The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1376: The power of top heritage

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Hearing this familiar term, Wang Yan still has a fresh memory, and speaking of it, he has personally experienced this terrible law skill.

At the Youth Conference that year, Harrison, the Satanic apostle from the Satanist sect, was the spokesperson of Satan the devil on earth.

That crazy Satanic apostle Harrison, through various channels, attracted a group of equally fanatical brainless believers, plus he used the soul as a sacrifice, and also obtained the remote guidance and baptism of the devil Satan in exchange for one. Invincible power.

For this reason, he was almost arrogant enough to dare to be the enemy of the whole world, even Wang Yan's Master Yan Zun did not pay attention to it.

The dark magic he cast, that is, the black hole explosion caused by gravity, is precisely the top power from Satan!

This tremendous lethal force of the law of gravity is not only the top dark force on earth, it is awesome even in hell.

At that time, Wang Yan tried hard to deal with him, but he worked with Nan Lian to kill him.

The Satan avatar summoned by this Harrison is even stronger than a demigod. It is surprisingly powerful. He not only controls the **** fire, but also makes the law of gravity play fascinating, showing the lethality shown.

At that time, Uncle Cannon and the two aunts and three people worked together to kill the avatar from the god. The video records left at that time are the most intense top battles since the earth had video records.

In fact, it is no wonder that the Satan avatar that came to the earth comes from a real demon god. No matter how the law or the power is controlled, it is not comparable to the legendary strongman or the general demon demon king.

Brought to earth by Satan the devil, the gravity-based black magic taught to Harrison is even more famous, and has become a research topic for many magic organizations and superpowers.

However, the magic wind bomb that Lydia uses now is not black magic from hell, but an orthodox arcane magic, a long tradition from Star Academy.

The scope of magic is too wide. The so-called arcane magic refers to the research and summary of certain laws and laws through the accumulation of knowledge and experience. Finally, these special laws are used to release the magic.

Arcane magic also has a wide range of applications, such as fireballs, ice arrows, lightning, and the magic wind bombs Lydia is now casting, all of which are a way of expressing arcane energy.

The magic wind projectile used by Lydia is indeed just an ordinary arcane magic, but it is different from general arcane magic.

At this critical moment, Lydia is desperate, using superb magic skills from the starry sky god, which is the legendary arcane superposition!

This advanced technique developed by the most outstanding magician of the earth, the starry sky god, implies the essence of thought in the Chinese classics and the subtle truth of the road to the simple.

This technique is that, through the simplest method, the elemental energy in an arcane missile is expanded, collapsed, and then re-condensed, so that the powerful power hidden in the tiny elements is completely excited and used to the extreme. , And even achieve a terrible effect similar to nuclear fusion.

However, although this approach seems simple, the control accuracy of the caster is very high, otherwise, if a mistake occurs, it will have very terrible consequences.

Therefore, at present, the magician on the earth can only superimpose basic arcane magic, and even a higher superimposition magic, even Lydia's grandfather Emmons, can't do it.

This shows how terrifying the destructive power of this subtle means of manipulating magical elements can be.

At the time, the black hole of gravity released by Satan's apostle Harrison also used element collapse to cause a small space to explode and collapse, which caused the space to break and twist. Its power was enough to shatter all objects.

At the moment, Lydia is suppressing the huge power of the element after expansion and collapse, which makes her arcane bomb, invisible, has become an extremely unstable bombshell!

At present, Wang Yan does not yet know how powerful it is, but from the present point of view, the severely injured ogren can't eat it.


It was another swell and collapse. The onlookers in the surrounding stands were shocked. They were so scared that they could not speak for a long time.

The magic wind bomb in the hands of the human slave below will double, then collapse and suppress, and finally be solid.

After repeating this three times, the magic missile raised by the human slave had reached a terrifying point.

At that time, the wind bomb had changed from the original translucent shape to a dim and thick, like a thick surging fog. Especially at the core point, a faint golden awn has appeared, just like a fierce sandstorm, brewing secretly in it.

All the onlookers at the scene were terrified.

The owner of the ogre, the Goblin businessman Gascole, was even more solemn, screaming with cold sweat: "Ablon! What stupidity are you stupid? Quick, quick attack!"

He could not believe that the human slave girl below had such a terrible magic power! If this continues, will his ogre slave lose?

No, he doesn't believe it!

Unable to believe in Thaksin or unbelief, the magic missile, which was superimposed three times, exuded the power of terror, and actually caused a vacuum pressure to form around Lydia.

The tremendous natural power, naturally natural, is compelling, and even some of the less powerful onlookers in the surrounding stands are afraid to look directly at the terrible wind bomb with their eyes. The magic wind bomb will fall on their heads.

Even Lydia's opponent, Ogre Abram Giantmaul, felt a huge crisis.

The flying knife that he was originally blown up was choking, and he staggered and wailed in pain.

But at the moment there was no more than a few breathing efforts, and a sense of crisis that made him have a cramp in his heart hit him. He even left behind the pain of his injury.

He barely opened his eyes and was shocked to find that the human slave girl who was at the end of the powerful crossbow in front of him was constantly increasing in strength, and a magic missile in his hand was exudes a rich and dangerous atmosphere. There will be a urge to escape in my heart.

What exactly is going on?

"His!" The sorrowful lord in the stands took a breath of breath and said in horror, "Boss, how powerful is that wind bomb? How come I feel a little tricky?"

"What power?" Wang Yan thought about it, speculating, "There should be eight times the power of ordinary wind bombs."

"Why, what ?! Eight times the power? Are you kidding me?" The confessed Lord was stunned, and cursed what magic was this? In a while, you can gather eight times the power!

This slave girl from the earth, is this going to go against the sky?


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