The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1389: Stars shine

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However, Wang Yan sighed so much that Lydia did n’t go to the last youth conference because she was young, and because Emmons had some babies, afraid that her granddaughter would be injured.

Otherwise, based on her top qualifications and such a solid repair, it will definitely shine in that conference.

Although the combat capability in the true sense is based on qualification and repair, there is still a little difference. If you have strength, you will not use it, and you may not win your opponent. But now after Wang Yan's series of oppression and training, Lydia's fighting instinct is completely inspired.

Now she already understands what fighting is. From the standpoint of fighting ability, she has already outperformed herself in the past by not knowing how much.


In the arena, as the air trembles slightly, Delia guides the magical glory that has gathered, and begins to grow thicker.

The bright blue brilliance, like the starlight at night, is pure and peaceful, full of the atmosphere of the vast universe.

At this time, Lydia was hardly aware of the outside world. She held the magic crystal coin in her mouth and chanted words. The magic power that she constantly guided and gathered was also at this moment.

The pure and rich magic energy has rapidly increased from the previous amazing level to a huge and amazing point.

Looking around the crowd, everyone glared. Even the partners around Wang Yan who had reached the legendary level were shocked by this. They all sighed in their hearts. How could a human slave girl suppressed to the B level by his power gather such a high intensity magic energy come out?

Relative to them, Wang Yan is no stranger to this, because magicians are such a magical profession. As long as they are given enough time and preparation, they can often exert their power far beyond their own strength levels.

Like the Taoist monks on Earth, they all pay attention to borrowing power from heaven and earth and the laws of the universe to gain great power. In fact, the reason why they can do this is that, apart from the identity of the abilities, they are more like a learned scholar. Their research and understanding of the laws of heaven and earth can far exceed that of ordinary superpowers.

"Aoluo ... roar!"

Perhaps it was because of the huge threat that the ghoul hunched up and groaned anxiously.

With its head without eyes, it stared fiercely at Lydia in the front, and after wandering a few steps left and right with scrutiny, suddenly burst into a roar and rushed towards Lydia with all four legs.

The onlookers in the surrounding stands suddenly lifted their breaths to their throats, watching the scene that suddenly erupted in front of them.

The ghoul groaned with a brutal "huh huh", every time he ran, the thick and sharp long claws would be deeply buckled into the rough rocky ground, making the sound of scratching and rough.

It is very cunning by nature. It does not look like a normal ghoul. When it sees its prey, it rushes upward without thinking. Instead, it looks like a cheetah and walks around left and right, as if looking for the most suitable attack point.


When the corpse rushed to tens of meters to the left of Lydia, he suddenly made a sharp turn, kicking his hind foot, like a beast of food, opened his brutal mouth to his ear, and faced him head-on. Lydia scuttled.

This is a typical tactic of attacking the west, pretending to attack from the left, and then using a dexterous body, suddenly making a sharp turn. This trick is enough to make anyone who is afraid of it tremble, caught by surprise.

However, Lydia remained immobile, and despite the intense sweat, she was sliding from her forehead, but she kept her composure. At this critical moment, she chanted the final spell.

"In the name of the contract, respond to my call, gather your strength, turn it into a sacred weapon, and turn the enemy into dust ... flash! The eternal light of the stars!"

At this point, Lydia suddenly lifted her firm face.

Although the ghoul almost rushed in front of her at that time, the big, toothy mouth was almost biting on her cheek, and the thick **** odor smelled in the face, straight into the nose.

But for Lydia at this moment, she has no sense of fear, or is too late to fear. At this time, she only misses one thing, that is, to cast her long-prepared magic completely!


With a clear air thunder, the small magic array in front of Lydia suddenly increased in light. All the magical radiance that seemed like a starlight, all guided by some mysterious power, converged into a little, and finally all bet on Lydia's palm On the magic crystal coin.

At the same time, this magical radiance suddenly refracted, just like the magic crystal coin in Lydia's palm, emitting a beam of laser light, flashing across everyone's eyes in an instant.


The thunder came only after the lightning flashed. After everyone saw a bright flash of light at the scene, he heard the rumbling muffled sound from a distance outside the venue.

How could the roar of magic explosions come from outside the venue? The flash just now, is it really an attack magic?

Also, what happened to the ghouls and human slaves at the moment?

A series of surprise questions began to erupt in the minds of all the people on the scene. People can't wait to look back at the track of the beam and hurriedly turned back to the center of the meeting place.

I saw that the corpse monster who had jumped into the air and was flying like a stinky skin sac that had lost its soul, slowly deviated from the original trajectory, and fell from Lydia's side, and fell straight to the ground. So far I haven't been able to move more.

"Why, what's going on?"

"This food, ghoul ..."


The smelly blood splashed on the ground, reminding the audience on the spot what had just happened. The audience immediately looked at the situation and took a breath.

It turned out that the ghoul was actually penetrated into the body at the moment when the light just flashed.

At this time, the body of the corpse monster left a clear trace of the beam passing through the body.

Obviously, the light beam penetrated from its mouth, so its chin was bombarded. Then the light beam passed through its esophagus, entered the stomach, burned its internal organs, and then shattered the vertebrae. , A hole in the size of a fist was made directly on its lower back, and it traversed straight out.

At this point, the fierce and gruesome corpse monster, under the blow of Lydia, instant kill!

There was silence at the scene, everyone's eyes widened unbelievably.

In their eyes, this human slave has been suppressed only with B-level strength, and still in exhaustion, it is impossible to survive under the minions of the ghoul.

But the fact is that not only did the human slave girl not die, she was able to release such a powerful beam of energy in an instant. This ... is terrible!

However, even more horrifying things are yet to come.


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