The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1397: It ’s him who hurts the devil

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Appraiser Zoe deserves to be born and raised in the underground black market, and has been hitting the black market elite all the way. According to a saying on the earth, the life she has experienced is far more social than the average person.

Over the years and months, the people and things she contacts are very complicated, and even Wang Yan sighs.

It is for this reason that the underground black market with mixed fish and dragons, the complicated people from the south and the north, and the huge information network brought by them are far richer and more exciting than the news rumors circulating on the market.

Wang Yan listened and listened, but could not help frowning slightly. As a human from the earth, he not only sighed, **** is really a very old, very huge, and very dangerous complex world.

The scope of his exploration is now very large. It took a full week from Chilian Huze to Liuhuo City. Even with such a large range, it is only a small part of the devil's collar ruled by Chilian Demon King. If compared with the area controlled by the three demon gods, but the tip of the iceberg.

No, not even the tip of the iceberg, not even a drop in the sea.

In such a big world, there are primitive and wild, uninhabited areas full of poisonous malaria and water, I don't know how many. It is impossible to count the number of ancient tribes and private armed forces that could not be hidden during this period. As the Yanhu dominates, the old monsters who dominate one side are even more unknown.

This is just a small force in some places. The official power with absolute authority is the three-party **** domain ruled by the three devil gods.

The three gods almost cover all the land except for a few uninhabited uninhabited areas. The resources, population, and many high-end technologies under control are endless.

It's far from who it is. With one's own strength, you can overthrow or touch the behemoth.

Therefore, it may be more difficult to find and take away the disappearing Ange in this condition than Wang Yan thought at first.

But Wang Yan has made up his mind and will never give up.

According to the introduction of appraiser Zoe, he can roughly understand that the demon **** that occupies the southeast side is really the supreme **** of the Purgatory Demon Race, the Satan of the Purgatory Demon God.

Satan, the purgatory demon god, and the purgatory demon clan belong to the native races of the world of hell, and are the original rulers here. Therefore, they ruled the largest area and occupied the largest population and race, which can be said to be the most powerful of the three devil gods.

But no matter how powerful it is, it can't stand the constant erosion of the other two parties. Therefore, the other two forces of the Demon God have always been Satan, the Infernal Demon God, and the Inferno Demon Clan in the eyes and thorns in the flesh. For a long time, the forces of the Devil God Satan have been waiting for opportunities to find opportunities to eradicate the other two Demon Gods in one fell swoop, unifying the entire world of hell.

The other of the two remaining demon gods brought undead magic and created undead creatures such as ghouls, occupying the fallen demon Samel in the northern world of hell.

This demon is very mysterious, and few people have personally seen his true face. However, through the rumors heard by appraiser Zoe, it can be known that this fallen demon comes from the realm of light, and was once the influential master of the Holy See on the earth, and also the left and right hand of the father of light.

According to Wang Yan's speculation, the God of Light should be a world similar to hell, and the Lord God is the famous Father of Light.

And the strength of this fallen demon **** may only be worse than that of the bright father. As for why he would take his subordinates and move to the world of hell, perhaps because of the power struggle between the two tigers in one mountain. It is also possible that the problem is with the fallen demon Samel himself.

In short, in the ancient war years, the fallen demon led his subordinates and moved to hell, monopolizing the northern part of hell.

The area of ​​the God Territory he controls may be slightly smaller than the other two Devil Gods. But the power he controlled was death and dark magic opposite to light, and it was terrible.

Therefore, this fallen demon domain ruled by the demon **** gradually became a forbidden place for all living things, and no one dared to get close easily.

The last demon **** is also very mysterious, and is said to be older than Satan, the purgatory demon.

As for why he came to hell, and how to establish the Dark Demon Realm, no one knows. It was as if one day, he suddenly appeared in the world of hell, and then with a big hand, he forcibly harvested a large area.

His actions are very strong and domineering, and his shots are also very fierce, so the outside world also called this dark demon Mamen, respected as the Scorpion Emperor.

The Scorpion Emperor is a demon god, but he is also a centralized imperial ruler. At present, the entire southwest world of **** has been included in the territory of the dark demon domain.

Compared to Anju Yiju, the fallen Demon God Samel who was waiting for an opportunity, the Devil Scorpion Emperor and the various legions under his staff, most made Satan the Purgatory Demon God have a headache.

Because of his aggressiveness, it may be second only to the Devil God Satan and the battle race purgatory in Hell.

"Huh, boss, it's not me who said that the fallen demon Samuel, the dark demon Mamen, are a bunch of cowards. They dare to harass at the border, and whenever our main army of purgatory demon clan arrives, they all run I ca n’t even see the ghost shadow, so I dare not fight us head-on. "

The deluded lord snorted dismissively, just like some **** youths on the earth, a sense of national pride, spontaneously emerged on his face.

Although he is a desolate lord, he is also a member of the Purgatory Demon Clan, and he does not want to show weakness to the enemy forces.

It can also be seen from this that the long-term accumulation of grudges and racial contradictions among the three devil gods of the **** world have long been entrenched and cannot be resolved peacefully.

Wang Yan is not in the inner grudges of the world of hell, but just thinking about which demon **** took Uya Ange and the reason for taking Ange, is it really about Ange's life experience, or is there something else?

Because Wang Yan found that after coming to hell, most of the information collected on the earth was wrong.

Now if we can make this clear, we may be able to find Ange's whereabouts more quickly.

"Boss, I have a hunch that the pattern of our hell, during this **** meeting, there will definitely be a big change." The confessed Lord did not know where to hear the rumors, this time behind the appraiser Zoe , The old **** was saying, "Boss, we will form a team this time. When he arrives at the **** meeting, he will definitely be able to break the team of the two demon gods.

"As Lord Chiu said, this time there may really be a big change."

Appraiser Zoe looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Don't hide Lord Moyan, our demon **** Satan was injured, but the other two demon gods don't seem to be much better."

"What? Lord Satan, our purgatory demon, was injured?"

Hearing this news, both the Lord of the Confusion and the Lord of the Abuse were somewhat surprised.

Wang Yan also opened his eyes deliberately deliberately, making a look of surprise. In fact, his heart was calm.

Because the devil **** Satan is the culprit who broke an arm, it is him.


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