The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1357: Appraiser Zoe Greenclaw

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"Oh ... The master of this county is so happy."

The brutal lord who was left behind by Wang Yan was thinking about it alone.

She felt that she was too lucky to meet a perfect man like Wang Yan. Matching up with her is simply a match made by people's mouths, a perfect match!

If she could become such a high-profile and handsome wife, she would feel happy if she thought about it.

Wang Yan looked ashamed of the side, and secretly wondered what was going on with this brutal master. She drove her aside, she was so happy, if she was more polite to her, would n’t she want to go to heaven?

Of course, this is because Wang Yan does not yet know her thoughts, otherwise Wang Yan will spit out old blood.

"Master Demon Flame, you drink tea."

Receiving the old man holding the measuring tool, after measuring the results, respectfully stood beside Wang Yan, as if serving his grandfather, with a smile on his face, "Fifty kilograms of fire pulp are accurate, but our black market can only Provide 30,000 magic crystal coins for capital exchange, and the remaining 20,000. The old slave handles the magic crystal card for you and deposits it in a general business. What do you think? "

Magic crystal coins are not ordinary gold coins, and their face value is too large. Even if they are the biggest black market in this huge city of fire, they can only exchange about 30,000 magic crystal coins at a time, and it is estimated that there will be a fault of funds.

So the reception old man came up with such a way to let Wang Yan stay in Hell GM, and the access certificate is the magic crystal card.

The voucher for depositing ordinary currency into the bank is called a gold ticket, but the high-quality currency of the magic crystal coin has higher access specifications, so the magic crystal card came into being.

This is a magic card invented by an alchemist. It needs to be based on a personal unique blood line, so that it can be used to access the magic crystal coins in the general businesses in each city of hell.

Wang Yan nodded and agreed to receive the old man and immediately ran back to the counter to go through the relevant procedures and access vouchers for Wang Yan.

It didn't take long for the chip roll of 30,000 magic crystal coins and a palm-sized black metal card to reach Wang Yan.

Needless to say, the 30,000 magic crystal coin chips, when you leave the black market, if there is still surplus, you can directly exchange them for magic crystal coins to take away, or deposit them in the bank.

Wang Yan's attention at this moment is more on this magic crystal card.

This metal card with golden lines on the black background looks very noble. Wang Yan took it in his hand and swept it with his mind. The golden number of 20,000 magic crystal coins appeared clearly above the card. If you need access, you need to let professionals in the bank or related facilities use matching tools to detect the authenticity, and finally access the magic crystal.

In some respects, modern banking facilities on Earth are somewhat similar.

"Don't be too public, we don't want to be disturbed, understand?"

After receiving the prepared money, Wang Yan glanced at the reception old man.

This person came to the reception, knew that Wang Yan and others were distinguished, and exchanged such a large sum of money, and immediately wanted to report to the boss. .

However, this idea was immediately rejected by Wang Yan. If surrounded by many people, he would be meaningless to visit the black market, and he would not find any useful news.

Hearing Wang Yan ’s instructions, the old man received the promise: "Yes, yes, the old slave understands that you will never be alone with us here, disturbing you and His Royal Highness Yaxing."

He was still looking at the seven or eight people beside him, and he looked like he should be the captain of the bodyguard level. He made a wink.

The security captains who lined up neatly on both sides, as if they were soldiers, immediately looked up and looked solemn, as if they had accepted the task of Tianda.

"Come on, lead the way."

Wang Yan looked at these honest black market personnel, was quite satisfied, and then raised his finger.

Chi Dao immediately grasped his grasp, took out a purse full of gold coins, and threw it away, "Take it, things are doing well, my boss rewards you."

"Wow la la", this bag of dozens of gold coins, Jin Cancan dropped to the ground. The eyes of this group of acquaintances in the black market were very happy and thankful.

How much is their monthly salary? This time the reward points will continue to be at least as low as each of them, one month's salary.

Lord Chew hummed, if according to the past, he felt reluctant to throw so much gold to these servants, but at this time he also saw the financial resources of Wang Yan, and slowly the whole person became arrogant.

"Master Demon Flame, please here."

The old man received a smile on his face and quickly led the way ahead.

Wang Yan and Chibiao and others immediately got up from the seats and followed him to the interior of the lobby.

Those security captains who had just received the reward, and several assistants Xiao Tuo, quickly trot all the way from the staff's passage to the black market.

Lord Mo Yan is generous and reasonable, and they dare not neglect any more. They have to release the next reception work quickly.

Inside the lobby, there is a suspended platform leading to the building below.

Under the leadership of the reception old man, Wang Yan and others took the floating platform and descended all the way down to a height of about a dozen floors. The scene in front of them suddenly became bright.

The basement or cave can no longer be described here. Wang Yan thought about it for a while, and felt that the scene of prosperity in front of him could be compared with the bustling shopping malls on earth. And the area is wide, and it is roughly estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of square meters, and the height above and below has reached more than ten meters high.

In this underground black market in NuoDa, many shops are built according to the surrounding rock masses, and a steel corridor is erected outside the store, like a nest, with three floors from top to bottom.

And there are more shops at the bottom, large and regular shops, dazzling. There are numerous stalls and bustling crowds everywhere.

And at the end of the black market that his eyesight can reach, Wang Yan even saw a building in the underground, and the size is not small.

Underground buildings of this scale and prosperity not only made Wang Yan, who first entered this black market, quite sighed.

"Senior Demon Flames, His Royal Highness the Lord, the old slave will be sent here first, and then there will be our appraiser Zoe Greenclaw to lead your highness sightseeing and shopping." The old man respectfully treated Wang Yan and the cruel Lord Waiting for others, sent to the bottom ground.

Just then, a few beautiful feathers drifted slowly from above the heads of everyone.

Wang Yan and others raised their heads and saw an elf-like glamorous hawk that was slowly falling down from above.

"Dear Lord Mo Yan, His Royal Highness Lord, welcome to our underground black market. I am the chief appraiser Zoe Greenclaw here, and I will provide appreciation and guidance services for the two Highnesses."

Appraiser Zoe Wenwenya, a cyan colored feather, shone brightly under the surrounding wall lights. Especially a pair of glorious flowing eyes that seem to smile, revealing the enchanting beauty unique to their race.


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