The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1359: Bloody Ogre

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"What are you doing?"

Lidia, who was still a little absent-minded and thinking about how to escape slavery, suddenly felt Wang Yan's gaze, and she looked astonished.

I thought you guys are visiting your own black market and suddenly watching her do? There were no moles on her face.

"Yes, the potential is great, Lord Lydia decided to use you to fight! Well, let's go."

Wang Yan nodded appreciatively, then raised his mouth, greeted the others, and began to walk towards the corner of the free market.

His intentions are obvious. Although Lydia ’s talents and talents are very good, even Emmons who loves her granddaughter on the basis of training is impeccable, the heart is not at all irrelevant, and the combat experience is even less. This is also the main reason why she was caught.

In addition, **** is a world full of crises, and the strong are even more unknown. Although she is young, she has reached the half-step S level that is difficult to reach for most of the superpowers of the earth, but her practice has reached an insurmountable bottleneck.

As a person coming, Wang Yan is very clear about this situation.

Next, this ignorant girl, if you do not temper your mind, do not experience several life and death tribulations, and do not temper your beliefs as hard as a stubborn stone, it is difficult to break through the shackles and raise your strength to a higher level.

According to Wang Yan's feelings about **** today, in such a cruel environment, if there is no legendary level power, it is difficult to protect himself.

And even if it has legendary strength, it is only a middle level here. There are big lords, big nobles, and devil kings, devil gods, and even major organizations.

No matter which one you encounter, a single legendary level is not enough to see, but you can have the power of a legendary level. At least when it is in danger, it is still enough to escape.

At present, Lydia will not be able to return to the earth at one and a half, so Wang Yan has always wanted to find an opportunity to give her some more training. Now that it is such a good opportunity, how can he miss it?

"Why, what? Fighting? No, I don't want to fight!"

As soon as Lydia heard it, she hurriedly resisted, "I am a distinguished magician, and I, I refuse to participate in the dirty fight!"

As an ancient profession, magician is not only the study and utilization of magic elements, but also the study of the nature of the world for a lifetime. Speaking of this, this occupation has a lofty status in ancient earth, which is like a modern knowledgeable scholar and scientist.

Who has ever seen a scientist fight a shield machete and fight with others in the arena where people are watching?

In addition to opening their shelves, in a limited space, asking a magician to fight a warrior is still a disadvantage.

Even in ancient times on Earth, a magician who needed to chant and condense magic powers was almost an act of seeking death with a warrior.

So since ancient times, as long as the magician with a little brain is a little bit better, he will not compete with a warrior in a limited field.

"Ignorant humans, you are indeed a magician, but you are even a slave girl of the lord. The lord is happy to do what you want, you have to do."

Seeing Lydia ’s refusal, Wang Yan deliberately made a fierce look, and mocked arrogantly, “Understood? You have no right to resist. Without the permission of the lord, you ca n’t even make your own decision.”

"Honorable magician? Giggle, it's a laughing slave family. If you are honorable, why would you be our slave girl?"

The succubus naturally understood the master ’s intentions, so he deliberately smirked and said, "Since they are all slaves like the slave family, they should be a bit like slaves, so that they do n’t annoy our master. You wo n’t have this later. Good days are over. "

Lydia looked at the two of them, suffocating her heart, biting her lip for a long time and being speechless.

Yes, if she is very noble and capable, she will not be caught by the abominable purgatory demon clan, nor will she be treated as a slave girl.

So in the final analysis, she was not strong enough, and she was too neglectful.

She lowered her head silently, looking at the gray ground under her feet, silent for a long time. At this time, she seems to have gradually realized that at the moment of crisis, Wang Yan, the son of the flame she missed, may not be able to save her.

If a person really reaches a certain desperate situation, he can only save himself.


Wang Yan and others followed the crowd and kept approaching the gladiatorial area, and the crowd gathered around them became more and more crowded.

Naturally, this fighting field cannot be compared with the large fighting field where Wang Yan and Chi Lie are dueling. However, the area is not small. The grandstands are about three floors high. They also present a cylindrical building with a wide top and a narrow bottom.

Wang Yan roughly estimated that this venue can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, of course, squeezed and squeezed into more.

Led by chief appraiser Zoe, and the black market also secretly arranged a large number of security personnel, Wang Yan and his team naturally and easily walked through the crowd and walked to the front of the auditorium.

This black market is also very painstaking. Just to make Wang Yan and the two cruel lords have fun, the security personnel in the black market, light and dark, disguised, don't know how many.

And at the forefront of this stand, there are naturally some wealthy dignitaries, places to watch slave fights, and gambling.

At this time, Wang Yan and others had just reached the edge of the guardrail of the grandstand, and a **** and cruel scene was staged in the lower arena.

With the cheers of the audience around, a tall, strong, brutal ogre, stunned with a sharp iron rod in his hand, smashed a dwarf with brown skin and a pair of hoofed feet to death. The center of the gladiatorial pool.

"Hahaha, I won, money, all that money is I!"

A middle-aged goblin dressed as a businessman and wearing a bowler hat was lying on the edge of the stands, laughing loudly and excitedly.

Obviously, this goblin businessman is the owner of this ogre. Opposite him, a gray-haired purgatory demon, slapped angrily on the guardrail. His dwarf slave had just made him lose a lot of money.

The people who gambled privately all around, laughed at winning money, and annoyed the mother who lost money. Soon following the edge of the stands, the Goblin businessman's bodyguards raised their hands and scattered in the arena. Some **** gold coins began to fly towards the goblin merchants.

And the ogren wasn't wasting. He picked up the dwarf whose brains were cracking, and half of his body was almost smashed into minced meat, swallowed into the corner of his mouth, and swallowed.

"Vag ..." Seeing this scene, Lydia's stomach rolled for a while, and she immediately vomited and vomited, "No vomit ... This is too, too cruel."


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