The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1385: I'm bankrupt and I fight with you

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With a sharp and funny voice that cut across the audience, everyone's eyes turned in this direction.

Soon, a green-skinned dwarf wearing a bowler hat and a formal dress, surrounded by several tall bodyguards, appeared in front of people.

It turned out to be the Goblin businessman Gascol who lost in the first game. He is a traveling businessman who travels south and north in the civilian area of ​​the Great Fire.

The Ogre Ablon Giantmaul is the ace gladiator it bought thousands of miles away.

In terms of single round strength, the ogres Ablon Giantmaul is indeed the strongest gladiator in this gladiator field, but it is a pity to underestimate the enemy, plus IQ rush, was consumed and defeated by the human female slave Lydia, and the life and death are unknown.

And this Goblin businessman, but lost a lot.

Although he bet a lot of money on himself, he lost hundreds of gold coins, and his ogre slave was worth a lot of money. Now that this ogre is directly abolished, can he not be distressed and unwilling?

The powerful ogres couldn't beat a little human slave girl, he really felt like hell.

No, after the Goblin businessman lost, he went to the next two floors of the black market, the third floor of the slave trading area. There he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money and re-purchased a formidable scary monster to become his slave gladiator.

Of course he was not stupid. After coming back from the bottom, he watched two scenes quietly on the side, in order to determine whether this human female slave Lydia really runs out of lights and he can make a big profit. At least all previous losses must be earned.

No, at this moment, this wonderful time was finally waited for by him.

"Hey, respected Lord Mo Yan, I bet with you!"

The Goblin businessman Gaskol climbed to the chair on the edge of the stand and waved his hand toward Wang Yan with excitement. The diligence seemed to be friends he hadn't seen in years.

In fact, everyone present knows that this cunning Goblin businessman is clearly trying to make a fortune to Lord Mo Yan. Do not believe it, look at how he looked at the money thief laughing, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Wang Yan did n’t know the tricks of these low-level creatures, but he did n’t show it. It would be better to be able to have an opponent who takes the initiative to practice sparring.

"Come on, let's get started." Wang Yan nodded slightly, as if he agreed.

With the consent of Wang Yan, the big man, the Goblin businessman was even more excited, and the joy in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

He hastily threw the corresponding money into the arena, and a total of sixteen and a half magic crystal coins landed on the ground clearly and pleasantly.

The polarization of the **** world is severe, and the lives of the strong and the nobles are very different from those of ordinary civilians.

For example, the magic crystal coin belonging to the upper class nobles, such amount of magic crystal coins, converted into gold coins, you will get more than 48,000 huge gold coins. If converted into a currency on earth, a gold coin is worth about 10,000, and these more than 48,000 coins, converted, is absolutely ridiculously high. In the civilian area of ​​Liuhuo City, an ordinary family may not earn a lifetime.

Businessmen like Gascol, as well as some serfs, can save up.

This is due to the advantages of the large size of the **** world, the large race and population, and the fact that money is relatively easy to make. Otherwise, ordinary merchants don't even think about this money on earth. Of course, the two worlds are different, and it is difficult to generalize the currency and economic system.

"Hurry, let that monster out!"

The Goblin businessman Gascole saw greed in his eyes and waved to his men repeatedly, eager to get his newly bought slave to play as soon as possible.

"Hey, hey, I have spent my blood on Gascol, and I will definitely win this time."

After several of his men hurried away, the Goblin businessman smiled secretly, looking like he must have.

Normally, a slave who can fight is much more expensive than the bet when fighting. Slightly better quality slaves, that is the price of dozens or even hundreds of times of this bet now!

Why is it so expensive? That is natural. A full-fledged slave gladiator can win a lot of money for slaves, and at the same time can serve as a high-level escort, a strong thug, a secret robber, and so on. If he can't help, he can resell it in exchange for cash.

The Goblin businessman is a little careful right now, and after losing a strong ogren, he is also grieving and is not comfortable with anything.

Now it's time to make up the rest of the money and buy a new slave. Can this slave be comparable to that powerful ogre? He can't say it now, at least he thinks he can definitely win that human slave girl.

The cunning Goblin businessman secretly played with a small abacus. Next, as long as you can win the human slave girl now, by defeating the name of Lord Mo Yan, you can not only make up for the loss of the ogre, but also bring him many benefits.

Now that so much money has been dropped, Quandang is an investment.

"Huh, what is she doing?"

"Is that human slave girl praying?"

"Could it be that she was exhausted and wanted to give up?"

"Isn't it? Should I bet her to win this time?"

There was a lot of discussion around the crowd, and there was a surprise. The fight was about to begin. This Lydia was actually sitting on the ground, her head down, her hands spread, and her mouth was full of words, just like some priests were praying to gods. . The most important thing is that she looks very calm, even without any energy, not like fighting desperately.

Seeing the appearance of Lydia, the crowd watching the scene was distressed and melancholy.

Because they are entangled in wondering, can this human slave girl still be able to fight? Facing the prepared Goblin merchants, which side should they bet on to win?

But they haven't been entangled for a long time, and a horrified roar suddenly entered everyone's ears.


I saw the entrance of the other end of the arena, four barbarians, using an iron chain steel fork, dragged a brutal humanoid monster into the arena forcibly.

The monster was angry and angry, and turned around with a roar of brazenness, and immediately an evil and brutal fatal breath, like a cold wave, immediately rushed to the audience and hit the hearts of every onlooker.

The people watching around suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, one after another, there was more than one horror, and even more people exclaimed.

"Why, how could this be something?"

"That green-skinned dwarf, using this monster as a slave, is obviously cheating!"

"Human slave girl is finished!"

While watching the crowd around, they startled and sighed, and began to bet their money on the monster that had just been dragged into the field.

Because compared to this kind of monster, even ogres are not **** and cruel.


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