The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1383: Make a big profit

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Before the riddled lord swelled, he was slapped on the other side of the head by the brutal lord.

"Oh hey!"

The deluded lord sucked in a cold breath, and immediately felt depressed, "I am discussing life with the boss, why are you hitting me?"

It is better not to be so arrogant, but the more sophistry the cruel master will be.

In her eyes, Wang Yan is her destiny, and there is only a wedding process between the two. This confusion is good, even if she didn't help her increase her relationship with Wang Yan, even in front of her, and encouraged Wang Yan to look for Primary Three? Isn't this just looking for death naked?

She was brutally ill-tempered if she did not stab him with a knife.

"What's your name to discuss life? Are you really interested in discussing life? Thinking of beautiful slaves all day, that's life?"

Brutal Sovereign can be considered mad, pinched his waist, and smiled coldly, "I tell you, don't take my demon lord bad, if you have some good quality lord demon monarch, you can't help And will not be mixed up with the present look. "

"I, I, ... how did I bring the boss down? I, I ..." The deceived lord was stunned and stammered, "I can tell you, don't you want to personally attack Ah, I, I am confused, there are still many advantages, such as ... "

"Benefits? Oh, ah!"

"You you you, do you still scold me?"

"What's the matter? You're just scolding!"

"I, I, I ..."

Don't look at the brutal master of the county who is usually in front of Wang Yan, she is charming and gentle, and she is gentle and virtuous, like her girlfriends. In fact, her lady is very temperamental on weekdays.

At present, this confusion always encourages Wang Yan to find Primary Three again and again and open the harem. This makes her, Her Royal Highness, who thinks she is Wang Yan's main palace, how can she bear it?

A curse now, that is light.

"Hehe." The chief appraiser of the black market, the eagle body succubus Zoe Greenclaw, saw such a group of high-ranking big figures, and was still so lively, and she couldn't hold back for a while, and secretly laughed.

Wang Yan couldn't help but glanced at her, and appraiser Zoe immediately bowed his head and apologized.

"It doesn't matter, relax." Wang Yan waved his hand, indicating that the other party shouldn't be too restrained.

This guide from the black market has been performing very well until now. Although all aspects are impeccable, she can clearly feel that she is forcing herself to survive and conforms to the rules of this society. Depressive colors.

"Do you think the limit of that human slave girl is up?" Wang Yan pointed at Lydia, who was sitting on the ground under his eyes, and asked the appraiser Zoe randomly.

"Return to Lord Mo Yan, I think ... it should have reached the limit." Appraiser Zoe didn't dare to talk much, but just thought about it for a while, and said his speculation honestly.

Speaking of the human slave girl below, it is somewhat unexpected.

After almost every fight, she was a shocked, exhausted look, but was ridiculed and ridiculed by the demon flame beside him. After a short rest, she could stand up again and continue to defeat her opponent.

As of now, no one is really sure, is this Lydia really not good, or can he insist on one more time?

"I think so too, it should be almost the same." Wang Yan nodded thoughtfully, believing Zoe's answer.

The appraiser Zoe saw that Wang Yan stopped talking, she did not dare to talk, and stood quietly and respectfully and politely.

However, she has been in this society so far, and she instinctively feels that the Lord of the Demon Flame in front of her is definitely not as simple as the ordinary Devil Prince.

This demon flame has the noble temperament of the devil prince, but it does not have the exaggeration and arrogance of other devil sons. On the contrary, the Lord of Demon Flames in front of her is not angry and pretentious, but low-key and restrained, but between this light and light wind, it seems to be able to hold everything in his own hands.

This one-of-a-kind weightlessness is something that Zoe has never met in his life. She was pretty sure that this Lord of Demon Flames would definitely become a great man in the future.

Thinking of this, appraiser Zoe couldn't help but look a little more admired.


A total of seven large bags, 12,600 gold coins, were all gathered by the confessed lord.

Wang Yan's bet on Lydia in the arena has not been passed since the beginning. Every time I make money, I do n’t keep any points, and I bet on Lydia.

From the first game, he bet two hundred and earned two hundred. In the second game he bet four hundred. Later he earned four hundred. Then he bet all three times, and so on. Until the sixth game, the amount of bets has reached as high as 6,400 gold coins. There is only one local rich man with gray-fin murlocs and capital.

This old old man thought he would make a big profit when he waited for a good time. As a result, the ending was again unexpected, and the human slave girl once again thrilled to win. Wang Yan made 6,400 gold coins.

And that old man not only lost a huge sum of 6,400 gold coins, but also died a precious gray-fin murloc gladiator. At that moment, the man was already stunned in the stands, and was dragged by several panicked men. Pulled, carried out of the meeting place.

At this time, there are seven large pockets with large openings, all of which are full of attractive gold coins.

There are six bags, each of which has two thousand gold coins, and the remaining one is only filled with ordinary, there are six hundred.

A total of 12,600 gold coins were placed on the edge of the grandstand, resembling a glamorous girl with exposed clothes, which attracted people's attention.

On the stands around, the crowd watched their eyes straightened, and they sucked back one by one, their hearts beating wildly.

"One, twelve thousand six hundred gold coins! Here, this is a sum of money, which I can't earn in my whole life!"

"If converted into magic crystal coins used by the top nobles, it would be more than four!"

"Me, my God ... let alone 12,600 gold coins, or 1,200, I won't make any money ..."

Watching the crowd from the stands all around, they were envious and talked again and again.

This amount of money may be ordinary pocket money for the brutal lord, but for most of the on-site crowd, it is an unimaginable huge sum of money. Haven't seen so much money since he was a big boy.

The scene became lively again because of the huge investment.

But in the arena, Delia couldn't care about that much anymore, and the outside voice seemed to have nothing to do with her.

At this time, she was paralyzed and her head was empty. The only thing she wanted to do was just to have a good rest, and she didn't ask anything.

As a magician who can kill people with gold coins and stab her opponent with a harpoon, she feels that she is probably the only one on earth.

Although this series of battles was so thrilling and exhausting, she also felt exhausted, but she felt very good at winning and was able to win a hard battle with her own skills, which made her very useful.

She understands that she already has some understanding of how to fight. Although these sentiments are still superficial, as long as she is given time to digest and think, it will not be long before there will be breakthroughs and changes.

But at this moment, a scene that made her feel horrified happened.


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