The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1374: Do your best

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The ogre Abulon Giantmaul, still waving the warhammer, or using the wind pressure shock wave, or the broken rock, constantly chasing Lydia.

But one thing is different.

At this time, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul had already gasped, and the frequency of attacks had dropped significantly.

Under the continuous guerrilla tactics of Lydia, he could n’t catch up, and could n’t retreat. In the end, he was covered with wounds, blood, and blood mixed with sweat, cement, and smelly and dirty. body.

So that every time he took a step, he would leave a wet blood footprint under his feet.

Such a **** and miserable look is really terrible. Even the **** onlookers in the surrounding stands began to **** in cold air and exclaimed.

In addition, at this time, the ogren Ablon Giantmaul was still in the state of bloodthirsty. Although this state accelerated his speed and increased his attack power, his rapidly beating heart and the blood flowing in the body accelerated, All the wounds in his body were bleeding heavily. So much later that he was injured, and his body was too late to heal, and he could only get more and more serious from the injury with a little accumulation.

This situation is very bad. With the limited IQ of Ablon Giantmaul, he can clearly understand that if he withdraws the bloodthirsty surgery now, the bleeding volume of the wound may be reduced, but a large amount of lost physical strength may be due to bloodthirsty The disappearance of the strengthening effect suddenly dropped sharply.

At that time, he may enter a very weak state, even unable to stand, and his opponent Lydia will definitely kill his life.

"Me, I'm going to kill you!"

The survival instinct caused the ogre Abulon Giantmaul to desperately launch the final battle.

He was getting a dog in his heart at this time, and he never dreamed that a human slave girl who looked very weak would be so difficult.

Although he is now forced to become a slave gladiator, as long as he does not die, he always has the opportunity to be free.

He wants freedom, he does not want to die!


As an object chased by ogres, Lydia is no better.

Her power was suppressed to the level of the field, not to mention that she had no weapons. The escape and counterattack depended on her extraordinary talent and survival instinct.

So constantly escaping, self-protection, and waiting for an opportunity to counterattack, constantly consuming that terrible ogre, this kind of task that other magicians can hardly complete, in a constant struggle, she gradually took control of the whole game. Rhythm.

However, this process is very difficult and consumes a lot of Lydia's physical strength and magic power.

It was also because of her that she had been nurtured by Emmons since she was a child, and her foundation was particularly strong. She also experienced elemental baptism under the arrangement of Emmons' painstaking efforts.

This makes her physical quality and elemental affinity far exceed that of other magicians. Otherwise, she will be replaced by other magicians with poor physical strength. If you run the kite and run the kite, they will be exhausted.

At this time, Lydia seemed to control the rhythm of the battle, but the physical and magical powers she consumed a lot also made her precarious.

She was equally injured, and the clothes were all broken holes left by the penetration of rubble and falling, and the body was also scarred. Even the tender and pretty face, because of the splashed rubble, scratched out several blood Mouth.

Fortunately, her instinct strength level is very high, and after being baptized with elements, these scars can be recovered as long as she recovers her magic power, otherwise a few **** mouths on her face is almost a nightmare for any beauty girl.


The ogre, who had already hit the eye, hit Lydia with a mallet.

But Lydia's dexterous one turned and flew, dangerously evading the heavy hammer, and hurriedly turned up, almost against the scattered gravel around, and pointed up, the blade of the handle has experienced battle, cloth The gapped flying knife immediately flew towards the ogre's throat.

Lydia was also merciless this time and slayed the killer.

In order to survive, she also had no choice. Even if she had a compassionate heart, her enemies would not show mercy to her men.


Just as the flying knife was about to stab the ogre, the ogre suddenly raised his hand and pinched the flying knife in his hand.

The big ogren's thick hands are covered with thick thick cocoons, and the flying knife is in his hand, as if it were tightly clamped by iron pliers. No matter how hard Lydia works, he can never let the flying knife break free in his hand. .

Since the beginning of the war, this ogre has suffered a great loss on this flying knife, and he already hated it to the extreme. !

"Squeak, giggle ..."

The flying knife that Lidia used to control the sword was originally a flesh-cutting knife. At this time, after a face out of battle, the blade was already covered with gaps and broken.

At this time, being pinched so hard by the ogre, the blade immediately issued a painful and twisted trembling sound. If it was not because Lydia attached the wind element to the knife, it still played a certain resistance role, otherwise It was instantly squeezed by the ogre.


The crowd watching the crowd in the surrounding stands immediately exclaimed.

Such a splendid battle is too fierce, which makes these lively onlookers crowds addicted to the scene. Especially now that the critical moment has been reached again, their breathing seems to be stagnant.

Now the ogres Ablon Giantmaul, and the human slave girl Lydia, have almost reached their limits.

If the human female slave Lydia, the main means of attack, that is, the flying knife was destroyed by the ogre, then this battle is bound to be over. This human female slave will never be able to sustain this situation.

Everyone's eyes widened. The moment was the most crucial moment in this battle, and they couldn't even blink.

On the other side of the stand, Wang Yan and others were also watching.

Needless to say, confusion, cruelty, etc., Lydia has brought too many accidents to them now, and now all can't help but get nervous.

Wang Yan looked down with satisfaction, thinking with curiosity under her heart. What would Lidia's girl do at this juncture?

Regardless of the ending, Wang Yan is very satisfied with Lydia's performance so far. Of course, if you can go further, it will naturally be better.

After all, after trying her best, getting a victory can add a lot of confidence for her next growth.

at this time.

There was a loud bang, and suddenly it came out in the lower arena.

Wang Yan's eyes turned, his brows could not help but raise his eyebrows. Isn't Lydia going to be hard with the ogre?

I didn't see it, this little girl was really a bit brave.


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