The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1370: Rage Ogre

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The magic missile exploded, the magical attribute of the wind system, and immediately the charged ogre Abulon Giantmaul, the blood stains on the face exploded, staggering.

Upon seeing this, Lydia immediately took advantage of the agility attribute brought by Windrunner to quickly distance himself from the ogre, while controlling the flying knife with one hand and accumulating magic missiles with one hand, wrestling with this ogre.

At this time, she did not know what she was afraid of, perhaps because she was forced to a certain point, and she suddenly remembered all the previous learning, seeing, and hearing. In addition to focusing more on combat, those past Her knowledge, as well as the experience of her predecessors, are being quickly absorbed and digested by her.

In the words she used to comfort herself, "Once following the Son of Fire, even the mad ancient flame demon had seen it. How could a ogre who used bloodthirsty scared her?"

And now the powerful ancient flame demon is already her good friend, the idol of the flame has become her good friend, her grandfather is the world-famous magician Emmons, she also met when she was teaching in China Oriental sword fairy Gao Mingyue ...

Thinking of all the past, she could not help but gradually became full.

These big names on the earth have taught her a lot of valuable knowledge and experience. If she does not have the guts to fight now, it is really shameful!

Once this person has the courage, even if it is the courage to deceive himself, he has something to persevere in.

Through the harassment of magic missiles, Lydia keeps distance from the ogres, and at the same time uses the flying knife to wait for the opportunity to kill the ogres.

This is the only way she can effectively kill the ogres after she thinks about it. Otherwise, without the help of magic weapons, she would need to use both hands to maneuver to accumulate power, which would be too time-consuming, and while she was focused on attacking magic, she would be smashed by ogres if she could not do well.

"Damn female mouse, where to run!"


"Bang! Bang!"

Ogre Ablon Giantmaul's mind is relatively simple. His thoughts are not as complicated as Lydia's, and he does not need to be self-encouraging to have the courage to fight.

At present, there is only one idea in his heart, that is, the human slave girl who can't catch him, can't catch up with it, and always makes him hurt and hurt, smashed it with a hammer, and then eat it in one bite!


Ogre Ablon, wielding a huge stick full of spikes, half his length, gave him a backhand and slammed into Lydia hiding behind him.

However, under the blessing of the popular technique, Lydia saw something wrong and had already hid aside in time. So the mallet fell to the ground and directly hit the wall of the arena.


A shocking loud noise!

Under the blessing of bloodthirsty, the ogre that has already hit the red eye, the explosive power of the blow is extremely scary.

The specially constructed volcanic giant rock wall in the arena is able to withstand the attacks of the A-level grand master according to normal standards. Under the crit of the ogres, the one-ton piece of rock smashed!

The fragments of rocks that flew around, like bullets, flew around, frightened that Lydia was hiding, and almost fled there with his hands and feet.

The wall, which was more than ten meters high, shook violently. A bystander lying on the edge of the guardrail, without paying attention, fell off and fell to the foot of the ogre.

The ogre Ablon Giantmaul turned back fiercely. The pair of bloodthirsty eyes, like a man-eating beast, suddenly thrust the fear from the primitive instinct of the creature into the heart of the onlooker.

The onlookers who fell into the arena badly urinate immediately.

Because of the violent fear, he collapsed to the ground, his body was soft, and his heart was beating wildly, but he couldn't even make the strength of his fingers move.

In the shadow of this cruel, ogre-like Titan, he was like a weak bunny who was thrown to the face of a tiger and had nowhere to go. There was no chance of resistance.

Fortunately, the ogre who performed the bloodthirsty technique did not lose his mind, nor did he have any interest in the spectator who fell to his feet. Just shouted, and turned again to chase Lydia who had fled to the other side.

The dying spectator immediately appeared in a cold sweat, and all the strength lost under the ogre's gaze gradually returned.

Not daring to stay a second longer, this unlucky spectator quickly climbed back to the stands with his hands and feet.

Other crowds of people watching around naturally sneered for a while, but the unfortunate spectator didn't care.

Now that he can retrieve a small life, he already feels that it is a blessing he has cultivated in eight lifetimes. And since he went down to the fighting arena, he really realized what real despair and fear was.

He did not dare to laugh at the human slave girl Lydia, who was bravely fighting the ogres, but paid his respects from the heart.

It is already a strong man's performance to be able to fight against an ogre comparable to a beast in an environment full of despair and depression.

"It's such a powerful force, this species of ogre is indeed amazing."

Wang Yan looked at the battle below and could not help but give praise. At this time the crowd in the stands was boiling, but Wang Yan's side seemed calm and calm.

After all, Wang Yan, along with several companions around him, have all met some big people. Even Chi Chi, the desolate lord, is considered a little nobleman, not to mention Chi Chi's daughter.

In particular, Wang Yan has experienced a lot along the way, and has met many terrible opponents. Now he has reached the point where he is now. Among the S-class legendary strongmen, that is also the master of the masters, the most top part. It can be said that he can already be regarded as the limit level that many species can evolve.

Therefore, in the eyes of Wang Yan, many seemingly strong guys are nothing but paper tigers who are strong outsiders.

But the ogre in front of him made him shine.

Although the power of the ogres at this time was suppressed to only the B-level domain level, the horror power revealed was very amazing. Especially under the blessing of bloodthirsty, the explosive power shown, even some ordinary A-level strongmen, may not be comparable to this wild ogre in terms of strength alone.

Wang Yan secretly estimated that the representative of the superpowers of the power department on the earth was a red tank that was comparable to his flag.

As a human being, that guy can be said to be a pervert in pervert in terms of physical strength. If at the same level, compared with the following ogre, it is estimated to be between Bozhong.

If the ogre has blessed bloodthirsty again, but the red tank does not have any buff blessings, or in the case of new tricks, it is estimated that this elite warrior will be overwhelmed.

At present, Lydia can fight with this terrible monster, and such a performance is already very satisfactory to Wang Yan.

It seems that Lydia's potential is really beyond his expectations.

The outcome of this duel has gradually deviated from Wang Yan's original expectations.


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