The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1344: Can't just let him go

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"Originally, my status in the minds of young people on earth is so high now?"

Wang Yan touched his chin and concealed in his heart. The feeling of being worshipped is really good. No wonder there are so many people who are a little capable and want to engage in personal worship. Under such influence, the benefits are indeed a lot of.

Of course, all of this is Wang Yan's own imagination, and Delia in front of her can't understand it.

Now that Wang Yan has used bloodline evolution to demonize hell, his temperament and appearance have changed a lot. Even the closest people can't recognize it, and now Lydia can't recognize it.

Wang Yan simply decided not to break the mystery for the time being and continue to hide it for a while, but also to take this opportunity to give this girl magician who sneaked into **** a little more lesson. Otherwise, young and daring young people will sooner or later pay a huge price for their short-term brilliance.

Now that we are ready to pay attention, the three-legged Jinwu and hairy crabs that were previously collected have to wait in Xinxinlian Taichung for more time. Otherwise, there are those two guys, and his identity has to be revealed in minutes.

After a brief playful joke, Wang Yan and others were about to leave.

At this moment, the brigade demon guarded the fish.

When these demon guards walked in front of Wang Yan, they lined up side by side. The central position of the stars holding the moon, the tall, decency-like Chilian Demon King, walked towards Wang Yan with the Demon King personal guard.

Probably because the power of Chilian Demon King is too strong, coupled with the devil's personal guard and a large number of guards, the invisible oppressive force formed has increased the pressure around Wang Yan and others.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd around the scene immediately fell silent and stopped to raise their eyes and looked towards the edge of the ring.

Right now, Mo Yan and the others haven't left yet, and Chilian Demon King has gathered around him. The three brothers, Chi Lie, Chi Bone and Chi Yan, who were beaten by Demon Flames, were pulling each other and hanging at the end of the team. Such a scene makes it difficult for those who are on the scene to watch the crowd without curiosity.

"Well?" Lydia, instinctively quiet, felt the pressure of tears. Looking up at the majestic and terrible Chilian Demon King, he was walking towards them, and he couldn't help but hold back tightly.

The fear of the superior is engraved in the bones of almost all creatures, and nothing can be wiped out.

Wang Yan turned around very cleverly, blocking everyone behind him, and raised his mouth to ask politely: "The duel is over, I wonder if Master Dean has any more to do?"

He rolled his eyes slightly, and saw the brutal bruises all over his body. With the help of the two brothers, he followed behind the team and looked at him with hostility. Can't help but smile lightly, look full-bodied, and not humble.

The Chilian Demon King looked at Wang Yan, and then looked at his daughter, the Abbot of the Abbot. The brow was loose, and he showed a helpless expression like a father, saying, "Since you are already so related to this king's daughter, The king hopes you can stay in the devil's palace. You also know the identity of the king's daughter. In the future, the king will also need to meet with your father. "

The concept of marriage and love in Hell World is different from that of the earth. In order to increase the probability of reproduction, all ethnic groups have been relatively restrictive in this respect throughout history. Basically, as long as the door is right, family parents are not likely to block it.

If the identity gap is large, it can only be regarded as an unnamed concubine, or a male / female pet, unless you can give birth to an excellent genius, heir, otherwise the situation will be as awkward as the confusing lord.

However, if the status is high to a certain extent, such as a big lord or a large noble, their heirs' marriage and love will be directly interfered by the family. Because when it comes to status, interests, power, etc., almost any world is the same, and no major forces will let their heirs come.

Of course, if the pedigree background can achieve the mysterious existence of Wang Yan, even if it is strong and prosperous like the Red Demon King, it cannot be refused. Which family does not want to have such a powerful son-in-law? And the strong family power behind this son-in-law.

At the moment, the practice of Chilian Demon King is very obvious. He desperately wants to know Wang Yan's mysterious Demon youth, the real details. Therefore, taking advantage of the cruel ruler, Wang Yan was cast into the palace of the devil.

As long as you enter the Devil's Palace and find out the details of Wang Yan, then everything is easy to handle. At that time, whether it is to marry a daughter-in-law, expand the power, or kill it directly, in order to eliminate this hatred of the heart, it will be easy in the palace of the demon king of his red refining demon king.

In addition, under the eyes of all eyes, inviting Wang Yan to stay in the Palace of the Demon King is also a manifestation of his generosity in demon refining the Demon King and buying up the hearts of the people.

At this time, the abacus of Chilian Demon King was very loud, but he underestimated Wang Yan, the prestigious Tiankeng on the earth.

Think carefully about this, how can you hide him from Wang Yan? Wang Yan thought that if it went in, it wouldn't be a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

So Wang Yan smiled calmly: "Master Demon King's kindness, the younger devil palace really has to officially visit, but today is very late, and it is somewhat rude to go to the younger generation. And ..."

With that said, Wang Yan looked at the cruel master of the Abuse very profoundly.

The brutal master of the county was stunned for a while, but then a spring rush to her heart.

She thought in a dizzy head, yes! It must be! It turned out that Master Moyan still thought of her, and now looking at her so affectionately, she clearly wants to spend a good night with her!

Such a beautiful scenery, even if it is a mother-in-law, she will not destroy it.

Thinking of this, the brutal master of the county stepped forward and scowled at the corner of his mouth: "My father, how can you do this ... Lord Lord Mo Yan has just come to our great city of fire, and even the gate of the main palace of her daughter has not entered, you Must be like my elder brothers, is it deliberately making trouble? "

"It's so late now, where is there a formal visit? Do you want to embarrass your daughter deliberately, so the daughter is so worthless?" It looks like she is crying.

Chilian Demon King loves the house and Wuwu, and indeed really eats this set. He simply withdrew his coercion. Like a kind father, he rubbed his cruel head with his big hands and coaxed and said, "Well, this is the father's anxiety. My father apologized to you. "

"Just talk about the visit to the Devil's Palace for a few days."

After the Red Demon King coaxed the Sovereign Sovereign, he turned to Wang Yan again with majesty, "You will be in this King's Great Fire City for a few days, but don't drag it too long. The Hell Assembly is coming soon, with Mo Yan The young nephew's ability, whether it's a representative of your father or a representative of this king, will certainly be able to achieve outstanding performance. "

"That is certain."

No matter whether it is a draw or a trick, the drip of the Chilian Demon King is hidden. Wang Yan is not a fool. He naturally responded with a pity to the brutal master, and then said goodbye.

After they left, the team of Chilian Demon King also sat up to greet their luxury frame.

The frame, as spacious as a cruise ship, slowly lifts off, facing a round of bright moon, keeps away from the crowd, and drives all the way to the Devil's Palace.

In the frame, the three sons of Chilie, Chigu and Chiyan knelt in angrily in front of the demon king of Chilian, and Chilie even said indignantly: "Sir father, you can do that? Can you Just let them go! "

However, before the words fell, Chilian Demon King slapped his face with a slap in the face.


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