The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1347: Boss, I saw nothing

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The confusing lord was suddenly on the spot. He swallowed his throat awkwardly. Why did the boss want to have a living room feast with her sister?

So, what should he do now? Would you like to turn your face first and pretend not to see it?

The succubus has a gifted gene for this kind of thing. He laughs without saying a word at the moment, and deliberately sends a charming look to the owner Wang Yan, as if to say that the master is enjoying slowly, and she is waiting on the side.

"Dirty! Shameless! Bad ethics! Foolishness!"

Lydia just glanced at her, and her cheeks "poundered", turning red. She turned her face around in a hurry, and her heart was shy and annoyed.

She, she hasn't even talked about love, and still a child! Where has she seen such a naked ~ naked, so direct, so shameless work?

At this time, her world view was refreshed again, and sighed that the world of **** was really terrible. If Moyan and the demon lord of the clan should face her and do some shameful things, then she really did n’t know how. Just do it.


Wang Yan coughed a little, and he was embarrassed at the moment, especially after seeing the three people, the succubus, the succubus and Lydia, even he felt a little embarrassed.

He secretly said, the folk customs of this **** world are too bold. Or is this a little M-attribute, His Royal Highness, particularly enthusiastic?

"Hello, Your Highness, what are you doing lying here?"

Wang Yan raised his arm and wanted to keep the Abbot from the farther away, but he turned around and saw the Abode jade body in front of him.

The Brutal Master has only two tight leather coats covering all the key parts. The slender beautiful legs, the hip curves full of tempting curvature, and the clear clavicle and the sturdy waist are all exposed to his eyes.

The hand he had just raised could not fall. Finally, he had to put his hands back again and put them back under his head.

At the same time, the place of **** is really a world where people can do whatever they want.

Here is the nightmare of the weak, the paradise of the strong, the more powerful the strong, and the more fierce, the more luxuriant and extravagant the life they live.

The brutal county master heard Wang Yan ’s question and smiled, charmingly teasing: “Giggle, the slave family is lying here. Of course, Master Moyan wants the slave family to do what the slave family does?”

The atmosphere warmed up at once, and Lydia's face became more shy, and the succubus turned around and chuckled.

The confusing lord was sweating a lot, feeling that he could stay here again, which might hinder him, so he turned anxiously and said to himself: "Boss, you have a good rest, I just had a bad sweat in the fight, I Go for a hot spring and take a bath. "

"Oh, boss, you are busy with you, don't care about me. I fell asleep for a while, and I couldn't hear anything." Chizui smirked and walked towards the central smoky hot spring pool.

"and many more."

As soon as Lord Chihuo walked to the hot spring pool, he was stopped by the Master of Abuse County on the bed.

She dragged her cheek with one hand, her eyes squinted coldly: "That's the Fire Rock Hot Spring for Lord Mo Yan, don't get dirty for the lord, you have to take a bath and wash it in the guest room!"

In the territory of the God Territory ruled by the Devil Satan, water resources are relatively scarce, and some extremely arid areas may not be able to drop a rain for decades. On the contrary, the elements of Hellfire are exceptionally abundant, which also forms a unique ecology that the Inferno Devil depends system.

The devil king collar controlled by Chilian Demon King has a relatively better environment, but water resources are still very precious. Sometimes a cup of purified water can even be used as currency to trade.

In addition, the magma activity here is very active, which means that hot springs are produced here. And this pool of hot springs collected by the host of the Red Abuse County is the best quality and purest hot rock hot springs hidden in the rock formations.

This kind of spring water is so pure that it can be drunk directly, and it tastes sweet and delicious. Not only is it rich in minerals, but it is also cultivated in fire rock for a long time, full of pure fire elements. Has a good recovery and nourishment, as well as treatment of injuries.

It can be used as a low-level recovery agent if it is bottled alone. If it is used for soaking and bathing, there are many natural benefits.

However, it is undoubtedly very difficult and costly to find the hot rock hot springs in the very rare groundwater resources, collect them for canning, and transport them back.

The pool of flaming hot springs, which is about a few dozen cubic meters from the pool of the Abbot, even in the Great Fire City, is a rare resource that is hard to buy.

Like the Lord of Red Confusion living on the edge of Chilian Lake, he has not seen such a hot spring for decades.

The water resources he can obtain are only underground alkaline water or sewage seeping from the cracks in the mountain. It can only be used after purification.

In this way, it is because he is the local lord that he is qualified to occupy precious water resources.

Of course, the extremely poor grade of water resources, regardless of taste and efficacy, cannot be compared with his sister's abusive Huoyan Hot Spring.

Therefore, after entering the hall, the lord of the Red Confusion was greedy for this pool of hot rock hot springs. The more I look, the more I feel sweat and dirt all over my body.

But now that he has no chance, driven by the cruelty of the cruel master, he smiled and said: "Yes, yes, my sister said yes, the good things will naturally be left to the boss to enjoy. Go to the room ... Well, can you ask where the room is going? "

This place, but his backcountry, is much more magnificent, he feels like a bun, he can't find anywhere.

"Take him to the guest room." The cruel county master snapped his fingers angrily, and the two young maids walked out of the door, and walked towards the guest room with respect to the lord of the Red Confusion.

"Cough, master, Meier will also bring your new slave girl, go down and freshen up, this little nizi will be stinky." The succubus looked at Lydia in front of him meaningfully.

At this moment, the host seems to have something good happening, so she can't stop it. Coupled with Lydia's mud and sweat smell, naturally need to wash.

Lydia felt aggrieved and grumbled her mouth. She secretly said that she was sweaty and smelly. Wasn't it all because of these abominable purgatory demons? But when she heard that she could take a bath, she was still very happy to go. After all, she arrived in **** for several days. She was indeed dusty and tired.

Bewildered, after the succubus and Lydia left, only two people, Wang Yan and the Abusive Sovereign, remained in the grand hall.

Feeling that the atmosphere around him was heating up, the brutal lord turned blushing slightly.

"No one will bother us anymore. It is better to serve Master Moyan with slaves ..." The Afflicted Master felt his heart beating faster, and his body was hot. He dared not look at Wang Yan when he spoke.

But before she finished speaking, Wang Yan got up and disappeared beside her.

Immediately, a slight sound of water came into his ears, and Wang Yan was already in the hot spring pool.

"Devil, Lord Demon Flame, is still as cool and handsome as ever ..." The Master of the Abuse County looked at Wang Yan in the hot spring pool with a heartless look.


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