The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1349: This picture needs to be mosaic

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The hall of the main palace where Wang Yan and the cruel county master are located need not be said.

In the bathroom of the guest room where the succubus and Lydia are located, there is a lively fragrance at this time.

In the words of succubus, they are all demons in the mouth of human beings. Since they are demons, they naturally have to do whatever they want.

However, when a succubus who follows nature meets a strict lady Lydia who has been educated since childhood, the picture of the two bathing together is indeed messy enough and attracts unlimited imagination.

The room on the other side.

Lord Chew was soaked in the hot tub, and his body was soft and comfortable.

Although the hot soup he made was not the rare fire rock hot spring like Wang Yan, it was pure constant temperature hot water.

Thinking of the days he spent in Chilian Lake, he drank bitter water, astringent water, even wine, there was only a single taste of hellfire spirits, where can I enjoy here? If it were n’t for his face, he wanted to take a few sips of the bath water.

Speaking of it, now it is also because I have followed a Niu Dingtian boss, so I have the opportunity to return to Liuhuo City and enjoy the general treatment of the prince, otherwise he might forget the taste of pure water.

"Oh, it's comfortable ..." Lord Chew was a little bit floating, and at the same time thinking wildly, "I heard that the earth, the hometown of mankind, is a big water polo filled with water resources. Ah ... I can't imagine, there is such a place ... … "

Liuhuo City can be said to be the place with the most abundant water resources among the vast devil leaders.

Because it is located in a hilly area, the surrounding rock layers contain abundant groundwater, and there are many vegetation protection soils, and it can rain a few times a year.

Although these water resources are rare, they are also richer than Chilian Lake and other regions with less drought and less rain. This is also the ideal city for thousands of purgatory demon races and other races who want to settle here when they are over their heads.

This is also an important reason why so many extra-territory races are so greedy for the earth's resources.

"Two little sisters, what's your name?"

The confusing lord laughed, like a local tyrant who had just succeeded, looking at the two maids waiting by the door trivially.

Once this person relaxes, he is prone to various thoughts.

He looked at the two demon girls who were only in the cardamom age at this time.

These demon maids are not available to everyone. If an alien race dares to use the purgatory demon as a servant, it would be illegal to be executed by the demon king.

Because the Purgatory Demon Clan is the ruler of this area. Compared with other races, they belong to the noble class. But if the nobles in the purgatory demon clan serve as maidservants, then it is another matter.

The young maids in the main palace of the county are all from the ordinary family of the purgatory demon in the city of Liuhuo. Because they have no status, the children of these ordinary families will be selected by some high-weight big men to become their servants or maids when they are younger.

This is a very common way of survival in Purgatory Demon Clan. It is a bit similar to the knight's servant in the Middle Ages of the earth. It is not equivalent to the ordinary servant of the pariah.

Therefore, these ordinary children will be tempered under the hands of some big men for a few years. If they are fortunate enough to be appreciated by the big men, they can go to a small department for a half-time job or be regarded as a concubine, etc., so they Even if you get out of it. If you are not fancy, you can also rely on the big guys, temper your qualifications for a few years, and come out to start a career.

Of course, the deceived lord is miserable, there is no demon maid beside him. Even in the small city he ruled, there were not many people of pure blood purgatory demons, and most of them committed crimes and were assigned.

It can be said that his past days are rather bleak.

At this time, he finally followed the boss and made a good scene. The pride in his heart called a straight rise. At the same time, the upstart-like psychology also increased.

He saw that the two maids were indifferent, didn't care what he meant, and were not annoyed. They simply stretched out his pair of big hands like a prostitute who often looked for flowers and asked Liu.

"What are you doing?"

"Join the rogue!"

The two Mozu girls, one with a slap in the face, patted the big hand stretched towards them by the Lord of Red Confusion.

The two girls were filled with indignation and were neither humble nor overbearing. Although they work as maids in the main palace of the county, they are, after all, purgatory demons. According to the decree issued by the Satan Parliament under the demon god, the residents of the purgatory demons in the town are protected by decree. Coupled with the fact that they are still maids of the main palace of the county, they are naturally less afraid of outsiders becoming powerful.

Of course, other races conquered by purgatory demon races, as well as foreign races, are not within the protection scope of this decree.

"Two little sisters, this lord is very young, but this year is only more than 90 years old, and he hasn't married a wife yet. How about it? Follow this lord. In the future, you will have to worry about your food and clothing.

The confusing Lord rubbed his big hand being photographed, and thought he was full of charm, but in fact, his face was full of cheap laughter. At first glance, he was a wretched man who wanted to cheat the gun.

Hearing his coaxing, one of the maids disdained: "Just you? Huh, you are a fake lord."

"Uh, fake, fake lord?" The confusing lord froze for a moment, "how is this lord a fake lord?"

"Huh, the great man of the flames is the real lord, you? You are a fake." Another maid, also pouted, hummed. "Also, do you want to wash it again? Wash it quickly , Do n’t stop us from serving Lord Mo Yan. "

Speaking of handsome and handsome Demon Flames, these young Mozu girls have almost starred eyes.

"I, I ..." The Lord of Confusion didn't breathe up, almost suffocating to death.

Although his land is rubbish, is he a lord anyway? Even if the other party doesn't recognize it, he still speaks of a demon flame master. He almost cried when he thought of this.

Boss, Boss, under the glory of your great shore, the younger brother cannot live ...

With a sigh, Lord Chew lay back in the bathtub again: "Two little sisters, wait slowly, waiting for my boss's work, without your share."

"You, you ... hum!" The two Mozu girls stomped their feet, but they were helpless when they encountered the confusion of playing rogues.

After a period of time, the succubus with excellent appearance, Lydia with her head down and the sorrowful lord of the mind and body relaxed came out of the bathroom.

They led a group of three people, led by several maids, from the inside of the castle, through the cloister, all the way back to the atrium.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the door of the atrium and walked in front of the maid, there was a whisper of shyness and excitement.

Followed by Lydia, she looked up and immediately covered her face with her hands: "Well, what's the situation? This picture, you need to make a mosaic!"


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