The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1398: your Highness

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Demon God Satan has multiple injuries. Wang Yan doesn't care at all. He can't wait to be a life-and-death rival. The more important the injury is.

What surprised him now is that the other two Demon Gods also seem to have some problems.

This may be a long-term infighting, which has consumed their power, or other things may have happened, making them like the devil Satan, the strength of the severely injured.

In short, for a long time, the relatively calm world of **** seems to have finally reached the zero boundary point. It is very likely that this time the **** conference will become an opportunity for a new round of outbreaks.

The three demon gods and the forces of all parties are bound to let go at this moment, so to what extent the new turmoil caused by this will expand, I am afraid they are not what they can predict now.

A group of people came here to chat, and this club also delivered delicious food.

Although he was not accompanied by a maid according to the requirements, the intimate black market, in order to serve Wang Yan, the big brother, still got a singing and dancing band to dance and cheer on the side.

At this point Wang Yan also signaled to drink and pastime, not to talk about these.

As a result, everyone raised their glasses.


Just when Wang Yan and several companions, at sunset, while enjoying fine wine and food, while enjoying the singing and dancing performances provided by the black market.

Far from the other side of hell, where the dawn of a new day has just ushered in.

That's right, this is the southwestern world of hell, the dark demon hinterland ruled by the Demon Scorpion Mamen.

At this time the dim and gloomy sky had just turned white. The faint light of the morning dawn showed through the wisps of faint clouds that seemed to be living creatures, and spattered to the ground with weakness.

There was a rusty smell of haze and humidity in the air, like a weapon decayed in the soil, and like the cold smell of blood after wetting the earth.

In short, this is a dangerous and icy breath, as if under the sky is an ancient battlefield where countless corpses are buried, gloomy and solemn.

As the dark clouds and dense fog in the air continued to dissipate in the morning light, a tall and majestic tall building that could not help holding your breath gradually appeared in this gorge with iron blood.

The canyon is less than a thousand meters deep and steep. The torrent rushed at the bottom, with a raging roar, all the way forward. On both sides of the canyon, the rocks are dark and the ground is red, as if soaked in blood, buried in corpses, and there is a very stressful atmosphere everywhere.

At the upper end of such a precipitous canyon, a dark, arc-shaped arcade column, a temple-like structure that is incomparably strong, is squatting at both ends of the canyon.

This temple palace is like a dark lonely mountain, towering high. Among them, the outer corridor columns are very impressive, each one is thick and majestic, up to 100 meters! The arc-shaped dome covering the sky and the sun above it resembles a fierce poisonous scorpion, and it occupies the top.

This majestic spirit from the building alone is enough to make people awkward and respectful. If an ordinary human standing at the foot of this palace, I am afraid that he would feel as small as a grain of rice.

In addition, the whole body of this palace is made of a dark stone like metal and jade. The whole building is tightly connected and seamless, and under the thin sunrise, the palace wall can not be seen at a glance like a mountain, exuding the icy cold. luster.

This cold and bleak, as if from a very deep darkness, not only adds a mysterious and solemn atmosphere to this poison scorpion palace.

At this time, in the inner palace of this majestic palace, a beautiful woman dressed in a black gauze dress with a cool look, and a beautiful long-tailed tail standing upside down, was sitting on a luxurious bed edge.

She sat so quietly, holding a photo with Wang Yan in her hand. Looking at the photos, the two smiling and funny, her beautiful eyes, full of indescribable loneliness.

That's right, this stunning beauty with arthropod tail thorns is exactly what Wang Yan wants to break into **** alone at any cost, looking for her lover, Wu Ya Ange.

The old servant who led her into the world of **** did not lie to her.

Now this grand majestic palace belongs to her alone. Her status and power now far exceed her own imagination.

However, the situation was urgent at that time. In order to enter hell, she did not leave any clues on the earth. Even in the letter left to Wang Yan, except for the farewell content, all other information was false.

Because there are also many branches of believers on the earth who believe in the power of hell, if they accidentally leak the news, it is likely to lead to the half-way robbery of the enemy forces. Even if she is protected by the old **** servant, she may not be able to retreat.

"Actually, it's okay ..." Wuya Ange muttered silently in his heart.

If there is no clue, then Wang Yan will not be able to come to her. Unable to come to her, it means that Wang Yan does not need to come to **** to involve her in danger because of her.

The struggle here is fierce and far more cruel than on earth, let alone her, even the supreme devil cannot be avoided.

Since then, I can no longer meet Wang Yan, which may be a good thing for him.

Wuya Ange meditation in her heart, at least for the next time, no matter whether she encountered any ups and downs crisis, even if it fell, she can calm down.

At least, Wang Yan is safe.

Wuya Ange thought a bit lonely. For her, at least Wang Yan's safety can be guaranteed, which is enough.

Despite this thought and farewell, it made her unbearable and made her speechless.

The air around him seemed to be influenced by the emotions of Uya Ange. It became lonely and quiet, without a sound.

at this time.

In front of Wuya Ange, there was a silent, dense black ink mist, suddenly born out of thin air.

Soon, the black mist expanded to a degree, began to contract, and finally gradually showed the shape of a human body.

"His Royal Highness, time is up." There was an old but kind voice in the black mist.

At this time, it can be seen that an interracial old man, who seems to be hiding in the black mist with only a small half of his face, gradually emerges from the mist.

His skin was pale and pale, his forehead seemed to have horns, and his double pupils were two groups of breathtaking golden awns.

This hidden, yet very low-key alien old man is the old **** servant Water who greeted Uya Ange to the world of hell.

He faithfully assisted the dark demon Mamen, not knowing how many scenes. Now he came to Wuya Ange and became Wu Yaan's personal servant, as well as Ange's future growth guide.

"I know."

Wuya Ange put away the photos and got up quietly.

Now her hair is longer, and her face seems to be thinner, but she is in a devilish spirit, restrained and pure, even if it is only a slight breath inadvertently, it is like a deadly poisonous snake that just sticks her head With a strong sense of danger.

If Wang Yan was beside her at the moment, it would be obvious at a glance.

At this time, Wuya Ange finally broke through the shackles and reached the legendary S level! And compared to the past, she seemed more mature and a little more glamorous at this time.

It's just that the loneliness and loneliness between the eyebrows are always lingering.


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