The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1373: Young people, learn to fly kites

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Looking at the fierce fighting in the arena below, the confidant Lord could n’t help but come out with some doubts, “Boss, your human slave girl seems to be in embarrassment, but it gives me the feeling that it seems to be walking with the ogre nose, the whole Instead, the rhythm of the scene is in the hands of this relatively weak female slave. "

In fact, it is no wonder that Lord Chew will feel this way.

Hell creatures admire force and respect the strong. Such a concept of respect for power also makes them gradually shift their center of gravity towards individual power in the path of evolution. Naturally, strategies and tactics have become secondary positions.

Naturally, here are as small as insects, birds and beasts, as large as various races, each creature is trying to strengthen its own strength. Once the two start to confront each other, it is often the word "do".

Whoever has a stronger fighting ability will have the upper hand, and who will have a greater chance of victory.

So here, the situation in the arena is relatively simple. Unless both sides are quite tough opponents, it will be obvious how strong or weak it is after a long time.

But now everyone understands that the ogres have stronger fighting power, but under the entanglement of Lydia, there is always a strength in the air, but they can't show it.

The dry roar that could only be suffocated, followed behind Lydia, and kept chasing, and even these onlookers, looking around, felt anxious.

Such a situation is uncommon for them, who like to watch the lively crowd. I haven't even seen a little lord like Chiyu.

"Xiao Chi, look at you like this, do you usually read less?"

Wang Yan casually glanced at the confusing, the latter was stunned, and then smiled repeatedly, "Ouch, the boss is really smart, the younger brother does not like reading books except watching some cheats in the posture of the harem."

Just kidding, he is an ambitious **** lord, but in the future, he wants to take over the position of his old man Chilian Demon King, and at the same time have a big harem, how could he waste time on reading?

Of course, this view is also due to the difference between the two planes of **** and the earth, the big environment and the tradition of folk customs.

The world of **** focuses on changing destiny with strength, while humans on earth change destiny with knowledge. If you are a human being on the earth, it is better to read more books.

"Xiao Chi, you can't go on like this. You don't have any knowledge at all. How will you be the devil in the future?"

Wang Yan deliberately excite Chi Chi, then lifted his chin, motioned Chi Chi to look down at Lydia, and said, "This is a tactic for humans, called kite flying, and learn a little bit."

"Fly, fly a kite?" The confusing lord immediately asked with a stern expression, "Boss, let's fly, fly a kite ... what does it mean?"

As soon as he mentioned his ambitions in the future, the Lord of Confusion quickly looked up like a pupil, and asked Wang Yan to ask.

The other's opponent also attracted the attention of the brutal master and the appraiser Zoe who was waiting aside. All three of them looked at Wang Yan unconsciously.

"It's very simple." Wang Yan replied casually, "Do you know the kite?"

Everyone nodded again and again. Of course, the kites in Hell World might be different from those on the earth. Wang Yan said this reasoning according to the analogy translation.

"When dealing with some powerful enemies, if you can't fight hard, should you avoid its edge, fight with it, and continue to consume the other party? Then look for opportunities to find flaws and countermeasures?" Wang Yan simply explained.

After listening to this, Lord Chew suddenly realized, "It turns out that flying kites means fighting with opponents and constantly consuming each other."

Zoe, the brutal master and appraiser beside him, both blinked and nodded unclearly.

"Not only that." Wang Yan waved his hand and added, "The kites have lines, and we control the kites through the lines, so should the opponent's enemies. Keep the opponent in your hands and keep the opponent in your own rhythm. It is consumed until the flaws are revealed, then it is the beginning of the counterattack. "

After listening to the lord, the confusing leader suddenly realized that he was excited again and again: "Okay, it seems like this!"

The brutal master of the county and appraiser Zoe, both of whom are of a fighting race, were so simply described by Wang Yan that they immediately understood it.

However, there are still a lot of difficult colors in their eyes. This kind of reasoning sounds very simple, but it is not easy to do it.

"Wait, wait, boss." The confusing Lord seemed to think of something, scratching his head and questioning, "That human slave looks like she has no combat experience. How could she fly a kite?"

"Humans are a very clever race, this kind of thing doesn't need you to worry about, look at it, learn how others walk ogres."

Wang Yan was too lazy to explain more, and Lydia would fly a kite, but he couldn't be more clear.

It may not work to say outsiders. Before coming to earth, he often opened up with several friends and colleagues in his free time. Lydia also joined their game development when he was invited to the Super Academy as a foreign teacher.

Although he and Lydia have n’t met twice in a long time because of work problems, they have formed many teams in the game. They will also chat in the game, make an analogy with the game, and simulate to discuss some realities. Tactical problems encountered.

For example, Lydia, she only played the mage, and finally got the king by the middle road mage alone.

Wang Yan is also very admired by this. Among them, the theoretical knowledge of chatting in the game with many friends and colleagues who have experienced a lot of battles is already very rich. As long as they are used properly, those rich tactical skills are enough to be edited into a super hero battle cheat.

Right now Lydia uses these rich combat skills in actual combat.

At this time, Lord Lord of Confusion listened to Wang Yan's explanation, and was greatly impressed by the boss's knowledge and versatility. At the same time, he also looked at Delia and the human race below.

Now the two, the brutal master of the side and the appraiser Zoe, no longer talked, and looked at the battle below, could not help but be serious.

As the saying goes, laymen watch lively, laymen watch the doorway. At this time, they just saw a little doorway under Wang Yan's radio wave, and then looked at the gladiator below. They couldn't help but secretly marvel. While the fighting below was so fierce, they still had so many skills and subtlety that made them wonder Exclamation won't work.

But at this moment, the battle in the lower arena changed again.

The onlookers in the stands all around, together with the Goblin businessman Gascole, all stretched their necks, staring one by one and looking down.

The ogres Ablon Giantmaul and the human female slave Lidia seem to have reached the tipping point.

The victory or defeat may be in this instant!


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