The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1390: Future Forbidden Mage

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"Look, look there!"

"God, **** ... my god!"

As a bystander exclaimed, people followed the trajectory of the beam of light and looked towards the end of the arena. I saw a fist-sized hole in the wall below the grandstand.

You should know that this arena is cast according to tradition, made of solid blocks of heavy and hard volcanic rock. But at the moment, the hole left by the light beam can be clearly seen. The magic light beam seems to cut into the hot knife of butter, and instantly penetrated the four thick walls inside and outside the arena.

Not only that, but the beam was not castrated and hit the wall of the cave 100 meters away from the arena. And on that wall, a huge hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters was left!

The smoke lingered above the pothole, as if melted by the heat.

Such tremendous destructive power shocked all the onlookers at the scene.

Lydia's stunning performance time and time again is really beyond their imagination. These inhabitants of Hell from the City of Liuhuo simply can't understand how a young human girl who seems to be weak and weak can have such great power in a small body!

"My majesty, boss, are you a human slave girl, too scary?" The confessed lord forcibly wiped the sweat from his forehead. This scene in front of him made him startled.

His eyes widened, staring blankly at the huge hole that was melted, and he was horrified to realize that the human female slave Lydia, but wearing a suppressor, was suppressed to only the domain level. If this human slave girl, with her half-step legendary strength, cast such a spell, wouldn't even the legendary level of him be penetrated by one blow?

At the thought of this, the confusing lord could not help but be shocked, and now no longer dare to look down on the seemingly weak human beings.

"She, how did she do it?"

"Probably the only flaw is that the operation is cumbersome and requires time to accumulate, otherwise the destructive power of a single round is really so scary!"

Feeling the same, there is the brutal master of the county beside Wang Yan, and the chief appraiser Zoe. At this moment, the two were speechless, eyes full of incredible expressions.

Through the holes in the wall of the gladiator, they looked at the big hole in the rock wall still in smoke, and their hearts were filled with consternation.

Speaking of them, they are all born and born **** races, they think that they are better than the distant humans on the earth. But at the moment, this new world view is sturdily refreshed.

At present, their strength is one level higher than Lydia, and they can naturally use their strength to crush Lydia. But if this Lydia also reached the legendary level? By that time, how much fighting ability can this Lydia play? At this time, they have completely exceeded their imagination.

"Master, this Lydia, is better than we expected." The succubus beside Wang Yan was stunned and murmured.

She also had several ties with Lydia, but at this time she was amazed by Lydia's potential. At this time Lydia's full display was far beyond her expectations.

Apart from being amazed, she couldn't help but whisper to Wang Yan: "This should be an ancient heritage from the Starry Sky Academy, but it seems that the attack magic requires a lot of conditions, and Lydia has reached the limit, no longer Fighted. "

Wang Yan nodded seemingly indifferently, but in fact his heart was already quite shocked and amazed.

Secret B level can release magic with such power, so if she advances to S level legendary level? Wouldn't it be possible to cast a banned spell?

Terrible, it is terrible! How terrible a forbidden mage is, I believe it has been inscribed in the hearts of all superpowers on earth.

At the thought of this, Wang Yan was excited, and there was a trace of excitement in his heart.

The earth magicians and Chinese Taoist monks are very good at borrowing power. How much can we borrow from the universe of heaven and earth? That's not low, it's all about personal cultivation and ability.

The move just made by Lydia, as well as Wang Yan's friend and the thunder spell exhibited by Zhang Weidao, a small teacher, belong to the category of borrowing.

If according to their true strength, they can't actually cast such powerful attacking spells, but the borrowing is different. Once the power of the world is used, the tricks that are often displayed will be extremely destructive.

Even superpowers like Wang Yan occasionally use this, such as Wang Yan igniting volcanoes, manipulating fire elements and so on.

Of course, super-powerful people like Wang Yan used the borrowing tricks they exhibited based on their personal talents and the affinity of laws, but magicians and priests like Lydia and Zhang Weidao are different. After studying these, some magicians and priests have developed such powerful tricks as forbidden curse and forbidden technique under the long accumulation of history.

Some individual forbidden techniques are so powerful that developers are afraid to use them easily. Because the destructive power is too great, it will certainly cause large-scale casualties and damage to the environment.

But what if you are in a **** world and face an opponent who has to fight?

With such a thought, Wang Yan couldn't help but get excited.

If Lydia can be promoted to class S as soon as possible, and after mastering one or two curses, wouldn't the human side represented by Wang Yan be equivalent to holding a powerful nuclear bomb?

When the time comes, even if you encounter a powerful opponent like Master Yanhu again, once the ban is passed, even if it won't die, you will definitely let the other party drink a pot.

And Wang Yan is confident that, with him and his companions, he can definitely fight for Lydia's time to release the ban.

"I'm very satisfied with Lydia's performance. Today, she doesn't need to fight anymore." Wang Yan gave the voice of recognition for the first time from Lydia's fight to the present.

Just kidding, at this point, she hasn't reached the limit, that is, she's going against the sky, and Wang Yan is estimated to be terrified.

"The winner, the human female slave Lydia!" The black referee on the sidelines was also shocked. When he recovered, he announced Lydia's victory loudly.

The magic crystal coin held in Lydia's hand also slammed into a gray fly ash.

In front of her, the six magic crystal coins used as an angle have also become bleak. Obviously, most of the internal energy has been consumed, and the value has been greatly reduced.


Lydia just wanted to struggle to get up, but she was exhausted, unable to make any effort, and the energy seemed to be emptied. She fell down in the dark.

But before she fainted, she glanced hard at Wang Yan and raised her middle finger. At the same time, she fainted to the ground in the next moment, unconscious.

Wang Yan and the succubus beside him couldn't help but twitched, secretly, "This girl is really stubborn ..."

After seeing all of them, the confusing Lord couldn't help but ask curiously: "Boss, Boss, what does that **** mean?"

Wang Yan was ashamed again, but then he patted the shoulders of the bewildered and replied: "Well? You think you can raise your **** to your father, you know."


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