The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1375: Heavy Arcane Missile

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The strong oppression of the ogres under the eyes, whether to give up death or continue to die until the end, in order to wait for the moment when the ogres can't hold it?

Such a choice, if replaced by others, may be a painful experience under the pressure of life and death. However, Lydia made the decision immediately and immediately changed her tactics, making a decision that surprised Wang Yan.

That is to change the defense into an attack and launch a final assault on the ogre!


With a loud blasting sound, the flying knife pinched in the hands of the ogre Ablon Giantmaul was suddenly detonated under the control of Lydia!

The elements of the wind system controlled by Lydia have always been known for their lightness and change, quickness and sharpness. Therefore, once the destructive wind elements attached to the knife body are detonated, the resulting lethality is quite powerful.

The ogre Ablon Giantmaul suddenly uttered a cry of pain. Under the violent explosion, he clenched the left hand of the flying knife and was almost exploded!

Fragmented flying knife fragments and sharp wind elements are like a fragmented grenade. No matter who you change it to, holding this type of grenade in your hand and exploding is absolutely choking.

The skin of the ogre's entire palm was blown open, and the wound was deeply visible with bones. Many fragments of the flying blade directly pierced his face, and a blood hole was blown out of his face immediately. Fortunately, he had better luck. A thumb-sized blade fragment just stuck on his eyelid, almost making him blind.

Just as the ogres wailed and stumbled backwards, Lydia had already stretched out on the spot and read the spell.

"The ubiquitous spirit of the wind, taking my will, turned into a sharp blade, and became the tooth of a fierce beast ..."


Along with Lydia's spell, a strong wind suddenly swirled around her. The next moment, an invisible wind gathered in her palm, and a near-perfect wind bomb appeared suddenly.

"Hoo!" The crowd around the stands all exclaimed and exclaimed.

"Good and precise magic control!"

"This female magician from humans is not easy."

"No wonder Lord Moyan is mainly a human slave girl, and he does not hesitate to fight Lord Chilie, the son of the demon king."

"Human female slaves are rare. This beauty and talent coexist. It really is the best of the best ..."

Hell is a world full of elemental magic and magic abilities are very popular. At this time, the onlookers around the stands can't help but sigh when they see Lydia's superb magic control.

They think that the native inhabitants of the **** world, compared with this human slave girl, can control the magic element simply by describing it as rough. And this human slave girl, with her hands and feet, not only is accurate and perfect, but also does not waste a little bit of mental power and magic power, every move reveals a sense of magnificence in the tall, which makes them difficult to envy them.

However, the admiration sighed back to the admiration sigh, more onlookers, but at this moment, had shaken and questioned Lydia.

"Isn't it? This human slave girl wouldn't be so poor and exhausted, right?"

"Looking at her strong posture, why is it just a magic bomb in the end?"

"Use this low-level magic to deal with powerful ogres? What a joke?"

"Finally, it seems that the human slave girl will not toss for a long time."

"Forget it, the human slave girl has been amazing since he can fight against the powerful ogres."

Many onlookers seem to have seen Lydia's subsequent failure, and feel sorry for Lydia.

"Yeah, this human slave girl can persist until now, but it is a pity that such a top-ranking female slave will die horribly under the ogre."

"Huh, isn't it? He fed an ogre in vain."

"Alas, it's a pity that it's useless. Master Moyan is willing, we little characters, just look at the fun."

"The same is true, our brothers bet on the ogres to win, this time they can make a small profit."

Watching the masses around, lip-sharing their comments on the situation in front of them.

However, just when they thought that Lydia ’s skills were poor and she must lose, the unexpected change took place in the arena.


The magic wind bomb that had been constructed in Lydia's hands suddenly made a trembling sound, and at the same time the volume doubled out of thin air! Become bigger than a basketball.

This doesn't count.

After the magic wind bomb suddenly expanded, it quickly collapsed and contracted, condensing again to its original size. But the wind bomb at this time is obviously different from the previous one.

After experiencing an expansion and contraction of the wind bomb, the original nearly transparent shape began to become more solid and thick, the center of the place had already appeared the dim yellow before the summer rainstorm, just like a strong storm, dark in the center Brewing.

Lydia, who manipulated the wind bomb, also changed her previous relaxed appearance. The expression is solemn and the eyes are full of dignity.

She held the wind bomb with her right hand, and her left hand was in an auxiliary shape. She pressed the wrist of her right hand hard to see the cautious look, as if she was afraid that if her right hand was shaken accidentally, the magic wind bomb would get a big impact and explode. Seems like.

"This, this is ...?"

The onlookers around the stands were suspicious and their eyes widened.

No one at the scene knew what kind of operation it was. Some people speculated that it might be some kind of advanced spell. Others speculated that it should be a magical secret unique to mankind, but no one could tell what kind of magic was on the scene.

Although **** world warlocks, wizards, shamans and other people who are good at using magic, many magicians from the earth will communicate with **** when they encounter bottlenecks, or venture to **** to seek more advanced magic skills .

But the current method of using **** world magic seems to be very different from Lydia's current trick.

"Boss, how do I think your best female slave is using this trick now, is it wrong?"

On the side of the stand, the confusing lord asked suspiciously, "I heard that our demon **** master can control gravity, collapse the space, and form a terrible black hole of gravity! Your best female slave will actually let the energy collapse. Do n’t you want to use powerful gravity? "

"That's not gravity." Wang Yan shook her head gently and replied, "She's just a magician majoring in wind. The spells she's casting now are operated by gravity black holes formed by energy collapse, some It's similar. "

"Some similar? What spell is that?" The confusing lord froze for a moment, then said in surprise, "Wouldn't it be a mysterious advanced ban spell?"

"How is it possible? Speaking of that, it's just a magic missile. If you have to describe it, it's a heavy magic missile." Wang Yan gave a blank speech.

But the confusing Lord could be terrified, "Why, what? Just a demon, a magic missile?"

"When can human magic missiles compare to the powerful black holes of gravity ?!"


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