The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1369: Bloodthirsty Outbreak

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At present, Lydia's royal sword technique is different from the orthodox oriental sword, although it looks similar.

For example, Wang Yan discovered that Lydia ’s mantra used to drive Yujian, although the content is the same as that of Huaxia, is a mantra that has been improved in ancient Latin.

Furthermore, Lydia's flesh-cutting knife used as a flying sword is not a flying sword that has been trained for a long time. Her control method is not the traditional traditional mind control. Instead, she changed the magic element she mastered, and then the magic element penetrated into the meat-cutting knife, and the control element was used as the driving force of the knife.

This approach will make the surface of the meat-cutting knife attached with a layer of extremely sharp wind blades, which is much more lethal than a single blade or wind blade.

Of course, it is obvious that Lydia's approach has spared a few bends, and the power she can exert is naturally not comparable to the orthodox oriental swordsmanship.

However, the roads are different, and they all share the same path. Lydia can also use her own understanding to simulate the essence of the oriental swordsmanship in the way of a magician.

Besides, it is impossible for a magician, like an oriental monk, to use his whole life or even the efforts of generations to warm up the sword.

At present, Lydia can display this skill as a magician, which is already a very good performance. Ordinary magicians usually do not have her ability to control the elements and the mental ability to distract the flying sword.


Below the arena, Lydia has launched her offensive.

She took advantage of the ogre's empty space and quickly put herself on a popular technique. At the same time, she swept with one hand, the flesh-cutting knife jumped up, and immediately directed an arrow away from the string, towards the ogre Ablon Giant The mallet shot straight away.

Fengxing is a very famous basic auxiliary magic of wind system. The magic of this spell is that, through magical means, a small amount of wind elements are blessed on one's own body, so as to achieve a light body effect like a bird's body and an action like the wind. Once it is always successful, it can greatly improve its own agility, which is very practical.

The magic knife used by the flying knife that was suddenly blasted out was more pure and uncomfortable.

A layer of solid and invisible wind blade was attached to the surface of the flying knife, dragging the long tail of the pale blue wind system all the way, just like the loss of a precise arrow, revealing the cold light of the sharp edge.

The eyes of everyone in the audience almost followed this flying knife and flew towards the ogre at a rapid speed.

But the ogren didn't seem to feel the power of a small flying knife, and he wanted to smash the knife with a stick.

at this time.

Lydia's eyes narrowed and her finger raised, and the flying knife immediately made a sharp turn with a whizz.

Under the eyes of everyone, this knife was like being held by an invisible big hand, flexibly avoiding the slash of the ogre Abulon Giantmaul, and after turning a bend down, it rose again, instantly He slammed heavily on his left arm.


Lydia also gradually adapts to the **** battle, and then gnaws her teeth, and gestures again. A knife stuck on the ogre's arm, suddenly provoked, like cutting leather, leaving a shocking big mouth on the ogre's arm.

Blood spewed, the painful ogres roared and shook the sky, and the blood-stained knife had already swiftly flashed aside.

"court death!"

The ogre Ablon Giantmaul slowly turned his face and spit out two words.

This kind of wound may be a fatal injury that causes excessive blood loss for ordinary people, but for an ogre, it hurts him and can't cause much harm.

But at this time the ogren Ogre Abulon Giant Mallet was completely angry.

His eyes began to turn red, and his face gradually became fierce, and even a strong momentum also surged.

In this violent change, his already terrible muscles began to swell again, and his body began to slightly blush. This weird and fierce change made him look like a fierce giant from the wilderness. The fierce wildness and violent feeling has almost achieved a dramatic change.

At this time, the onlookers around the venue were all calm, and many audiences with some visions were already cold and frightened.

"This, this is bloodthirsty ?!"

"Is this ogre actually bloodthirsty ?!"

"No wonder the green dwarf, just so proud, turned out that this ogre slave is also a rare gem!"

"It's over, it's over, the human slave girl is miserable this time."

Hearing the comments and exclamations of the people watching around, the Goblin businessman Gascole was very proud.

He stood on the seat and smiled with excitement: "Hey hey, you countrymen, Lao Tzu said long ago, Lao Tzu's ogre slave, once an elite mercenary, bloodthirsty is his signature skill, that female slave Dead!"

Ogre's bloodthirsty technique is precisely this racial talent. Once the show is successful, the brutal wildness of this ogren's heart will be completely stimulated, plus the blessing of magic, at this time this ogre will become fanatical, and his heart is full of war. Whether it is attack, speed, or resistance to attack, you will get a substantial increase.

Moreover, the **** smell emitted during battle will greatly strengthen this original animal nature, strengthen the spell effect, and the duration will also be extended, so it is named bloodthirsty.

Of course, not all ogres can use this talent.

Speaking of course, this is an enhanced spell from the shaman. Most of the bloodthirsty spells in the ogres are inspired by the shaman ’s spell casting for other ogres. Only a small number of elite warriors like Ablon Giantmaul can pass. His own efforts have inspired such enhancement spells.

When a battle occurs, such an ogre full of crazy fighting intentions, once rushed in front of any opponent, it is definitely a nightmare for any opponent.

This is why the Goblin businessman Gascole would have said before that he had seen a hundred ogre robbers with his own eyes and was able to shove a caravan of 1,000 people into shock, looting property and goods. air.

It is precisely because behind these hundred ogres, there is a shaman who can perform group bloodthirsty.

One hundred ogres that use bloodthirsty, the terrifying impact and destructive power, I am afraid that they can shock people more than the collective charge of a thousand tanks on the earth.

However, the bloodthirsty technique of the ogres has not been fully demonstrated yet, and Lydia raised her hand with one hand, and a magic missile of the wind system was stuck on his face.



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