The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1396: If you have money, you can do whatever you want

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Master Moyan is sucking her sister again?

This thought, like a thunder, instantly hit the head of the cruel county master.

She looked at Wang Yan and appraiser Zoe with grievances, almost crying out of breath.

Sure enough, her magic flame master was picking up the girl again, and still trying hard. You see, a lot of magic crystal coins are stuck in the arms of other people. This is not the succubus, what is it doing?

"Woo ..." The cruel master of the cruelty was crying for a while, and she secretly lamented in her heart, how could her cruel love path be so hard?

But Ling hasn't crossed the door of her main palace, and her demon flame master has started to look for the female slave Xiaosan, and picked up the appraisal girl. Isn't it just like the arrogant confessed lord, that it is natural for men to find a harem?

On the other side, the Lord of Confusion also whispered quietly after appraiser Zoe suddenly realized something.

Immediately took a deep breath of exclamation and secretly sighed in his heart: "The boss is worthy of being the boss, this trick is really seconds!"

I took some low-level equipment, borrowed the name of the fixed item, and secretly put a lot of money to the appraiser Zoe, which showed my generosity and at the same time, in the invisible, the skin-appearing appraiser , Plucked a blushing red face, glamorous.

This trick has to be said, it is really wonderful!

"Wealth can really do whatever we want." At this time, the confusing lord looked aside and was so fascinated and emotional.

Look at the momentum of the boss and the big brother, the skill of the younger sister, and the qualifications of hard money, and as a younger brother, he is really beyond the reach.

However, as the youngest brother of the boss, the confusing lord is still very proud.

He felt that as long as he followed his boss well, he would be able to stand out sooner or later. When the time comes ... Hum, he must become a big devil with money, potential and harem. When he sees his favorite girl, he smashes it with money!

"Hey, hey ..." Lord Chew thought about it for a while, and for his better future, he got up on his own.

It was a little unexpected to take care of Lydia ’s succubus. With a smile in her eyes, she glanced at her master Wang Yan and the appraiser Zoe on her side.

Her eyes are naturally charming and rich in content. At first glance, not only does Wang Yan feel a little embarrassed, but it also makes Zoe's pretty face redder.

But she was not surprised at all. Her master Wang Yan, but the man who can lie down to the sister when lying down, is a white and beautiful eagle body demon.

"Cough." Wang Yan coughed lightly, and he was embarrassed now.

He was only interested in the professional quality and personal quality of the appraiser Zoe.

This Zoe was born in the underground black market, and was able to climb into the position of the chief appraiser of this underground black market as a slave. She has to say that her talent and firm state of mind are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wang Yan also appreciates her very much. People with such talents and excellent qualities will achieve certain achievements no matter where they are. If they can be nurtured, there will definitely be more than that in the future.

Therefore, just now, Wang Yan felt that since he wanted to cultivate certain forces and gain a firm foothold in the world of hell, there must be a place where she needs help next. If such a talent can help him, he will have a lot of effort left .

But who ever thought, but he just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get in touch with each other, but who knows that this is the situation now.

Now he just wanted to explain, and it was impossible to explain.

Alas, big head, really big head, he has a lot of money now, is this also wrong?

"That, Miss Zoe, don't think about it in advance, I have something to ask."

Wang Yan did n’t want to get too entangled in this kind of thing, so he turned to the topic and asked, “I heard from you before that I seem to have some understanding of the other two demon gods in hell. Can you tell me about the other two demon gods? Happening?"

Wang Yan heard some key words during Zoe's identification process. If he can learn more about the other two demon gods at this time, then the next plan to find Ange can provide one more guarantee.

"I've heard it a little bit." Appraiser Zoe, seeing the high-ranking Lord of the Demon Flames, didn't look at her again, and his heart was indeed less nervous, but there were some small losses.

In front of him, this handsome and majestic demon lord is not only of pure blood and magnificent, but also of high price and generous. The most important thing is that he has a peaceful attitude towards the people around him, and even a female slave does not mean to look down.

Such a lofty and perfect person, who can act like this, is really something that these low-level residents dare not think about. If you put this demon flame Lord in front of the eagles who she knows and lives in a tree house, they will definitely become the objects of their lifetime.

She looked at the human female slave Lydia who was lying beside Wang Yan, still sleeping, and she felt a sense of envy in her heart.

The series of fierce fighting just now may not be understood by others, but her Zoe did.

In that series of gladiatorial battles, the Demon Lord seems to be abusing Lydia, but in fact is teaching her how to respond and become stronger. And the magical thought of Lord Lord of Flames still keeps her locked in the dark, which clearly protects her in the dark.

Such a move is a blessing in the eyes of some mistresses.

Take Zoe herself as an example. All her achievements now depend on her little effort to accumulate. How much blood and sweat she spent in the process can be imagined.

When she was young, in order to be able to protect herself, she worked hard to practice, and whenever she encountered difficulties, she wanted to have a big person like Lord Mo Yan, who could rely on her and give her guidance.

However, this human slave girl who was fancy by Master Moyan not only did not know Master Moyan's goodness, but also did not follow Master Moyan's intentions. She really did not know the blessing in the blessing. She did not know that she would become a female slave in hell. How much suffering will be faced.

Forget it, this blessing is also the blessing of others.

Thinking of this, appraiser Zoe would dissipate the useless thoughts in his mind and began to seriously answer the questions raised by Wang Yan.

"I can tell you what I know, back to Lord Mo Yan, but the other two demon gods are very mysterious, rarely present, and the outside world knows very little, and all we can understand is the fur of hearsay."

"It doesn't matter, you just say it." Wang Yan lifted her chin and motioned to continue.

The appraiser Zoe nodded, and soon told all the related stories and legends she knew without reservation.


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