Wang Yan, smirking, "Master Demon Flame, don't just care about human slaves, come and hurt others ..."

When Lydia saw the purgatory demons around her, she dismissed Wang Yan, the son of flames, and immediately refused to accept it. With a crying voice, she retorted: "You, you wait, woo ... the son of flame is the strongest on our earth The young hero of him, he, he will definitely come to my rescue! Woo ... "

Confusion and cruelty looked at the dissatisfied Lydia, a little stunned, and then he could not help laughing out loud: "Hahaha, interesting, interesting, boss / my demon flame master, you really received a very Interesting human slave girl! "

Lydia was mocked again, so she cried even worse, as if she wanted to cry out all her grief and anger.

At this time, Wang Yan, who was incarnation of Mo Yan, and the succubus beside him couldn't help laughing, and sighed this thick-line little nizi, it was really fun.


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