The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1388: Girl, are you hanging?

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The latecomer Marcus Harvey, the star **** of the sky, achieved nothing less than King Solomon or some famous Druids.

The greatness of the star **** Marcus Harvey lies in the spirit of inquiry into the true meaning of magic.

He not only made an in-depth study of the seal technique of King Solomon, and various departments of magic, but later edited the profound magical relationship between star magic, this nature, the universe, and personal spiritual cognition into a very rigorous ancient Subject.

This kind of research has become the star magic that has been handed down to this day, and this system has also become the foundation of the establishment of the Star Academy.

It is a pity that this ancient heritage is very profound, and often requires a very high level of understanding and qualifications in order to understand the profound truth. By now, the star magic that has spread to Emmons and even the entire Star Academy has gradually fallen into decline.

Now Wang Yan saw Lidia was constructing a magic array of star magic, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Wang Yan knows the power of star magic. Among them, the gate of stars that can be transmitted through planes, is Emerson's profound research skills, and it is also the main reason why he is being exploited by the China National Security Bureau.

Now Lydia is young, and she has actually practiced the magic of the stars, and at this juncture of despair, this trick must be the last killer.

How powerful it is, Wang Yan is not yet clear, but it will definitely be a wonderful blow!

"Wow, wow!"

At the end of the arena, the ghoul swallowed the internal organs of the barbarian bodyguards and the large flesh on the back of the spine in a few bites. This was only slightly satisfied. Then his head was flicked, and a large piece of plasma humus was just thrown from its big mouth Everywhere.

The thick **** atmosphere began to spread in the gladiatorial arena, and the atmosphere at the scene changed into a shame.

"Hurray ..."

The ghoul slowly lifted his neck, his long tongue was exposed, his nose fluttered, and a brutal, brutal bark came out of his throat. It looks as if relying on the smell in the air, looking for the new prey it is about to devour.

Watching the crowd around, suddenly whispered, necking one by one, the atmosphere did not dare to give more. Especially those who were close to the edge of the stands, all instinctively retracted their necks, fearing that they would provoke the terrible corpse monster below.

Just kidding, this terrible monster, die next to each other, and die, even if it can't die, it will be infected by the corpse poisonous plague, and then cause a serious illness.

That is to say, no matter what the situation, as long as it is touched, it can kill half of life. The scene was just some ordinary residents, who dared not get close to such monsters by lending them some courage.

Lydia also dared not to say that there are a few girls under the world, not afraid of such ugly and cruel, undead monsters like evil spirits?

Besides, this ghoul is not as simple as ugly, it can be said that it is the embodiment of death and terror.

However, Lydia now has no choice but to tighten her nerves, forcing her inner fear and tension to quickly complete her formation.

If it can succeed, there is still a ray of life, if it fails ...

at this time.

The ghoul suddenly cracked the corners of his mouth, and slowly pointed his head without eyes at Lydia, who was still sitting on the ground.


Deep in the throat of the corpse monster, a bellow like a bellows grows, and the ugly corner of his mouth rises like a smile, like a hunting dog locked in prey, with a greedy drool, walking towards the prey.

The atmosphere instantly solidified.

All the onlookers around them all widened their eyes, following the pace of the ghoul, and moving towards Lydia.

The corpse monster's sharp **** claws rubbed against the ground, making a scratching sound like a scratching ear. And its low roar sounds as if it is near the ear, constantly forcing the chill of death into people's hearts.

The air was filled with the smell of rancidity and fresh blood, and all the people around me subconsciously held their breath. Even the owner of the ghoul, Gospel merchant Gascol, was secretly excited and felt a bitter chill.

Lydia, who was getting closer to the ghoul, had a heartbeat like a drum, sweat fell from her forehead, and her spine was wet.

At this moment, she felt the fear she had never had before, and for the first time she felt so close to death. It was also at this moment that her spirit reached the concentration she had never had before.

This kind of concentration that has never been seen before, if used in the Chinese Taoist term, is called meditation, it is the ideal state of high concentration of spirit before casting.

Perhaps it was because of the oppression from death, or the accumulation of the first six battles, and the large amount of adrenaline secreted. At this moment, Lydia's body was trembling, and her heart felt spontaneously panic, but she relied on it. With this mental state focused on a high degree of concentration, I finally completed the sinking starry magic array in front of me in a breathless manner!

As the last magic crystal coin full of pure energy fell to the designated position, based on the small six-pointed star, and then combined with the complex magic array of planets and space-time signs, it was completely connected.

At this time, the not-so-large magic array immediately revealed a feeling of natural innateness, and every symbol and every stroke seemed to be innately integrated and inseparable.

At this moment, Lydia put another magic crystal coin in the palm of her hand and silently read the spell: "The glory of the sun, the guidance of the moon, on the dark road, shining the brilliant road of stars ... … "


With a slight trembling, the magic crystal full of pure energy in Lydia's hands, and the small magic array in front of him, all lit up with a brilliant blue light, just like the bright stars in the night sky.

"This, this is ..."

All the onlookers at the scene were amazed, their eyes widened, and they stayed in place.

Even Wang Yan, a confusing lord like Hell, took a deep breath at this moment and sighed in amazement: "What a pure magic!"

"It's beautiful, like starlight."

On the other side, the brutal master of the county, as well as the appraiser Zoe and the Succubus, all opened their eyes, one by one.

With such pure and gentle magical energy, almost all the inhabitants of the lively **** on the scene have never met.

"Awesome ..." Wang Yan at the edge of the stand couldn't help but sigh at this moment, "This little girl, did you hang up?"

He can be sure that the previous Lydia has reached the point of exhaustion, but at this moment, with the magic crystal coin, it recovered a little bit of magic power in a short time, plus the small magic circle arranged with the magic crystal coin, It just inspired such a powerful magical energy.

The key to this magical energy is that it can be so pure and gentle. Even a famous magician who has been studying arcane magic all his life, I am afraid that he can't gather so much rich pure energy in a short time.

"It is worthy of being the granddaughter of Emmons. In the end, Star Academy is a famous ancient heritage."

Seeing this scene, Wang Yan couldn't help but be in the dark. With all the performances he has seen so far, the young Lydia, alone with this qualification and solid foundation, is enough to rank in the forefront of the young abilities of the earth!


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