The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1358: Would you like a blue pill?

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"What a beautiful Harpy!"

Seeing the hawk-eyed succubus, the confusing lord looked straight. Hey laughed quickly, and extended his big hand, just like the pig brother with a face when he saw the succubus.

"Hey, hey, beautiful lady, the fourth son of the Red Demon King, no, no, no, the fourth brother of Lord Mo Yan, the great Lord of Deception, 90 years old this year, with a 20% chance in the future Advance to the devil ... "

Just when the confusing lord used the old-fashioned way of accosting, while boasting and bragging, while approaching friendlyly. Appraiser Zoe Greenclaw shone a very clever way, avoiding the dirty hands of the Lord.

At the same time, he came to Wang Yan with respect and humility, saluting: "Dear Lord Mo Yan, and His Royal Highness, the first floor here is the free market and the gladiatorial area."

"Please follow me, two."

Zoe raised his arms gently, just like a smart bird, gliding lightly on Wang Yan's side, leading the way.

"The items bought and sold here come from all parts of hell, and there are hundreds of thousands of them. However, all the sources are unknown. Occasionally, lucky people can find pieces of dusty artifacts or holy items, making a lot of money, so they come here to sell goods There are a lot of people who buy goods. If your two highnesses, if there are fancy items, I can identify them for free. "

Appraiser Zoe Greenclaw, as an ordinary lower-level race, is mixed with the current status in the black market of the great fire city that is respected by the purgatory demon clan. It can be said that she is absolutely superior.

And in this environment that advocates violence and is full of threats, she can still have such a beautiful appearance, and she can also keep her own body without becoming a pet servant of others. It can also show that she has extraordinary talents in certain aspects. wisdom.

For example, just now, she cleverly avoided the harassment of the confusing lord, and chose to directly please Wang Yan, the real boss.

Under normal circumstances, a leader with a high status always loves face, and staying beside such a leader naturally does not have to worry about being harassed in most cases.

And obviously, this is only one of her strategies to protect her body.

The chief appraiser who is so cunning and beautiful has naturally attracted Wang Yan's attention.

Wang Yan glanced at her naturally, and was surprised to find that such a hidden Hawk Banshee had already reached a half-step S-level advanced strength. In addition, she is not humble or humorous, and she is also clever and smart, Wang Yan is quite appreciated. So he nodded, took the brutal master and others, and began to tour this free market under her guidance.

The Sovereign Lord sees that she is not like other female creatures. When she sees Wang Yan, she is impatient and wants to jump up, so she is also quite satisfied with her.

Only the confusing lord followed behind, and whispered with pleasure: "Boss, I think we should call another eagle body guide, only one is not enough ..."

This chief appraiser obviously ran away with the boss. He was puzzled that there was no way to do it, so he could only hope that there would be another eagle succubus. .

But obviously, the confusing complaint was ignored by everyone, and no one had taken his interest into consideration.

"It's really prosperous here"

Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh, and a group of people began to wander through this vast free market. The air was filled with the smell of wet metal from mud and old utensils.

With the deepening of wandering, more and more commodities come into view, and all kinds of bargains are heard.

"Goldscale Breastplate, the quality of the spirit weapon, as long as one piece of hardware, how about you? Do you want to try it on?"

"Let's take a look, the steel knife of purgatory that has just arrived, destroys the gold and broken stone! Don't believe it? Don't believe me to try to cut you!"

"This guest official, peerless magic, against the sky banned curse, understand ..."


Among these shouts, not only are high-quality and inexpensive high-quality equipment, but also the magical powers of cursing the sky. Even some common household commodities, small props, and even some small medicines are all available.

No, a small merchant with a thief's eyes saw the thief's eyes of the confusing lord and kept glancing at the beautiful women in the crowd, so he quietly leaned beside the confessing lord, and the thief peddled.

"Hey, this honorable lord, do you want blue pills? The authentic gods are imported with high quality and lasting effect. They guarantee you a good night and a world like no other!"

"Hey, boy, this little blue pill is really imported from the gods? That's the capital city at the foot of the devil Satan, can you wait for someone to enter?" The eyes of the confusing lord brightened, and he was also thief Whispered quietly, apparently after hearing the powerful effects boasted by the other party, he was a little moved.

"That's for sure! I tell you this adult, a friend of the villain is a gray squirrel, the guy is from ..." This little merchant, leaned into the ear of the confessed lord to explain.

It turned out that his Ratman friend had stolen down the sewer and into the capital city at the foot of Satan the Devil. These unemployed people who are wandering all over the place have their figures everywhere. And this man is like a small vendor. In the process of explanation, he also talked about a meaty piece about a small pill, thereby exaggerating the efficacy of the pill.

When the deceived lord heard it, he immediately moved. With such a small pill, wouldn't he want to be a strong lord in the world?

But before waiting for him to pay, he was kicked to the side by the brutal sister who was suspected of his shameful sister. The small merchant was also stared at by the brutal master and fled in horror.

The little merchant left behind scolding and scolding, but just a short distance away from Wang Yan and others, he was caught by the security personnel hiding in the crowd, and then beaten with fat and dragged to the outside.

Obviously, this black market followed Wang Yan's wishes that he didn't want to be disturbed, and arranged accompanying security guards to follow him far away.

Wang Yan has long discovered many accompanying security guards, but he didn't care about this trivial matter. Since this black market is afraid of inadequate care and wants to respect a little, let them follow.

"The two Highnesses laughed. In this free market, regardless of shops or vendors, selling goods here requires payment of rent. In addition, they have some dirty goods in their hands, so they want to sell their things as soon as possible Only in this way can we gain greater benefits. "

Zoe, the appraiser acting as a guide, explained with a smile on the front. Then she also began to recommend some good quality items to Wang Yan and others.

However, these things are only of good quality, far from reaching the standard that Wang Yan and his brother need to buy. Therefore, their pedestrians just walked along the way and just looked around, and they all gathered together for a long time.

At this moment, the bustling crowd all around suddenly burst out of riot.

Many merchants around and Taobao ’s customers did n’t even do business for the time being. They crowded with the crowd towards the end of the free market.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yan turned around and asked.

"Oh, that's it. Slave fighting begins." Zoe stopped and smiled cunningly. "As long as you have a powerful slave, you can participate. The winner can win a lot of money in the other's hand."

"Slave?" Wang Yan thought for a moment, then turned to look at Lydia behind her, "I just had a new one recently."


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