The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1348: You guys are so evil

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Wang Yan, whose body was submerged in Huoyan Hot Spring, couldn't help but exhale comfortably.

This pool comes from the hot springs in the Huoyan rock formation, and it really deserves its name.

The spring water is naturally clear, warm as sunshine, and free of any artificial impurities. There is a slight smell of sulfur and rocks in the water vapor. However, this taste is not strong, which can give people the illusion of living in the mountains.

In addition, the temperature of the spring water is naturally constant. Obviously, in order to match the precious spring water of this pool, the bottom and surroundings of the pool body may imitate the natural environment, and the natural magma from the drainage is used to maintain the constant temperature of the water body.

Of course, the most comfortable is the moment of sitting slowly.

The delicate touch of the spring water like a lover's hug will quickly spread to every cell and nerve in the whole body at the first time. The soft and comfortable feeling of that kind of warm spring water can almost make people forget all their worries in an instant.

It felt as if I had stepped into one at a time, with only warmth and comfort in the secondary space, which made people relax after being exhausted.

Wang Yan closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

At the same time, he can clearly feel that the rich nutrients and pure fire elements in the spring water are constantly immersed in his skin with the water flow and absorbed into his body.

I didn't think that at this time, he felt his body just like the earth that had been thirsty for so long, constantly sucking on the long-lost nectar.

The large amount of physical energy consumed in the previous conflicts and duels, as well as the long-term accumulation of muscle damage and fatigue, actually recovered themselves under the soaking of spring water.

Wang Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised, just by soaking in the spring water, there would be such a recovery effect. If he uses this pool of spring water to regulate the rate of operation, wouldn't the recovery effect reach an exaggerated point?

"The world of **** is really full of good things, but the earth is as good as the earth."

Wang Yan leaned against the bath and closed his eyes to imagine. Although the **** world has a more intense elemental aura, it is also full of various precious resources that are scarce on the earth, but every resource and living space here is accompanied by brutal crisis and competitive pressure. The difficulty of survival is high enough to exterminate most ordinary creatures on the earth.

Therefore, in contrast, the earth is peaceful and beautiful, and it is the ideal place to live for most of life.

For these **** creatures living in a cruel environment for a long time, the earth is like a peach blossom source full of ideals. There are no natural enemies, there are not so many dangerous areas, coupled with a beautiful and peaceful environment, it can be said that these **** creatures are the ideal breeding paradise.

This is why there are so many extraterrestrial terrains, such as the abyss of demons, who have been thinking about this beautiful planet in their pockets.

For the abyss forces, whether they can seize this world means that their races can multiply and grow on a large scale, and whether they will be extinct when the crisis comes.

Of course, in order to survive and protect the only beautiful homeland, such super-powerful people like Wang Yan, who are full of magical abilities, will never compromise with any extraterrestrial forces that deliberately invade the earth. They have the responsibility and the ability to defend their homes.

"It seems that protecting the earth is imminent."

Wang Yan was thinking quietly while enjoying Huoyan Hot Spring.

After experiencing so much, he gradually realized that development and growth, and resistance to the abyssal crisis are on the one hand, and protecting the earth ’s ecological environment is on the other hand. Both are equally important and indispensable.

If we can safely survive the coming abyssal crisis, human beings on this planet can also develop and grow, but if we do not start from now on, raring the deteriorating natural environment of the earth, it is very likely that one day in the future Survival will also become like an abyssal demon, and only by plundering the resources of other worlds can it ensure its own survival.

This is a terrible change. Wang Yan does not want humans who admire civilization and peace. He will embark on such a killing path in the future.

Therefore, Wang Yan decided that when he returns from hell, he must represent the people, propose to the Earth Super League the proposal of jointly building a harmonious home, and actively promote its implementation.

"Wow la la ..."

Just when Wang Yan relaxed and was about to fall asleep, a slight splash of water came into his ears.

In the warm spring water, Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked forward, his nerves tightening slightly.

I saw the wicked tyrannical governor in the rising water vapor, only wrapped in a gauze, red cheeks, taking a striking pace, and slowly stepped into the hot spring bath.


"You say our master, what are you doing now?"

In the spacious guest room bathroom, the succubus was immersed in the bathtub, holding a wine glass in his hands, and his eyes slowly looked at Lydia, who was shrinking in the corner. The look was lazy and quite intoxicating.

"I, I don't know ... I, I am a free man, I am not, not a slave girl ..."

Lydia's cheeks were ruddy, and she sat on the corner of the big bathtub with her knees crossed.

The corners of her mouth grumbled unwillingly, her hair was moist and exuded a faint floral fragrance. The body is as flawless and soft as beautiful jade, as if blowing the broken skin surface, and the warm blush after soaking in warm water, it is clear that she has just been cleaned by someone. Finally, I was in the same bathtub with an evil succubus.

All this made her look unwilling to succumb until now.

As for the person who just helped to clean her, it was the two maid of purgatory demons.

In the domain ruled by the Red Refining Demon Race, being able to have the maid of the Purgatory Demon Race is really a symbol of status and status.

Can be elected into the main palace of the governor and become the maid of the brutal master of the county. Naturally, they are all in the city of Liuhuo.

At this time, the two maids stood still beside the bathroom door, waiting for the orders of the two distinguished guests.

But the water vapor in the bathroom was lingering, the succubus was charming in the bathtub, and Lydia was pure and pleasant. With such a beautiful scenery, even the two maids looked dull.

The succubus looked interesting, and then blew a fragrant wind on the two maids.

Enchantment followed, and the two maids all fell into a state of confusion, unable to control themselves at all, and slumped softly beside the door, a murmur of groaning, then gradually drifted out of the bathroom.

"Giggle, interesting, really interesting."

The succubus smiled happily for her little prank. Lydia, who was shrunk in the corner, had a pretty red face. She had to skim her face and scolded anxiously and angrily: "You, you ... are so evil, so shameless!"

"Hehehe, this is clearly the nature of the creature, what's shy?"

The more Lidia is, the more interested the succubus is, she can't help but squint, smiling softly, "Otherwise, the slave family will let you release your nature?"

"No, absolutely, absolutely not!"

"Giggle ..."

"No! Don't ..."


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