The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1386: There is a devil in the north

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"What is that?"

Wang Yan frowned slightly and asked the chief appraiser Zoe next to him.

The humanoid monster that has just been dragged in, like a hyena, is lying on the ground on all fours. Its sharp claws are sharp, and its size is actually stronger than the tall and mighty barbarians!

The skin is crimson red, filled with tough elasticity like rubber. Under the skin, the muscles swelled, and the clear lines of the flesh were full of shocking explosiveness.

The most terrifying thing is that it has no eyes. The nose and mouth on the huge head are almost squeezed together. A large mouth that almost grinds to the ear is filled with sharp teeth. A long, scarlet tongue, like a snake letter, constantly captures pheromones in the air.

Wang Yan felt that this should be a kind of powerful monster that relies on perception and smell to capture living things.

Its appearance and breath revealed are very cruel and fierce. What makes Wang Yan care most is that it is full of death and darkness. This is completely different from the **** creatures that live in the realm of the Red Refining Demon King and are dominated by fire.

Wang Yan believes that this monster may not even be a beast, but rather looks like a man-eating creature from the undead.

Because Wang Yan does not feel the slightest wisdom and reason in it, only the endless killing intention and greedy hunger and thirst are like a murderous demon eager to devour flesh and blood.

Sitting in the field, Lydia silently chanting curses, at this moment, was frightened by the horrifying roar and the breath of death.

She looked up and saw the terrible monster, her eyes suddenly opened, and she took a deep breath, even the spell she said was interrupted.

However, she was determined to fight deadly, immediately forcibly dismissing her distractions, focusing on the spell again, and using her fingers on the mud in front of her, she quickly constructed.

This side stands.

"Return to Lord Demon Flame, the ghoul is a mutated evolution of the ghoul."

Zoe, who has always been indifferent to the appraiser, frowned slightly for the first time, showing a disgusted expression in his eyes. "I didn't expect that someone would bring this monster back to buy and sell, and I was really not afraid of death."

Obviously, appraiser Zoe was very disgusted with the ghoul, and he was quite scrupulous. Not only her, but almost all local residents on the scene were very worried about monsters like ghouls.

"Is the corpse monster dangerous?" Wang Yan asked casually.

He glanced roughly at the reactions of the viewers around him, and probably already had a count in his heart.

Speaking of this, Wang Yan, a ghoul, has met a lot. For example, when he was on the earth, he met the mourning banshee in the Starry Sky Academy, and in the Ice Temple, against the Black Death Demon King, he met a large army of ghouls.

Those ghouls are undead monsters infected by humans with the Black Death Demon Venerable, and then resurrected by undead magic. Their IQ is limited, but they are not afraid of death. They are full of cravings for flesh and blood. Very cruel. The disaster of all living creatures.

After those two large-scale wars, Wang Yan had heard that the magic of the undead on earth came from the world of hell. And the general strength of ghouls on the earth is not too strong, mainly to win by quantity.

After the modern era, civilization gradually became civilized, and the creation of ghouls was gradually not recognized by the Earth Super League. Therefore, the Necromancer on the earth, such as the outstanding Necromancer Gabriel, used the bones of the dead, that is, the skeleton soldiers. To replace ghoul combat.

However, the **** world of weak meat and strong food obviously has no moral bottom line on the earth. Naturally, what will make oneself stronger will take advantage of it.

This kind of ghoul that evolved from ghouls is obviously made after being artificially made, and it has evolved again. The fighting ability is no longer comparable to ordinary ghouls.

And Wang Yan thinks that if he guesses right, many intelligent races in **** will become the source of ghouls, and after a large amount of devouring flesh kernels, how terrifying this ghoul is, it is definitely not the kind of ghouls on earth. Can be compared.

Although the ghoul is now wearing a restraining collar and his strength is imprisoned at level B, the **** and brutal nature can't be concealed.

"Return to Lord Demon Flame, the ghoul is very dangerous. It is another war weapon created by another demon **** in Hell, the fallen demon Samel."

Appraiser Zoe explained with some awe and scruples, "It is rumored that the fallen demon Samel was originally the left arm and right arm of the **** of light, holding the power of life and death, and later for no reason, with his followers, Fall to the north of hell. "

"Although the followers of the fallen demon Samel are far less numerous than our purgatory devil Satan, the horror power that he used to control life and death and resurrect the dead is still rooted in our northern hell."

"The ghoul is one of the undead creatures created by the fallen demon Samel."

The appraiser Zoe thought about it and continued to explain to Wang Yan, "I heard that ghouls usually live in corpses, hate the sun, get used to infesting at night, and are extremely lethal to living creatures. And they Both the body and the skin carry the corpse poison plague. If they are touched by this monster, it will cause a large area of ​​infection, which is very difficult to entangle. "

"Master Moyan, if you want to make your human slave girl alive, this game cannot be played." Finally, the appraiser Zoe gave a reasonable suggestion out of kindness.

Not to mention that the human slave girl who has run out of light and withered, even in a state of full strength, encountering this kind of corpse eater who only knows killing and carries germs is a very risky battle.

In short, whether it is hitting it or being hit by it, there is a danger of being infected by the corpse poisonous plague, so as long as it is a living creature, no one is willing to fight this undead monster.

"I see." Wang Yan nodded slightly, and the appraiser Zoe shut her mouth immediately and retreated.

Wang Yan was indeed a bit worried about Lydia ’s safety at this time, but he did n’t want to give up so early, always let Lydia try again.

In addition, he also got an important message in his conversation with appraiser Zoe.

That is in the north of hell, there is a powerful demon Samel.

Humans know very little about the world of hell. Many records about **** are rumors and legends. With a long history, most of them are not enough to believe. Therefore, humans have almost no understanding of the overall structure of the world of **** and the division of forces blank.

Today, the China National African Affairs Bureau, the true sense of hell, fell on Wang Yan.

Before Wang Yan came from Hell, the only information he got was that the demon **** who took away Ange had a powerful dark power.

So is the hot demon Samuel, who also has a powerful dark power, which one took Uya Ange?

Whether or not this demon god, at least gave Wang Yan a big clue.


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