The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1346: Highness of the County Lord

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On the mount, Wang Yan shook for a while, even though he was already a battle-hardened adult, he still couldn't resist.

I thought he had just taken the opportunity to quit the trap of Chilian Demon King, but I didn't expect that the master of the Red Cruel Sovereign was so bold and fierce, or that the girls in Hell World were so hot and enthusiastic?

Wang Yan couldn't help but turn around to look at the brutal prince beside him, and found that this young Devil prince had a beautiful face, a hot body, and mixed with succubus genes, it was full of temperament. A charming and charming resource.

Coupled with the county governor, she also has some special hobbies, combined with unobtrusiveness, making her raise her hand and throw her feet into a tempting charm.

At this time, it was exactly between the cruelty of the cruel county, the personable person who was slaughtered by anyone, even if it was just a glance, the heartbeat might be accelerated and difficult to resist, not to mention Wang Yan or her unconditional dedication What?

However, Wang Yan is well-informed and well-informed. He is surrounded by a three-day two-headed succubus, which is considered to have been practiced. In the face of these temptations, he is much stronger than the average person.

So with a cough to cover up the embarrassment of his heart, he reached out and patted the brutal shoulder coming over, pushing her back to her normal position and saying, "His Royal Highness, can you settle down?"

"Oh ..." Touched by Wang Yan, the brutal lord shivered slightly, and then said softly, "Master Mo Yan's palm is so strong and warm, please ask Master Mo Yan to work harder ..."

The master's M attribute attacked again. Under the eyes of all eyes, Wang Yan's embarrassed cold sweat lifted his slap, and then he slammed on her shoulder.


There was a clear sound, and fingerprints appeared. At the same time, Wang Yan also shouted out loudly: "Speak to you well, don't you listen? Hurry up and shut me up!"

"Ah!" The brutal lord made an ecstasy pain, but after a few sobs, he quietly obediently quieted, "Woo woo, shut up, the slave house shut up, woo ... "

"His ..." The confusing lord suddenly took a breath of breath, sighing that the boss is the boss, and can actually soak the girl like this!

Although the elder brother is his sister, he still can't stop him from being shocked?

If you look like this, if you want to smoke, if you want to scold, the more you do, the more your sister will be.

How did his boss do this? He wondered why he didn't have this ability?

Not only was it scared and shocked, there was a lot of guards around, and one by one looked like one with a red face and red ears, breathing heavily.

The tyrannical master of the abducted man is so charming that it is too exciting and enviable to stage this scene with a slightly M attribute next to them with Wang Yan.

Where have these ordinary soldiers seen this level of temptation? Not to mention them, it is the four demon kings who are the guards in this life, and they are only envious in this life.

"Giggle, the owner Meier really thinks that Xiaoli is very talented, or else ..." The succubus on the side was originally not a fuel-efficient lamp. At this time, he deliberately leaned into Wang Yan's ear and whispered. The trick made Wang Yan feel ashamed.

"Go, don't make a fuss." Wang Yan had no choice but to wave away the succubus who deliberately made trouble.

The succubus smiled back, her pure high succubus bloodline, even if it was just the indulgence of charm, also let the guards around, as well as the four demon king's guards, were foolish.

After looking back, these people all felt emotions, how could the Lord of the Demon Flame's life be so good? If the protagonist is replaced by them, they are all willing to die.

"Humph! Black smoke, bad weather, bad weather."

Lydia, who had her hands **** and hung behind her, scorned her lips with contempt. At this time, she didn't cry anymore. She recognized the reality, but she was still unwilling and prayed secretly. She hoped that Wang Yan, the son of flames, would come to rescue her soon. !

Lydia was more and more involved, and Wang Yan, who was walking in front of him, glanced secretly, and then deliberately pulled a rope to tie her, scaring her to a stagger, and then happily continued to walk forward.


Soon after traveling, you can see a gray-red castle-shaped building that appears at the end of the road.

According to the hint of the cruel master, this building is her exclusive palace-the master palace.

This palace is far from the center of Liuhuo City. The Devil's Palace is so tall and majestic, but it has another style, such as the gray-red paint on the walls, which is a color she likes.

As for why is heir of the demon king, can't live in the devil's palace?

The devil prince of course can live in the devil's palace, but can only live temporarily, usually in their own dorm.

In the world of hell, a **** demon possesses more power than ordinary kings on earth. Therefore, as a symbol of his rights and identity, the devil ’s residence, the devil ’s palace, cannot be entered by any outsider without invitation. Even if the biological son wants to meet the devil, he needs to be notified in advance to obtain permission to enter and temporarily stay .

The palaces belonging to these devil princes are located on the periphery of the noble area, like a guardian city, showing a pilgrimage, guarding the devil's palace.

If it is time for war, the Acropolis of the Devil Prince will become the wall of the Great Fire City. After being broken, it will defend the second line of defense of the Demon Palace.

This is completely different from the society of the earth, where heirs will be sacrificed first to defend the stronger devil. Because once the devil is defeated and died, everything about him will collapse, leaving nothing left.

All the way through, through the outer walls of the main palace of the county, the interior is flourishing.

The front yard has been meticulously planted with plants and fruit trees that Wang Yan cannot recognize. Walking along the road into the castle, the interior is luxurious.

Hell World does not talk about the architectural feng shui on the earth. All residence styles are entirely based on personal preferences, so here you can see a variety of unique buildings with different styles.

But the home of the cruel master of the Abode, the style of preference is quite normal, and very extravagant.

Purgatory Demon likes large rooms, so after entering the castle, after passing the entrance, after the front hall and corridor, you will find the middle hall, which is as large as thousands of square meters, which accounts for half of the lower level of the castle. area!

And there are sofas with girlish characteristics, soft beds, hot spring pools, and even all kinds of settings for enjoyment. Compared with that top entertainment club, the mystery nest nest ~ nest, it is more than that.

Of course, to the cruel ruler's preference, the three underground floors are the dungeon and her place for sadistic play.

In addition, there are seven floors above, except for the three floors used for the clothing and collection of the Abbot, the rest are bedrooms, storage, military meetings, and the top of the tower for observation.

After Wang Yan walked into the atrium that provided rest and entertainment, he naturally lay on a sofa that was as spacious as a bed.

He has been busy until now and is really a bit tired.

But as soon as he lay down, the brutal master of the abdication took off his robe and took a glamorous footwork, lying softly and charmingly beside him.


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