The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1384: It turned out that you, Lord Mo Yan

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"Wow! Wow!"

Just as Lydia collapsed to the ground and meditated, her bags of gold coins were thrown behind her at random.

"Also, come again ?!"

Feeling the sound of gold coins falling, Lydia's pupils shrunk and sucked in cold air. She was familiar with this kind of noise. Before every battle, the wicked Demon Lord had dropped the gold coins from the stands.

Once the gold coins fall, it means that the fighting will start again.

"The last game, if you want to survive, then fight this last game." Wang Yan's voice was passed on casually again.

In Wang Yan's view, as a superpower, when encountering desperation and exhaustion, it is inevitable. At this time, all skill routines have become secondary.

It is often a person ’s desire for survival and a person ’s strong belief in survival that can help him survive.

Only in this way can we often turn decay into magic, so that we can find a trace of vitality in the desperate situation.

Even Wang Yan himself, many times when he was exhausted, survived the desperation of life and death, and finally with his tenacity and tenacity, this finally persisted.

After all, there are some things, if you do n’t insist, do n’t try, do n’t try, how can you be sure that there will be no hope?

And risks and gains have always coexisted. Take Wang Yan himself, for example, after each dangerous death, the rich loot naturally does not require too many words. The most important thing is that after breaking through oneself, after breaking through the limits, the promotion and promotion time and time again, this part of the strength to fight on their own is the most precious gain.


Lydia wanted to try to stand up and refute a few words, but just about to stand up, she stumbled under her feet and fell back again.

It turned out that because of her premature slackness, her body had become paralyzed. At this time, her muscles were relaxed, and the whole person was naturally relieved.

"Forget it, I also admit it, I have no strength to fight ... You have always wanted to torture me to death, and now it is just right for you."

Lydia ’s physical exhaustion exacerbated her psychological negativity, so she slumped on the ground like this, and said sullenly, "I will not compromise, I, I ... I will never follow you. of!"

"It's a pity ... I haven't found the child of flame ... I, I ... woo ..."

This Lydia has just been strong and brave, and won the unanimous approval of the entire arena audience. As a result, Gu Ying sobbed with pity.

It looked like he had been wronged by Tianda, not to mention how pitiful it was.

The onlookers on the scene were all quiet, and soon all began to whisper whispering, and at the same time they looked at Lydia and Wang Yan back and forth, as if they found some kind of ups and downs. The wonderful story seems to be worth it.

"Boss! Wow, brother, I finally understand it! No wonder that the human slave girl refused to obey you, because it was because of the son of the flame!" The big mouth of the confusing lord immediately shouted with outrage.

Wang Yan's face was black at the time. He scolded the group of inhabitants of **** thinking about the reproduction of the harem all day long. What happened to each one?

Does Wang Yan look like he is a big bad guy who is tortured because the girl does n’t follow?

"Demon, Lord Moyan, originally, this is the case ... It turns out that this human slave girl is thinking of old feelings and swearing to die, so you have to be so intimidating and tormenting her?"

The brutal county master's eyes flickered, there were grievances in his expression, there were unwillingness, and there was a grudge, but she stared at Wang Yan for a while, and then in the complicated eyes, a mysterious love appeared: "Woo ... true, It ’s awesome! Such an evil Master Mo Yan is so charming ... "


At this time, Wang Yan was shocked.

He was dumbfounded and amazed at the associativity of these people around him. Why is it so strong? He just wanted to take the opportunity to fine-tune Lydia, but as the result became darker and darker, he hit him one by one.

What should he explain now? Can't explain it at all? Now he can't even clean up if he jumps into the Yellow River?

"Cough!" Wang Yan coughed a little embarrassedly, and stared at the red puzzle and the red abuse. The two talents were calmly divided. Even if there were more ideas from the onlookers around, they would not dare Talk more.


Without outside interference, Wang Yan raised his hand and dropped more than ten magic crystal coins. "If you still want to see that child of flame, then work hard to live."

Wang Yan didn't talk much, but with a total of twelve magic crystal coins, they all fell in front of Lydia, and Lidia's eyes couldn't help but shining slightly.

I don't know whether it was because Wang Yan's words stimulated her, or the twelve relatively precious magic crystal coins. In short, Lydia at this moment, although very exhausted, gave birth to hope that had not previously existed.

This is actually a small back door that Wang Yan secretly opened to help Lydia.

Because each magic crystal coin is rich in pure energy equivalent to one gram of fire pulp, which is equivalent to a class B essence on earth. This pure and abundant pure energy, in the words of the magician, is pure magic power, which is equivalent to a good magic stone.

For magicians, magic power is their life, strength, and weapons!

With the rich magic power provided by these dozen or so magic crystal coins, Lydia naturally has the confidence of a battle.

Of course, in the real battlefield, there is no secret support from Wang Yan, a behind-the-scenes gangster. Under such circumstances, once you lose faith, everything is over.

Right now Wang Yan just wants to teach Lydia about this, and also wants her to plant this belief in her heart.

As for how many magic crystal coins are consumed? He didn't care at all, anyway he now has money.

"As long as you win this human slave, these gold coins and magic crystal coins are his!"

As before, Wang Yan was simple and direct, with a cold, soft whisper, but the whole arena was boiling.

"Twelve thousand and six hundred gold coins! Plus twelve magic crystal coins! This ... This bonus actually went up almost six times over the previous one!"

"This, this should really be the last game?"

"You, you see, the human slave girl can't stand up."

"This female slave vowed to die, Master Moyan must not want her anymore, who, who are you going to fight?"

The onlookers at the scene were going crazy. It can be said that few of the entertaining crowd on this level of entertainment really could reach this value. Even if many people wanted to play, they could not sell them enough to participate in the battle.

A few other wealthy merchants may still have the financial resources, but the human female slave Lidia, really can't figure it out. God knows if she is really exhausted and has no resistance?

In addition to the huge amount of money, those who are just rich relatives to ordinary people do not dare to shed their chips easily.

A little bit of time passed, the scene became unusually quiet, it seemed that everyone was entangled or waiting.

At this moment, a sharp voice suddenly came from the other side of the venue: "I, let me come!"


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