The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1387: Star Magic

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"The fight begins!"

At the edge of the stand, a gladiator from the black market side waved his hand and announced the start of the battle.

Watching the crowd at the scene, all subconsciously holding their breath, all focused on the center of the arena. The Goblin businessman Gascole licked his teeth with excitement, but there was a trace of tension and dignity in his eyes.

Obviously, the ghoul he just bought is a terrible creature that only knows about killing. No one can control it except the demon Samuel. At this moment, even he himself felt a little scrupulous, but as long as he could get rid of the human slave, win a lot of bets and fame, he would benefit him without any harm in the future, and the ghoul is difficult to control. That's it.

"Quick, quickly untie the chain, let's go!"

Four barbarian bodyguards have been trembling with iron chains and steel forks to restrain this brutal monster. At this time, the referee announced the start of the fighting, the four looked at each other, quickly loosened the iron chain and the steel fork, and turned to start running.

However, the last person who loosened the steel fork was still a step behind.

Just when he loosened the steel fork pinching the neck of the ghoul and turned and ran away, the murderous ghoul suddenly turned around, with his limbs on the ground, and a powerful hind foot kicked violently, just like a bouncer Big monkey, fell the strong barbarian bodyguard to the ground at once.

The powerful power is evident!

"No, don't, save ...!"

The terrified barbarian bodyguard urinate at that time. Struggling to call for help, but before screaming, the corpse monster was comparable to the big mouth of a hyena, crushing the back of his head with a single bite, and then stretched out his scarlet long tongue.

Because of the speed of this process, the barbarian bodyguard died, but his body was still twitching in pain.

And the corpse ate the brain of the barbarian bodyguard in a few bites, lifted the scythe like a scythe, and slapped the back of the barbarian bodyguard in one click. meat.

"Oh, bang!"

Continuous, harsh chewing sounds, like death knell from death, continue to spread in the field.

After swallowing fresh flesh and blood, the corpse monster's wounds on his body began to heal quickly, and a terrifying and deadly breath of death also continued to increase at this moment, terrifyingly.

The onlookers around the stands suddenly took a breath of breath, even though they were brave and militant inhabitants of hell, they were still terrified by the terrible sight in front of them.

Advocating bravery and pure killing and death are two very different things. These inhabitants of Hell who live in the great city of fire and are far away from the borders of war. Where have you seen this kind of undead monster who only knows about killing and only brings death?

One by one, while being horrified, they also started on the other side of the arena. The human female slave Lydia felt deep sympathy.

Now Lydia, who was exhausted and almost exhausted, was able to imagine the ending of this terrible monster.

"End, end, Ben, Miss Ben will be pitted alive by that **** magic flame ..."

Lydia was terrified in her heart, aside from the identity of a magician. She was just a young innocent girl. Why not be afraid of this kind of undead monster that is more horrible than evil spirits?

She was originally constructing a complex magic circle on the ground, but at this time, because of the fear in her heart, her hand shook, and a formation was destroyed, so she had to erase it again.

But the more she is, the more tense her heart is. In this almost desperate situation, it is also necessary to suppress the inner fear, restrain the trembling hands, tighten all the nerves, and make a complicated magic circle, which is very difficult. , Absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

Unknowingly, her forehead was already full of sweat. At this moment, the panic-stricken mood almost suffocated her.

She dared not ask for anything more. At this moment, she only hoped that the terrible ghoul could eat a little more flesh and blood, and give her even more time.

"Huh? This is the magic of the stars? This girl is still hiding the killer."

Wang Yan glanced at the magic array that Delia painted on the ground, and secretly sighed.

Although Wang Yan didn't understand magic and studied little, but Emmons and that long-time starry sky academy, he could be more familiar, and naturally recognized its origin.

The foundation of the Starry Sky Academy is the Starry Sky Tower, which enshrines the tears of the starry sky and once suppressed the ancient flame demon. That place can be said to be the original dean, starry sky **** Marcus Harvey, the essence of inheritance.

It is rumored that the current Dean Emmons, if he leads his team of magicians, stationed in this magic tower, and manipulates the tears of the starry sky to start a large defense, even if it is a top demi-level strongman, they will take them without any Method.

And after the Star Tower was launched, under the control of Emmons and his team of magicians, the role was not only defense, but also a map cannon that could ignite the magic of the stars.

The power is so great that even Wang Yan ’s master Yan Zun dared not take it hard. Other demigod-level strongmen who saw such a magical building could only turn around without any temper.

Such awe-inspiring defensive measures are the power of star magic.

At this time, Lydia was writing and drawing on the ground, which was a circle, a rune, and a geometric figure. At some nodes, there were magic crystal coins full of energy.

This small magic array is somewhat similar to certain patterns inside that starry sky tower, so Wang Yan recognized it.

The ancient inheritance system of the Starry Academy, apart from the ordinary magic of various departments, the real core is actually the star magic inherited from the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey.

According to Wang Yan's understanding, the so-called star magic is also called starry sky magic, planetary magic. In other words, it can be understood as an arcane magic that uses the rules of the universe of heaven and earth.

So what is the power of the universe? As a simple example, the radiant energy emitted by the sun, the tide fluctuations caused by the moon, the revolution and rotation of planets, and even the dimensions in space and the gravity between planets, etc., are all cosmic forces from nature.

This is a seemingly partial door, but in fact omnipresent occult magic. If the theory of China Eastern is used, it is the universal theory of the five elements of heaven, earth and earth, which interact with each other and endlessly.

The ways and means of using the universe of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere in China. The five techniques of Taoism, mountain, medicine, life, appearance, and uniformity all involve this cosmic force.

Not only Chinese Taoists, such as the Druids, are very good at using this natural force. For example, Druid ’s Moonfire, Sun Flame, Star Fall and other magics are just a kind of star magic using planetary power. In addition, they will use the gravity between the planets and the tides caused by the moon to maintain the balance of the forest ecosystem. This is also a method of using the power of the cosmic stars.

As another example, the Prophet Saladin on Earth, his ancestor King Solomon, is also a master of using this star power.

He is using the corresponding position and operation rules of the universe planets to induce the enchantment of the planetary power to seal and drive the **** lord and even the **** demon!

This also made him the first person in the history of the earth to control the **** demon.


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